O is for Open Up

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  • Dedicated to GeekySnowflake and IOjelsaOI

THank you to the two people who tried to help me. Reading your comments gave me this idea. I dont know how it just did. So thank you!!!!!

Violet sat alone in her room. Her mind played through the events that had happened earlier that week and what awaited her at school tomorrow. For the hundredth time the string of events replayed in her mind again.
She was walking through the hallways of the school. She turned the corner and saw Tony, her boyfriend, mid make out session with Veronica.

Wilbur walked Violet to school on Monday. They had even best friends since they were small children. She was quiet as Wilbur told her about how he and Carl pulled the "greatest" prank on his family. He stopped telling the story and noticed she wasn't listening.
"Vi?" He asked,"are you okay?"

"Oh. Yeah. Just distracted." She told him as she looked up at him and smiled trying to convince him that. She wanted to tell him. Tell him everything. Spill her secrets out to him but she couldn't. More or less, wouldn't. She wanted to tell him about Tony and Veronica but she wouldn't. She wouldn't open up and tell him. She never had before. Why start now?
"Okay Vi. Is there anything you want to tell me?" He asked concerned.
::yes:: she thought.
 "no." She told him.
"Okay. No harm in asking." He told her. He knew something was wrong but he knew her better than anyone. If she wanted to tell someone she would. If she didn't, good luck getting it out of her.

Violet survived the day and managed to break up with Tony without causing a scene. She did catch tony and Veronica making out again and decided she would just pull Tony aside and tell him. He didn't say anything like "no! Don't leave me! I need you." He just said okay.
She walked home alone but Wilbur caught up to her and made her come home with him. They reached the house and sat on opposite sides of the couch. They talked for a while until Violet had had enough. He had cracked her armor.
"I broke up with Tony today." She told him because she knew he would find out that much.
"Why?" He asked.
"We just weren't talking much anymore." She told him which was partially true.
"Sorry." He told her. "Do you want to talk about it?"
"No. I'm fine." She told him.
"Violet. You are going to drive yourself crazy if you don't talk to people about this stuff. All these secrets you keep. Would it kill you just to let one go?" He asked.
"You're right." She told him.
"Look." He said as he moved next to her. "I'll tell one secret and then you will tell one. Okay?"
"Okay. Sounds good." She told him.
"I spend more time on my hair than anyone in my family." He told her.
"Tony was. Cheating on me." She said and looked away before she could see his reaction.
"What? Violet? Why didn't you tell me?" He told her.
"See! This is why I don't open up to people! They overreact to every little thing. I took care of it! I don't have to deal with him anymore." Violet told him.
"So bite me if I care! Just because you think no one cares about you doesn't mean that it's true! I asked because I care and I don't want you to get hurt! You closing up because you have this fantasy about you not being good enough to love is not helping!" He retorted.
"Well sorry if every time I tell a secret something terrible happens! The last time I told  someone we were supers less than a week later we were frozen Ina cryogenic sleep for 30 years!" She yelled and realized it and clapped a hand over her mouth.
"What? You're a super?" Wilbur asked shocked and surprised. Violet said nothing but nodded grimly.
"I told one of my friends when I was 5. That Friday the house was raided and we were frozen. I- we lost everything. That is why I don't share secrets." Violet told him softly as she recalled the painful memory.
Wilbur pushed the strong urge to geek out and ask what superhero she was aside. "I'm sorry. I didn't know you went through all of that. If I'd of know I wouldn't have pressed on." He told her putting a hand on her shoulder.
"It felt good to get off my chest but what did you care?" She asked.
"Well. You're my best friend and it would kill me to see something happen to you. But seriously. You've got to stop walking around think you're not good enough for anybody! You are amazing!" Wilbur told her.
"No I'm not." She says without even realizing it. Se looks at her hand as she twiddles them absentmindedly. Next thing she knows Wilbur grabs her shoulders and kisses her. This shocked her but not as much as the fact that she started kissing back. She knew this was the cliche storybook ending. Girl dumps guy. Other guys realizes he loves girl. They all live happily ever after. For once in her life she didn't care. She just let her worries go and just lived in the now. The kiss grew soft as  they parted and Wilbur told her something she would remember from now on.

"Yes you are good enough. You are perfect.

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