E is for an Excellent question

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Wilbur looked at the little box in his hand. He and Violet had been dating for many years. (Wilbur lost count) but had been friends even longer. He talked to her parents the other day. They gave him the go ahead. He had their blessing. That is if she would have him.

Wilbur was going to ask the love of his life Violet Parr to marry him tonight. He would sake her at the same tree they had their first kiss under. He had everything planned out. Why was he so nervous though. Wilbur Robinson rarely got nervous. Now he was petrified. He was about to go pick Violet up for their date. They were not going todo anything fancy that nigh. Neither of them liked the fancy style. Violet didn't like Wilbur spending lots of money on her and Wilbur just didn't like the idea of stuff being over priced just because of where its made or a logo.

Wilbur put the box in his pocket and drove to Violet's apartment. They were both 32. They started dating when they were in 10th grade. Wilbur was so nervous he almost hit 2 squirrels and ran a stop sign. He pulled into the parking lot and went up the stairs to her door. He knocked and waited for what seemed like an eternity for him. Then Violet answered the door.

"Hey. Where are we going?" Violet asked him eagerly.

"I was thinking burgers,ice cream, then a walk in the park?" Wilbur said trying to keep his voice steady.

"Sounds great." Violet said leading him down the stairs.

Wilbur breathed a sigh of relief. He was nervous now. He still had hours before he actually had to ask her.

Violet sensed something was wrong. No matter how much he tried to hide it. She could tell something was really eating away at him. Wilbur was halfway through his burger when she actually said something about it.

"Hey?" Violet said tilting his chin up so he would look at her, "Are you okay?"

"Yea. Why? Is there something wrong? Should I be worried?" Wilbur said  beginning to panic.

"Wilbur. Calm down everything is fine. I am just worried about you. Are you okay. You just seem off tonight." Violet told him.

The look she gave him sent him back to she they were kids. When he was trying to ask her out on a date.


Violet was walking home from school with Wilbur. They weren't talking. Just walking.  For Wilbur it had always been so easy to talk to Violet. But now it was impossible. He was trying to ask her out. Like actually on a date. Not just as friends. He wanted to tell her he wanted to be more than friends. He wanted to tell her from the moment he met her he lov-... Liked her.

"Wilbur? Are you okay?" Violet asked him concerned.

"Y-yea. I am fine it's just.... Nothing. Just nothing"he responded instinctively.

"No your not. Number one Wilbur Robinson never stutters. Number two you are really really quiet. And that's not like you."Violet told him. She stopped him from walking and gave him a look. A look that says "you can tell me anything. I am your best friend. Don't worry."

"Actually I need to ask you a question."Wilbur confessed.

"Go for it."Violet said looking at him.

"Do you wanna maybe... Possibly...I don't know?" Wilbur started but dropped off.

"Wilbur. What are you trying to tell me?" Violet said trying to hide behind her hair. She knew what was coming. He was going to say he was sic of her. He didn't want to hang out with a freak like her.

"Go on a d-date. With me?" Wilbur said rubbing the back of his neck looking at his shoes.

Violet was take back by the question. She didn't know what to think. She was happy inside but shocked at the same time.

"Y-yea... Sure."Violet said blushing furiously and giving him a small smile.


Wilbur brought Violet to the park. They were walking hand in hand on the trail. Toward the tree. Wilbur knew what he had to do. It was now or never.

They reached the tree. Violet found a glass bottle with a white ribbon on it and a tag. The tag said: to Violet Parr. She opened the bottle and took out the paper inside of it. The paper inside had a poem written on it. She looked up at Wilbur. She saw him giving her a small smile. She looked at the poem. She knew it was his scrawly handwriting.

I know I can be a pain to every one.
My mom, my dad, Carl,even you
Something has been telling me
I can't be alone.

I need you Violet Parr.
More than the tide needs the moon
More than earth needs the sun
And more than a superhero needs a mask

I don't know how to say this
I love you.
Turn around and you'll see
I can't be without you.

Violet turned around and saw Wilbur on one knee holding a little black box. Was he really about to ask her.

"Wilbur?"Violet said almost whispering.

"Violet. Will you marry me?" Wilbur said looking at the love of his life. He was blushing like mad.

"That is an excellent question." She said throwing her arms around him. Knocking him to the ground. Wilbur looked at her. She was teary and happier than he had seen in a long time.

The rest of the  night they spent laying on the grass just looking at the stars. Occasionally they would look at each other and smile. When it started getting cold they headed back to Wilbur's car.  When he dropped her off at her apartment he walked her to her door.

"Thank you." Violet said hiding behind her hair like she always did when they were kids.

"For what?"Wilbur asked confused.

"For everything." She said leaning. Wilbur met her half way. They shared
a small kiss. It was short and sweet but just as passionate as any other.

Then Wilbur looked at his fiancé. Then he whispered back. "Your welcome"

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