T is To Stand For

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This goes out to you @Thatdarkdaisy (go follow her! She is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Violet knew what she believed. She was not easily persuaded. She had fought many people who would spit retorts and insults to crack her armor, but they all failed. She had a wall around her. A wall that was not easily cracked or broken. It had never been cracked before. Until one fateful day in the outskirts of Tomorrow-land.

Violet had not seen her brothers for a few years now. She began to worry. She tried calling, emailing,texting. But nothing worked. She even tried to have Cornelius Robinson track them down but even he had failed. She hoped they would be smart and keep their noses clean. She knew that they had gotten into deep shit when her parents also lost contact with her. It was like they'd disappeared from the face of the Earth

Violet had just handcuffed an old foe once again. Syndrome was about to be put behind bars once again. She had found him in an old building trying to reconstruct something. She was called by the police and Wilbur tagged along with her.

The cops had Syndrome and were pulling him away when he said something.

"You think that losing your family is bad. No-no-nonono. That is just the beginning." He spat at her.

She whirled around. "Wait! What do you know of my family?" She asked.

"That they are not who you think they are. They are something worse that you could ever imagine." He said grinning devilishly.

"Violet stop. This is just what he wants." Wilbur warned putting a hand on her shoulder.

She shook it off. "My family are good people. They stand for what is right! They take down scum like you." Se told him angrily.

"Stand for! Okay then miss disappear? What do they stand for exactly? Tell me I'm wrong. Prove to me that they are who they say they are." He said amused.

"Th-. They. Th-they stand for..." Violet stammered as tears formed in the corners of her eyes.

"Go one dear what do they stand for?" He said teasingly.

"They stand for justice. And honor." She finally said not exactly convinced herself.

"Oh. Do they now?" Syndrome asked sarcastically. "Tell me. Why does a good person need a mask? If they are doing good wouldn't they want the public to know of their civic duty? No. They wear the masks because they have something to hide. We all have something to hide. You. You hide behind forcefields, invisibility, and a mask. I bet you have more secrets than all of them combined." He spat at her.

"N-n-no. T-th-they-" she stuttered nervously.

"You don't even know what you stand for. You just go out there and act like your fighting for the good side but how do we know for sure? Tell me dear. What do you stand for?" He asked tauntingly with an angry grin on his face. With that the police took him away and put him in the cruiser.

Wilbur gave the eyewitness account to the officer as Violet wandered into the building by herself.

"I am Violet Parr. And I stand for what's right." She muttered to herself with tears falling down her face.

"I-I am Violet parr a-a-and I stand f-for-" she said softer. Se tried again.

"I-I-I am v-Vi-violet p-parr. A-a-a-nd I-I stand f-for-" she stopped. She broke down. Someone had finally cracked the wall she put around herself. No. He didn't crack it. He demolished it. He just walked right through it no problem.

"I-I-I am Violet p-p-parr and I-I-I." She tried to say again. She gave up. She sunk to the floor and cried. Next thing she knew there were arm around her. The comforting arms she knew and had grown accustomed to.

She turned and cried into the crook of his neck. He rested his chin on her head and stroked her hair gently. He said nothing just sat there with her. No "shushing" or "there there's" because he knew they never really worked.

They sat together in the middle of the floor of an abandon Robinson industries building. She had finally calmed down enough to speak. She still sat there with her head laying on his shoulder and him stroking her hair and back. She moved and looked up at him.

"A-a-am I a bad person?" She asked seriously.

"No." He said firmly.

"Sometimes I feel like I am though. He made me feel so weak and powerless. L-like I was the bad guy." She told him as she looked down avoiding his gaze.

"Look at me." He told her as he moved her head to look at him.

"You are not a bad person. You never do anything wrong. You are selfless and always think things through. Don't let dirty scumbags get t you like that. That's how they want you to feel. They like being in control. They like feeling like they have the upper hand. You know what you stand for. Don't let anyone tell you any different." He told her.

"I-I just don't know what I stand for anymore." She explained.

"Who do you fight for?" Wilbur asked her.

"Huh?" She looked at him confused.

"Who do you fight for?" He asked again.

"The people of Tomorrowland." She told him.

"Why?" Wilbur asked her.

"T-to keep everyone safe and to let them know that there is someone out there fighting for them." She told him.

"That's what you stand for."'he told her. "You stand for what's right and hope. You give people hope and let them know that someone still cares."

Violet sat there for a while in silence. She thought about what he had just told her. Se thought about it and agreed with him. She turned to him and hugged him. "Thank you. For reminding me what I stand for."

HELLO LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! How have you been? Now I have something very important to ask. I need ideas for the next chapter in the wonderful tales of Willet. So. Guidelines include:

-christmas themed
-must start with U
-try not to be corny like (under the mistletoe)

So. I have a deal. If you people give me at least fifteen ideas to choose from I will update this before christmas. Now. This is not required. It is merely a cry for help with something I want to do. I hope you have a wonderful holiday! And maybe I will talk/update soon :)


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