U is for Unmoving

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In this AU they are married but have no kids yet.

Violet just got back from a mission. She flopped on the couch still in her uniform just no mask. She was just too tired to remove the red suit. She was exhausted. She had been on her feet since pretty much the crack of dawn and this was the first time she sat down and relaxed all day. Her eyes drooped some but was soon waken by the door opening again.

Wilbur walked into the house and groaned. He kicked off his shoes and fell onto the couch. Subsequently on Violet, causing her to yelp in pain. "HEY!" She shouted as he fell on her. She was covered with a blanket so it was not unreasonable that he didn't see her.

Wilbur grunted and moved off her some but didn't get off the couch. He had had a hard day too. He worked at his father's company and as a punishment he was in charge of customer service and manned the phones. He never thought people could be that utterly stupid.

"Get up. I was here first." Violet complained.

"No. I don't want to. And I bought the couch." Wilbur told her.

"Only because I couldn't go out and get it myself. You were about to buy a freakin hot pink couch because it was pretty." Violet told him.

"So. It was pretty-" Wilbur started.

"But uncomfortable as hell." Violet cut him off.

"Why don't you just get up if it bothers you so much?" Wilbur asked.

"Number one it's the principle. Number two I was here first. Number three I am too damn tired." Violet told him.

"How do you think I feel?" Wilbur asked. "I had to deal with stupid people who don't even know how to plug the damn invention in. Do you know how exhausting it is trying not to be rude and snap at them?"

"You just had to deal with people. I had to run around town all day because today was 'let's commit as many crimes as possible' day. It started at 4 this morning and didn't stop until twenty minutes ago. And it's like 8:30" violet whined.

"I'm not getting up." Wilbur told her.

"Neither am I!" Violet told him.


Wilbur woke up at ten o'clock on Saturday with Violet's head on his outstretched arm and her gripping his shirt. Her steady breathing and when the air conditioning kicked on she got a small chill and snuggled closer up to him. He wrapped the blanket and his other arm around her. He kissed the top of her head and let her steady breathing lull him back to sleep as he lay his head back down on the pillow.

How was that? I know not a christmas story but still it's an update. How was you guy's holidays? Are you excited for the new year? I am. All the movies coming out in the next two years! Hell yeah!

But anyways I hope you like the short fluff story. I got the prompt from otpprompts on tumblr. I hope you liked the story. And maybe I can get another update tonight since it has been a good day.

Until next we meet:

Time is precious. Waste it wisely.


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