P is for Project

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Second Chapter. As promised. Hope you like it. I decided a different approach might work.

Wilbur was an outgoing person to say the least. Violet was a quiet girl who kept to herself most of the time. The two were exact opposites. You'd think opposites would attract right? Wrong! These two hated each others guts! Violet was never loud unless she was yelling at Wilbur. Wilbur was even louder around her. They had hated each other since they met when they were in 6th grade. Now they were juniors in high school and the feud between them had only grown.

Luckily they had not had many classes together. But this year they had most of them together. They made it half way through the year with only 5 minor blow ups between the two. But then they were assigned a project. For the project they had to write a paper about the good aspects of their partner.

Violet went to look at the partner list with hope that she would be paired with her best friend Katey. When she found her name her stomach dropped. She was paired with the last person she would ever want to be paired with. She was paired with Wilbur Robinson.

Wilbur looked at the sheet and groaned. They went up to the teacher and both said in unison.

"Seriously! You put me with him/her" the two said.

"Yes I did. I am well aware of the 'feud' you two have going on as well." The teacher told them.

"But why him?" She asked him.

"What's wrong with me! You're the problem!" Wilbur yelled at her.

"Oh. I'm the problem Captain Time travel!" She yelled back.

"Sorry we can't all be as perfect as Ms. Normal over here!" He shouted.

"Oh please! What do freaks of nature know about normal!" She screamed.

"STOP IT!" Shouted the teacher. The two turned to face the teacher. "I mostly assigned this paper to get you two to stop arguing. I think if you can find at least one thing you like about each other you can both come to a truce. Okay?"

"Fine.""whatever." They both grumbled. They walked outside the classroom together.

"Look. Why don't we go over to your house on Saturday and get this done and over with." Violet told him.

"Why my house?" He asked defensively.

"Because if we go to my house nothing will get done. I have an annoying little brother who will not leave me alone. Also a nosy mother." She told him plainly.

"Alright alright. My house it is." He told her as he walked away. She shook her head at him and left to go home.


Violet arrived at Wilbur's house at noon. She knocked on the door as she ignored the pleas from the two guys in the plants to ring their doorbell. Wilbur answered the door with a smirk.

"You're early. Couldn't wait to see me I guess." He smirked.

"You wish. More like couldn't wait to get this over with." She said as she walked through the door.

He lead her through the house to the empty family room on the east side of the house. She sat on one side if the couch and he sat on the other. She pulled out her notebook and the project paper.

"What do you admire most about yourself?" She read.

"I'd have to say my bravery." He said with his macho suave voice.

"More like your ego." She said under her breath.

"What was that?" Wilbur asked putting a hand up to his ear.

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