W is for Walk-in

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IMPORTANT: Okay. Before I start this. This has smut. It might not get too bad. Not sure yet. But you have been warned. Don't say I didn't warn you! I don't want any complaints! But if you don't want to read it I will have a part indicating when it starts and when it ends. But trust me... You will want to read the part after the smut! You won't regret it.

Wilbur's parents were on business and the house was empty. The rest of the family was out with the Robinson parents. Franny made Wilbur stay home due to school.

Wilbur didn't mind. It was only him and Carl, and Carl was busy cleaning. It was now Saturday afternoon. He had invited Violet over, with Carl's consent of course. The two had were dating but, Carl figured that they wouldn't do anything stupid since Violet had a decent head on her shoulders.

The doorbell rang and Wilbur jumped off the sofa and ran to the door. He beat Lefty to it. He opened the door and let Violet in. Carl came up behind the two and decided to give them the 'don't try anything because I'm in the house' lecture.

"Now I will be in the next room over so I don't want to hear anything I shouldn't. But seriously. Don't try anything." Carl finished staring at the two.

"Silly robot. I've got the whole thing under control." Wilbur told him pinching his "cheek".

"Pfft. Where have I heard that one before?" Carl said sarcastically rolling his eyes.

"Carl. Do you honestly think that we would do that? Even without you in the house?" Violet asked.

"No. Well..." Carl started.

"Then why would we do that with you in the house?" Violet asked.

"Well. Fine. But okay..." He said letting them go. "Seriously. I might drop by randomly."

"Okay." Wilbur called as he dragged Violet away.

Wilbur grabbed her keys and purse and threw them on the coffee table. He turned on the TV and went to sit down and grabbed Violet and pulled her down with him. Both laughing she tried to get away but he held her on his lap and began to tickle her. She was laughing hysterically as she squirmed in his grip.

"W-Wilbur Robinson! S-s-stop this right now!" She said between each laugh and breath. He grabbed her waist and kissed her. Sparks flew at the soft kiss but intensified as the kiss deepened. Soon it became a full on make out session. (Well kiddies if you want to stop I suggest stop now.)( you can pick back up at the random bolder part.)

Violet began to run her hands through his hair as she was still sitting on his lap. Her knees straddled his hips almost. Their tongues fought for dominance and he won as he drug his teeth across her lip receiving a moan from her in return. His hands slipped under her shirt and ran along her sides. They moved up and down until they finally went all the way up. She broke the kiss to help him take her shirt off. In turn he shed his. He kissed her lips and moved downwards down her neck to her collarbone giving her a small bite and he got a moan of pleasure from her as he kept moving south. He finally arrived at her breasts.

He smiled at her. Next thing she knew she was staring up at him. He kissed her again as he unhooked her bra. He kneaded her breast and felt a smile creep onto her lips as he kissed her. Her hands ran down his chest and down to his belt. She made her way to the buckle.

"Wilbur." Called Carl. The two froze. They didn't know what to do. Then Carl came through the doorway. "I wanted to know-WHAT THE HELL!" He cried. Violet turned invisible and Wilbur was still frozen.

"I leave you two alone for ten minutes! Look I'm coming back in two minutes and both of you better be decent!" Carl yelled. He left the room in a huff. Wilbur looked down at the imprint in the sofa where Violet was. He climbed off her and grabbed both their clothes off the floor.

"Sorry." He told her. Extending her clothes to her. She took them still invisible. She turned away from him and put her shirt and bra back on. She sat in the corner of the couch and the outline of her looked as though she was hugging her knees to her chest.

"Vi. I'm sorry. This is my fault. If I didn't-"

"No." Violet said reappearing. "Look. We are both at fault. We have an equal share in this. So there will be no pointing fingers. Okay?" She said grabbing his hand in hers. He smiled at her and ran his thumb over he knuckles. Carl came in. They parted hands.

"Okay. What the hell were you thinking?!" Carl asked putting his hands on his hips.

"We weren't." Wilbur spoke up. Violet was looking at the floor with her knees in her chest.

"Do you know what could have happened?! If you got pregnant!ugh!" He said gesturing to Violet who shrunk and flinched at those words. "Your parents would never trust me again! You both have your whole lives ahead of you! Why screw it up with one thing!? You are only 17!" Carl continued. Violet couldn't take it anymore. She got up and walked out of the room.

Violet felt the tears gather and sting her eyes. She walked out onto the balcony. She knew Carl was right. She was being stupid and didn't think. She leaned on the railing and held back the tears. After a few minutes Wilbur walked out and stood beside her. They stood in silence for a few minutes until he broke it.

"He's not gonna tell our parents. I really am sorr-"

"He's right." Violet spoke in a small voice.

"What?" Wilbur asked confused.

"He's right. We are only seventeen. We were lucky once. I'm not sure if it will happen again." Violet said in a wavering voice.

"If you're not comfortable doing it. That's fine. We won't do it. I'm fine with that. Just tell me. I will never be mad about that." Wilbur told her as he brought her into a hug.

They stood there together in the hug for a while. Wilbur's heart beat calmed her down. Eventually they went inside and say down on the couch together. She was just leaning in him and he had his arm around her. Every twenty minutes Carl would come check up on them. Every time he would come in Violet would blush and hide her face.

Well. How was that? I hope I did that idea justice. Let me know. But anyways. Vote. Comment. Tell your friends. And for X it will be a readers choice. I was going to do a second part to the Hogwarts chapter. If you have any other ideas then go ahead and let me know. Till next time...

Don't eat the yellow snow


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