K is for Knock Knock

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Hey. I know none of y'all want to hear about why I haven't been posting you just want the story. So here ya go.

*knock* *knock*

She sat in her room. Why was he so stupid? Why was she so stupid to believe him? She trusted him. She knew she shouldn't but she did. She let him in and he crushed her. Why you ask? Because she loved him. Obviously he doesn't feel the same. What did he do? Let me tell you.

Wilbur Robinson was a boy who didn't think much before he did something. Violet was the opposite. He never thought things through. Violet always thought things through. That's why she is sitting on her side of the door.

*knock* *knock*

"Violet. Open up. Please. I'm sorry." Wilbur's voice pleaded at her.

Violet let more tears fall from her face as she slid down the door. She began to fade in and out from sight. Whenever she got too upset this would happen.

"Vi. Please"

That nickname. His nickname for her. For only her. She thought she was special to him. But she thought wrong.

She remembers earlier that day. Waking up. Getting ready for school. Doing her normal routine.

She and Wilbur walked to school together. Talking, smiling, laughing. And just going to school like normal. When he says, "You know Vi. You are my best friend."

"Thanks," she blushes, "You are  mine too." She tells him without looking him in the eye.

When they get to school everyone stares at them. She felt really uncomfortable with all the eyes on her. Wilbur senses this and put an arm around her and pulled her closer to him. They parted ways at the library and went through their day as normal. When school let out. They met back up at Violet's locker.

Violet opens her locker and is immediately covered in colorful powder. Just all over her. All colors. Blues. Greens. Reds. Oranges.

Violet turns around and there are two girls staring at her with death glares.

"How does it feel bitch?" Says Veronica. Then she shoves her to the ground.

"How does it feel to have the rug yanked out from under you?" Says Rachel as she took a step closer to Violet.

"What are you talking about?" Violet asks in a small voice.

"You taking Wilbur away from us. He was our friend until you moved to town. And now he completely ignores us." Veronica tells her.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't know." Violet said crawling backwards away from them.

Rachel kicked her back some more until Violet was against the wall of lockers. She looked up and saw Wilbur. Just standing there in horror. She mouthed a "help me" to him but he didn't move an inch.

Veronica caught on and looked at Wilbur then back at Violet. She grabbed Violet's arm and picked her back up onto her feet. Violet fought against every instinct she had for kicking her butt.

Veronica squished Violet's face as she looked at Wilbur and said, "Aww. Look at the precious friends. Are you gonna help her? Or are you gonna stand there like the toe rag you are?" Veronica said with venom dripping from her tongue.

Wilbur backed up and walked back through the crowd. Away from the scene. Violet's heart broke...

He left her...

After he told her she was special to him...

He left her...

"Awww. Poor thing. Looks like she needs some time to think." Veronica said to Rachel sarcastically. Then she pushes her back to the ground. "How pathetic."

Violet didn't hear that though... She was too focused on what just happened. Tears began to form in her eyes. She put her stuff in her book bag and stood up. She made her way out of the building. Just going through the motions.

Wilbur realized what had happened and ran to get a teacher. But as soon as he left. He knew it was a mistake. He should have gone back. Then and there. But he didn't... That's why they are in this situation now. Violet locked herself in her room and won't come out or talk to anyone. Wilbur is sitting on the other side trying to talk to her.

"Vi. Come on please. Let me explain." Wilbur pleaded. That's when the door violently swung open.

"Explain?! You want to explain yourself! Wilbur Robinson you need to do much more than explain!" Violet shouted to him through tears. "I trusted you! I let you in! And you just threw it all away! Why? Why would you do that to me? I liked you. You were my best friend! And you abandon me when I needed you most. So more than an explanation would be needed!"

"I ran to get a teacher. Someone. An adult. Someone who could help. As soon as I left I knew I was wrong. I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have left you like that." Wilbur apologized.

"If you knew you shouldn't have left then why didn't you come back?" Violet asked in a small voice.

"Because I tried but you were gone by the time I got back." Wilbur explained. Wilbur rubbed her arms and she lost it. She broke down crying again. Wilbur brought her close and held her in his arms.

"I'm really sorry Vi. You mean a lot to me" Wilbur told her.

"Then don't leave me next time. Please." She told him quietly.

"I won't. I promise"

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