40. Journey Home (part 1)

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Lynne rolled over and came eye to eye with Juice, who was staring right at her. "Jesus fuck!" She cursed under her breath, "You scared the absolute shit out of me." She spoke, clutching her chest, as she took in a deep breath and tried to calm her racing heart.

"Maybe you should go change your pants." Juice teased and looked over at Abel, who was groaning as he started to wake up. Juice smiled and opened his arms to Abel, who jumped from his temporary bed and ran over to the king sized bed, then grabbed onto the side and pulled himself up into Juice's arms. "Good morning, sleepy head." He chuckled and watched as Abel rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, then rested his head down on Juice's chest after he yawned.

"Not ready to wake up yet, huh?" Lynne asked and reached over, combing through Abel's hair with her fingers. "Are you ready to go home and see Daddy?" She asked softly, then smiled as he nodded. She looked over at Thomas and pulled him out of his temporary bed, as he started to stir. She sat up and leaned him up against the pillow, then grabbed the bottle Juice had prepared while she was still sleeping.

She looked over at Thomas, who had finally opened his eyes and gurgled, waving his arms around. She smiled and lifted him slowly, starting to give him his bottle. As Lynne was starting to feed Thomas, she grumbled as she started to get nauseous and she tried to will away the nausea. "Come on, I haven't had nausea throughout these whole six and a half weeks," She complained and rested her free hand on her stomach.

"You're seven weeks now?" Juice asked and looked up, then over at Lynne, while continuing to rub Abel's back. "Time flies. Next thing I know, you'll be in labor." He cracked a smile.

"Just about," Lynne spoke, "Three more days and I'll officially be at seven weeks." She spoke, pulling the bottle from Thomas' mouth as she noticed that he had finished half of the bottle. She adjusted him, so he was on her shoulder and she burped him for a few minutes, before letting him finish the last half of the bottle.

Juice nodded and sat up slowly, adjusting Abel. "Why don't we get dressed, bud?" He asked Abel, who nodded tiredly and shifted so he was sitting on the bed, while Juice went to go pick him and Thomas an outfit.

Lynne took the empty bottle from Thomas and once again burped him, then took the outfit from Juice."Nice choice," She smiled as she looked down at the navy onesie with sea animals, with the matching striped sweatpants and gray sweatshirt, that had the words "Ahoy, little matey" in bold lettering. "Can you toss me a new diaper and wipes?" She asked.

Juice nodded and dug through the diaper bag, throwing her the pack of wipes and a new diaper, as well as baby powder once he found each of the items. He walked over to the bed and helped Abel change into his outfit, which consisted of a black Harley Davidson shirt, a new pair of underwear and socks, and a pair of blue jeans. As he got Abel dressed, Lynne changed Thomas' diaper, got him dressed as well and sat him back up against the pillows.

Lynne got up from the bed and opened the top dresser drawer, pulling out a clean outfit for herself and Juice, then she grabbed their bags and packed up the rest of their belongings. She did the same with the boys' then folded up Thomas' pack and play, slipped it into its bag, then grabbed Abel's pillows and blankets, packing those up too.

Once she finished up cleaning the room and packing their things, she grabbed her outfit and left the room, heading to the bathroom. Closing the door behind her, she quickly stripped off her pajamas, pulled on her blue ripped jeans after changing her underwear. She pulled on a new bra and socks, then pulled on her black crop hoodie that had flames down the sleeves, then brushed her teeth, hair and applied a little bit of makeup, before collecting all of her things and heading back to the room to pack them.

Lynne walked over to the bed and picked Thomas up, who was gurgling and smiling at his brother who was making faces at him. Lynne smiled and looked over as Abel rushed to her side.

"Are we going now?" Abel asked, looking up at Lynne.

"After breakfast, we're leaving." Lynne smiled and watched as Juice grabbed his clothes and headed to the bathroom to change. "Let's go see what nana is making, maybe you can help while Uncle Juice and I pack up the car." She said and took Abel's hand as they left the room and approached the stairs. As she helped him down the stairs, she smiled and watched as he reached the bottom and rushed into the kitchen.

"Hi, nana!" She heard Abel say. "Hi Grampy!"

"Well, good morning, Abel!" Lynne's mother smiled happily and Lynne rounded the corner, stepping into the kitchen.

"Morning, mom, dad." Lynne spoke and adjusted Thomas in her arms, then passed him off to her father as he held her arms out. "Abel wants to know if he can help out with breakfast while Juice and I pack the car."

"Of course, you can!" Her mother spoke happily and lifted him up, setting him on the counter. "Would you like to help me with the donuts?" She asked, pinching his cheeks as she spoke, making him smile wide and giggle.

"Donuts! I love donuts!" Abel grinned and pinched his grandmother's cheeks back, "I want to help, nana!"

"Great!" She spoke.

Lynne smiled and looked over her shoulder as she heard the stairs creak. She looked over to Juice, who was now dressed and carrying a couple bags, as well as the pack and play. She rounded the corner and headed up the stairs, grabbing the rest of the bags, then walked back down the stairs and followed Juice out of the house and to the car. She reached into the pocket of her jeans and pulled out her keys, which she had grabbed while she was up and the room and popped the trunk. She let Juice set his things in first, then she slid in the rest of the bags beside the snack bag.

Lynne unlocked the car and put the snack bag in the back seat, then closed the door and locked the car back up after Juice closed the trunk.

"I think it's going to be better this time around." Lynne said and looked over at Juice, groaning as another wave of nausea came over her. She leaned up against the car after putting the keys in her pocket, sighing. "Fuck this nausea." She cursed.

"I think so too, they seemed like they've changed." Juice spoke, "When do you go to your appointment? I wonder if your doctor would prescribe you nausea medication."

"I hope so, this is getting annoying."

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