88. Changes

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Breathing heavily, Lynne gripped at her hair. She hacked away at her long hair with the scissors, watching as piles of hair ended up on the floor.

Once the length was just passed her shoulder, she stopped cutting.

"Babe, you okay in there?" A soft knock sounded and Lynne quickly recognized her friend's voice. She could imagine the concern on Megan's face.

"Yeah," Lynne muttered out, her voice shaky.

Not long after, she heard the lock being picked.

She looked over at Megan, who looked over at her best friend. "What are you doing to your gorgeous head of hair?" She had asked, bending down to pick up the pile of hair that had fallen on the floor.

"Honestly..." Lynne trailed off as she watched her friend through out the freshly cut hair. "It kept reminding me of Jax." She whispered and stared at the box of dark brown hair dye in front of her.

Megan nodded understandingly, taking the scissors from Lynne. She begun to even out the back of her hair, watching as a few more strands of bright blonde fell to the floor. Once Megan was satisfied, she looked at the hair dye that Lynne held in her hands. "You'll look gorgeous, either way." She spoke, consoling her friend as she had begun to cry. "Where's Hap?" She asked gently.

"I sent him out grocery shopping." Lynne said softly, wiping the last few tears that had fallen down her cheeks.

"House wife Happy, huh?" She teased and grabbed the box of dye from Lynne. She opened it, setting the instructions, conditioner, root brush, the dye and formula on the counter. She discarded the box and worked quickly to mix the color together.

"Something like that." Lynne responded, watching as Megan began to massage the dye through the back of her hair. "Do you think I'm pregnant?" She asked cautiously.

"This isn't a regular choice you'd make..." Megan spoke slowly, "You've been more emotional recently, sick, I'd say so."

"Me too." Lynne responded, running the dye through the front of her hair where she could reach and coat it evenly.

"Did you take a test yet?" Megan asked softly, setting down the dye after she had finished saturating her head.

"Yes, one was positive." Lynne spoke, washing her hands after throwing out the bottle, box and rest of the trash and pinning her hair up. "The next four were negative."

"Get some blood work done - shit, we can go today."

"Everyone's saying that." Lynne spoke up, stepping aside so Megan could wash her hair. "Let's go then, after Happy gets back and after we wash out my hair."

"Sounds good to me."


Lynne looked at her freshly styled hair.

The chocolate brown color had brought more color into her face - but contrasted against her blue eyes. With a smile, she finished filling in her eyebrows and adjusting her makeup.

She had done a soft glittery shadow, with a black wing and obviously put on mascara and a pink lipgloss.

"What do we think?" She spoke as she stepped out of the bathroom, after opening the door where Juice and Megan were waiting.

"Oh my god!" Megan grinned, "You look stunning!" She breathed, her hands automatically going to the freshly dyed hair. She fluffed out her curls and smiled, "It actually suits you - look, we almost look like twins!"

"I love it." Juice stated simply, smiling at his best friend. "You look more like yourself - more happy."

Lynne grinned, "Thanks guys, for a minute I thought I had made the wrong decision." She adjusted Happy's black hoodie that she had put on this morning, over a pair of black shorts and spoke up. "How do you think he'll respond?"

"Happy?" Juice spoke up, "He'll love it. And if he doesn't... I might just steal you." He joked.

"Lynne, honestly, you're a trophy wife..." Megan spoke, noticing Lynne'a face she had made. "But I'm a good way - you're gorgeous, you have a beautiful body. You literally look like a model - you could rock a trash bag and a shaved head and well if Happy doesn't see that... that's his fault."

Lynne giggled a bit. "Thanks, Meg." She spoke softly, wrapping her arms around both of her friends.


"She told me fifteen minutes." Lynne spoke as she paced the exam room. "It's been like thirty." She stated, looking over at Megan who had convinced Happy to stay home with Juice and the kids.

"Be patient." Megan spoke up, to which she received a glare. "It's a hospital, they get busy."

Lynne huffed, "You're right." She stated as she sat down next to her friend in a plastic chair. "I'm sorry."

"No need to be sorry, I get it babe." Megan spoke up, "Why don't we go out to dinner tonight? A double date? Me and Grant, you and Happy? Regardless of the answers."

"That sounds good to me, no kids?"

"No kids."

"Do you think Juice could watch them all?" She asked about the six crazy kids, two of which being infants.

"He'd manage." Megan laughed in response, smiling as the door opened.

"Miss Telford?" The tech had spoken as she stepped in, looking at a pile of paperwork.

"That's me." Lynne said as she looked up at the red headed woman.

"I have good news, you're pregnant."

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