65. Coffee and Thank You's

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"Nice to meet you."

"Yeah, you too." Lynne smiled at the man in front of her.

"Thanks for taking care of my girl." He spoke, glancing back at Lynne before he headed towards the doors to get back into the operating room. 

Lynne smiled slightly and returned to the seat where Lillia was rested in her car seat. She looked over at the snoozing baby and adjusted the blanket over her. With a quiet sigh, she sat down and look over at Gemma. "I know she's probably not going to be up for visitors, but I just want to make sure that she is okay before we go." She spoke. 

"She's lucky to have you, Ly." Gemma smiled sweetly at the younger woman. "You're a remarkable woman."

"Thanks, ma." Lynne cleared her throat, "But in reality, I'm lucky to have her. She saved me, after all." Getting emotional thinking about it, Lynne immediately began looking for a distraction. She noticed the fish tank in the corner of the room and began to admire all of the fish to keep herself from tearing up. 

"You two are lucky to have each other." She settled. 

"I agree." Lynne spoke up and looked over at Gemma, "Do you need to go back to the club? I can handle it from here." 

"How are you going to get the baby in the car?" Gemma shot back.

"Touché, ma... But I'm sure Meg's fiancé wouldn't mind." 

"You never know."

"I'm sure I could always ask a nurse too, or something." She spoke up, "If you need to go, it's okay. I'll figure it out."

"You're not supposed to be lifting for another few weeks." Gemma reminded her, "You better find someone to help you."

"I will, I promise." Lynne smiled as the older woman stood up. Lynne followed suit and embraced the woman she hoped would become her mother in law again someday.

"I love you, sweetheart."

"I love you too, mom." Lynne smiled and pulled away. She sat back down as Gemma stepped back and grabbed her purse. 

"I'll check in in a few days." Gemma looked down at Lynne. "Call if you need anything."

"Of course."

With that, Lynne watched as Gemma walked off before looking over at her daughter who had started to stir. She leaned down and pressed a small kiss to her head as she cooed and began to whine. 

"Hi, Lil," She spoke gently as she pulled the blanket off of her daughter and then unbuckled her. Lynne then lifted her daughter out of the car seat and held her close to her chest, smiling as she stopped whining. "That's my girl, you just want some love," She spoke gently and rubbed her back. 

She sat back further in the seat and looked around the empty waiting room. She closed her eyes to rest them, catching herself as she started to drift off to sleep. 

Lynne opened her eyes and looked up at the television screen, trying to enthrall herself in whatever soap opera was on to keep herself awake and occupied. 

After a little while, she heard the doors open and close, then she looked up seeing her friend's fiancé standing in front of her.

"Lynne, you're still here?" Grant asked, looking down at the small woman as he took a seat next to her. 

"Yeah," Lynne spoke, nodding, "I just wanted to make sure everything was okay," She smiled.

"Everything is great, the baby is healthy and beautiful." 

"I'm so happy for you - what are you doing out here though? Go be with your family."

"I wanted to grab a coffee." He spoke, clearing his throat. "Fancy a walk?" The tall brunettes asked, standing up, "They took the baby to clean up anyway." 

"Is she okay?" Lynne asked, "But sure, I could use a coffee."

"Yeah, she's okay. She had a reaction to the medication so they gave her an antihistamine and now she's out like a light." He spoke and grabbed the car seat and the diaper bag for Lynne. 

"Oh- Thank you." Lynne smiled at Grant, adjusting Lillia on her chest as she stood up. With one hand, she grabbed her purse and slid it over her shoulder, then wrapped both arms around Lillia as they started to walk towards the elevators.

"It's the least I could do," Grant cleared his throat, "You're a good friend to Megan and a good aunt to our kids, and I know you just had Lillia too."

Lynne smiled softly and watched as he pressed the arrow pointing down for the elevator. 

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