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Lynne finally had mana hard to make her way out of the house after trying to pick the locks that were locked from the inside. The locks were above where she could reach.

Her solution?

Throw a chair out the window and prayed that nobody got hit.

Lynne couldn't remember much during this time - she remembered throwing down a jacket over the window sill as she climbed out, followed by walking down the street and sitting outside some random door. She looked down and noticed the huge blood stain on her shirt, her eyes starting to drop as she applied the as much pressure as she could.

Hearing the sirens, her eyes fluttered as she prayed she wouldn't bleed out before they got there.

Feeling woozy, she looked up as the EMT's and Paramedics loaded her into the ambulance while the police questioned her aggressively. Shaking, she whispered, as they attached her to machines. "I'm pregnant." Taking a deep breath as she struggled to keep her eyes open, "Will the baby be okay?"

"Ma'am... I'm not sure. I need to see where you were shot." One of the paramedics says softly. She sat beside Lynne, while the other paramedic got into the front seat and drove us to the hospital. "But I'm afraid if I do that, you'll bleed out. I don't want to touch it."

Lynne choked back a son and cleared her throat, tears starting to stream down her cheeks. "Please. I need this baby to be okay. They don't need to suffer because of my own choice.."

"Ma'am, you'll bleed out. We're almost at the hospital, you'll find out there." She whispered.

Lynne looked up at the woman, then squinted at her name tag, reading her name over. "Megan? Do you have kids?" She asked quitely looking down at her stomach as tears continued to pour down her face.

"Yes, darling.. I do." Megan responds and reached for Lynne's hand, squeezing it after dragging a chair over to sit next to me.

Lynne nodded, "Can I see them if my baby... doesn't make it?" She asked quietly. .

"Of course, whatever will help you feel better." Megan whispers and looks up. "Okay, we're here. We're going to get you in there now."

Her eyes feeling heavy again, she shut them. Nodding, she grabbed onto the side of the stretcher. A few seconds after, she felt the stretcher be pulled then lifted off of the truck.

"I'm going to stay with you, alright?" Megan says as she wheels me into the hospital quickly.

Staying silent, Lynne listened to her yell, "Female, Early twenties, pregnant and got shot!"

Lynne watched as the nurses and techs rushed over to her, then her eyes fluttered shut again. Before she knew it, she was rolled into a room.

"I need you to open your eyes, dear, so I know you're listening to me." One of the nurses spoke
up, prompting Lynne to open her eyes. "We're going to do anesthesia, which is totally safe.. You're going to need emergency surgery, I already looked at the wound."

Lynne nodded and looked down at her stomach, which was now bare as they placed a mask over her face.

Lynne noticed that Megan was still by her side as her eyes started to close for good.

. . .

Lynne groggily rubbed and opened her eyes, looking around frantically. She took notice of the curtain wrapped around the bed - making her own make shift room with a small table at the end of her bed.

"Hey." A voice says softly. "How you feeling?"

She looked over to notice Megan sitting in her chair, with her long black hair pulled back into a bun with her work uniform still on.

Lynne shrugged. "How long have I been out?" She asked, looking down at her stomach after lifting the blanket. She noticed her whole stomach was bandaged up with gauze and she looked back over at Megan.

"Couple hours." Megan responds as she looked over at Lynne. "The bullet is out, you're all stitched up." She says softly and grabs the remote, pressing the call nurse button.

"Okay." Lynne muttered and looked over at Megan. "And the ba-" Before she could finished her thought, the original nurse walked through the curtain with a doctor behind her.

"Oh.. you're awake!" The nurse smiles and looks down at Lynne, walking over to the machines to unplug her. "Alright.. I brought your surgeon and new doctor in. This is T-"

"Doctor Tara Knowels. Hey, Lynne." Tara finished her sentence and tightens her jacket. She pulls on some gloves and smiles.

Lynne shot up, the idea that she was in Charming clicked in her head. "Motherfucker." She mumbled under her breath. "When did you come back to Charming?" She snapped as she shot up, then immediately groaned in pain.

"Calm down, watch your stitches." Megan spoke and rested her hand on hers, helping Lynne lay back down.

"I won't let you touch me." Lynne snapped. "I don't trust you." Glaring daggers from the hospital bed.

"What, you don't trust Jax's wife?" Tara responds, an innocent smile on her lips.

That stung. And she knew it.

A disgusted expression formed on Lynne's face. "You fucking bitch." She muttered under her breath, "You better be being good to him." She responded, shaking her head. "But regardless, you can leave... I want another doctor."

"You're calling him your boy?" Tara's eyes narrowed. "Last I knew I married him - he's mine, Lynne."

"You married him?" Lynne snipped back, "Congrats - but you know he doesn't love you just because he married you..." Adjusting herself in the bed, "Tara, baby, you know he always loved me more than you... even sober, he'd admit it."

Watching the expression change in her face, Lynne smirked. Holding back a laugh, she then added, "Gemma would agree with me."

"You know Jax only loved you because you were a whore! I don't care about what you think, Lynne - he loves me and always will. You no longer matter to him." She shot back, "I don't care what the club thinks - what Gemma thinks! He's mine, for good, I love him and I married him!"

A twisted grin formed across Lynne's face. "If he loves you... like you claim... why does he cheat? Why doesn't he come home to you and those kids? Why does he continue to choose the club over you, huh, Tara?"

"Ladies, enough!" Megan snapped, looking between the doctor and her knee friend Lynne. "There's other people in the recovery room... this isn't necessary!"

Something in Tara snapped. "Your baby is fucking dead." Tara responded and pushes the curtain out of the way, leaving silently.

"She's lying right?" Lynne spoke up, looking over at Megan who shook her head no. Tears immediately streamed down Lynne's cheeks as she looked down at her stomach. "Oh god.."

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