58. Doubts

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In a cold sweat, Lynne sat up and gripped at her stomach as her contractions got worse and closer together. With deep and heavy panicked breaths, she looked around for Gemma. Not able to spot her, she reached for her phone which was on the side table and called her phone.

She heard it ring from the purse that was in the corner of the room and she huffed, dropping her phone on her lap and visibly cringing when she got another contraction.

With a heavy breath, she tried to change positions. She rolled onto her side and brought her legs up as high as she could, which eased the pain for a few minutes. Lynne closed her eyes as a few tears trickled down her cheeks and she looked up as the door opened.

In stepped the doctor with a smile on her face. "Miss Telford!" She greeted, then as she noticed she was in pain, her smile faltered. She approached the bedside and grabbed the blood pressure cuff. "How are you doing, are your contractions closer together?"

Lynne nodded, not having energy to do much more and looked up at the doctor. She rolled until she was flat on her back and held out her arm to the doctor. "Is it possible to check my dilation, yet?" She asked huskily.

The doctor nodded and smiled when reading Lynne's blood pressure. "Perfect." She spoke, "And yes, it is." The doctor put the cuff back on the side table and stood up, heading to the sink. Lynne watched as she washed her hands thoroughly, then put on gloves.

Lynne cringed as her dilation was checked, closing her eyes as she tried to breathe through the contraction that had started as the doctor was checking her.

"Wow, Miss. Telford." The doctor spoke. As she finished checking Lynne's dilation, she removed her gloves and washed her hands thoroughly. "You're already at a seven, this baby is ready." She smiled.

"Great," She spoke, trying to manage a smile as her contractions got more intense. With a husky breath, she looked over as Gemma entered the room. The doctor cued herself to leave and Lynne looked over at her future mother-in-law. "Any word from Jax?" She breathed out.

Gemma shook her head. "Haven't heard anything." 

Disappointed, Lynne looked over at the television that was muted. She then looked out the window at the scenery. "I didn't want him to miss this," She spoke quietly as she looked down at her lap as she fiddled with her hands.

"It's not too late." Gem spoke softly.

"I'm seven centimeters dilated." Lynne looked over at Gemma, noticing that she had sat next to her in the uncomfortable plastic blue chair. 

Gemma nodded quietly; an unreadable expression drawn on her face. It took a few moments before she spoke up, "I don't think he'd miss it for the world, Ly, I really don't." 

Lynne looked over at Gemma, "As if he'll get here before this baby comes flying out like a damn water slide." She had to laugh at that. A smirk cracked across Gemma's face, followed by a deep laugh from the two of them. 

As another contraction hit, Lynne laid back in the uncomfortable hospital bed and prayed that Jax would show up before it was "go time".

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