76. Sweet Escape

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The rain slammed down on the roof of the clubhouse. Lynne was curled up in a chair, with a blanket wrapped around her while staring out the window.

All she had thought about for the last few days was Juice.

He had sacrificed (?) himself for her, she was the reason he was dead (?).

She was spiraling.

It had been two months and there was no sight into the end of lockdown, she was still mourning Juice while everybody else had practically forgot about him - her kids were growing up seeing violence and isolation, her boyfriend had been "working" too much despite being in lockdown and they were constantly fighting - and all her past trauma was sneaking up to her.

On top of all that... she hadn't told Abel about Juice even when he continued to ask.

"Hey sweetheart," A soft voice and a soft touch broke Lynne out of her thoughts.

She had jumped.

Once Lynne realized it was just Gemma, she had relaxed her tense body. "Sorry, I was.."

Gemma looked at her sympathetically. "I know." She sat down next to her after pulling a chair up, "I see it on your face, Lynne,"

The water works had started. "I just feel really weak right now." She sobbed, frantically wiping her eyes right before mom had pulled her into a hug.

"Darling, you're anything but weak... you've been through a lot in such a short time."

"Juice is... dead. He got killed for me. It's MY fault that he's dead and-and, nobody seems to remember him but my kids - fuck! They keep asking about him. I haven't said anything! It breaks me inside, I don't even know what to do!" She ranted, "The last time I saw ny parents was with Juice. I haven't gone since because he made it bearable. If it was Jax or Hap - they'd fight the entire time!"

"I'm just so miserable, mom! Nobody gets it! Shit, my daughter got shot at! Not even me! Let's forget about me. Does anybody remember? At a month old! And this is a good life to live? Let's talk about all the members that are struggling still! Fuck that! Let's talk about my damn kids and how they have to grow up in isolation because their father does illegal activities to make us money!"


There was a audience growing.

"And fuck Jax! He can go out and do what he pleases but I can't go to my therapy appointments! Or back my job where I make an honest living! My kids can't go to school - hang out with their friends!"

"I was kidnapped, raped and shot by my ex who caused me to miscarry! That's the only reason why I came back to fucking charming! Now I don't even feel safe here because someone broke into my old house, I have my boyfriends psycho doctor ex who tried to treat me when I was miscarrying - shit I wouldn't let her within three feet of me! She'd probably medically paralyze me! She's trying to get the kids back-"


"I'm leaving." Lynne took a deep breath after she noticed the crowd. Tears streamed down her face as she stood up and shoved her way through the crowd to go pack herself and the kids up.

Thankfully, in the room, she had found the keys to the extra SUV.

"We're just going to let her leave?"

"Absolutely not."

She heard voices whispering in the hallway as she  frantically threw all of the kids toys and clothes in backpacks, swung them over her back, grabbed her back and purse in one arm, Lillia in the other - Abel and Thomas following.

"You have no choice. I'm leaving." Lynne spat, her tears now dry. "You can tell Jax and make sure when you do, tell him to go fuck himself too."


The new prospect spoke.

He grabbed her arm, "Please. It's for your safety."

"Get your hands off of me." She spoke angrily. "And don't even think about touching my kids... If you do... I'll shoot you." She said it loud enough for the whole crowd to hear and as she did, she ushered the kids out to the SUV. She packed up the car and got the kids all situated, getting in and getting ready to leave - until she had realized she forgot her phone.

Lynne huffed. After reminding Abel to not let anybody in the car - she quickly got out and walked back in to the clubhouse and to the kitchen where she had left her phone.

Hearing the rumbles of the Harley's, she cursed to herself and walked out of the garage.

"Lynne." Jax spoke, as he dismounted his bike. Listening to how slowed his voice was, her stomach nearly churned. "We need to talk."

As he waved everyone off, they all departed with stares at Lynne.

Her uncle even shook his head without saying anything.

Jax approached Lynne after she had walked over by the picnic tables.

"What do you want?" She spoke, quite angrily.

"What are you doing?" Jax shot back, continuing to step towards his girlfriend until he stood directly in front of her, inches away.

"Please back away." Lynne spoke breathlessly, looking up at Jax.

"Are you afraid of me?"

"You've been drinking. When you drink, you're not so nice with your hands." She swallowed hard.

"I have not." He denied almost immediately, clenching his jaw.

Tears welled up in Lynne's eyes. "I'm just going home, I don't want to be here anymore."

"We can't let you do that, Lynne."

"It's not your choice to make."

"Those kids are also all mine. I have a say."

"Then take me to fucking court, Jax, but I'll win." Lynne spoke, then quickly shoved by Jax.

Jax was able to maneuver quickly and back Lynne into a wall.

"You think I want to do this?" Jax spoke. "You think I want to drink all the time? To fight with you?" His voice got louder with every question.

"Let me go." Lynne cried, looking up at Jax. Panicking, with her back against the wall, she continued to beg for him to let her go until she had scratched his arms to the point where he bled.

Realizing he was distracted and the gates were still open, she rushed to the vehicle and made her sweet escape.

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