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The air had been less tense since Happy and Lynne had made up. Everything seemed right in the world again.

Happy was home more often with the kids, actively participated in caring for them. Lynne was able to have a break sometimes - not all the time. She'd rather spend every waking moment with her babies.

Lynne looked over at the man in her bed, their daughter curled up on his chest as they both slept peacefully.

Lynne smiled and looked down at her son who had been propped up on her knees, wide awake and ready for interaction. For being five months old, he was pretty social.

Looking over at the time, Lynne smiled. "You hungry?" She asked Emery, "Want to eat?"

With a coo in response, she adjusted her top and lifted the baby over, getting started on feeding him when Happy had started to wake up.

His arms protectively wrapped around Ayla Mae as he opened his eyes. Smiling, he leaned down and kissed her head.

"Good morning," Lynne spoke softly as she adjusted Emery Dean in her arms, after attempting to sit up a bit more. "How does breakfast sound?"

"Anything you make is good." Happy smiled at his fiancé, looking down as Ayla began to squirm.

He lifted the baby ever so gently, like she was made of glass and pressed a soft kiss on her head as he soothed her as she had begun to wake up and cry.

Lynne smiled, "That's what I like to hear." She spoke softly. Once Emery was done feeding, she passed him off to Happy, who had sat up and got out of bed after setting Ayla next to his fiancé.

Happy took his son and began to pace the room after grabbing a burp cloth and setting it over his shoulder. He set him up and burped him as he walked, speaking to him ever so softly about all things motorcycles.

Lynne giggled at the interaction and took Ayla, who had cooed and immediately latched to begin feeding.

The door creaked open and in came Abel and Thomas like clockwork. Climbing up onto their parent's bed, they settled next to Lynne, Thomas playing with Ayla's hand as Abel looked over at Lynne.

Happy sat down on the edge of the bed, looking over at the boys as they cuddled up with their mother. A smile formed on his face. He looked over at Thomas who had reached for Emery and asked to hold him. He smiled and scooted his way closer to the boy, setting the baby in his arms.

Watching Thomas and Emery, Lynne adjusted her top as Ayla finished feeding and immediately burped her. Once she was satisfied, she handed her off to Abel and watched as he cuddled with his little sister.

Lynne threw her messy hair up in a bun and got out of bed. Wrapping her arms around Happy, she smiled. "I'm going to go get breakfast started before the kiddos need to go to school," She smiled as she spoke softly.

Happy nodded, pressing a few kisses on his fiancés lips. "I'll get them ready." He spoke up gently.

Lynne smiled and pressed one last kiss to his lips, then made her way to the door. On her way out, she looked back and smiled as the five of them huddled together. She walked down the stairs, on her way by, peeking into Lillia's room seeing that she was still asleep.

With a smile, she made it down the stairs and into the kitchen where she turned on her speaker low, smiling as it began to play a music station. She sang along as she gathered ingredients for pancakes and scrambled eggs, as well as bacon. Heating the pans on the stove, she quickly mixed up the eggs with some milk, and seasoning, then doing the same with the pancake batter.

As she was just about to start cooking, she heard a mass of footsteps down the stairs. First came a dressed Abel, followed by Lillia and Thomas, then Happy with the twins in their arms.

"What are you super dad?" Lynne teased Happy as she noticed every single one of the kids, were washed and dressed in less than ten minutes.

"That's me." Happy chuckled, adjusting both twins into one arm so he could help Lillia up on the counter to help mom.

Lynne smiled and pressed a kiss to Lillia's head, greeting the almost two year old. Watching as she stirred the pancake batter, Lynne flipped a few pancakes and then stirred around the eggs as they had started to form.

"I love you mom," Abel had spoken, wrapping his arms around Lynne's legs.

"Me too!" Thomas added as he joined in the hug on her legs.

"Wuv you." Lillia then added, with a smile.

"You're the best!" Abel quipped.

Lynne smiled, her heart filling with joy as Happy sat back and watched. "I love you all too," She said softly and reached down, picking up three year old Thomas and setting him on her hip. After Abel had let go, he had managed to drag a chair over and climbed on top of it.

"We help," Thomas smiled.

"My little helpers," she mused, handing off the spatula for the eggs to Abel. She watched as he pushed the formed eggs around, then handed Thomas some cheese, in which he threw on top of the eggs. During that, she continued to flip and make more pancakes, unbeknownst to her, Happy taking numerous pictures with his free arm. "Be careful of the bacon," she warned the two boys who were closet and adjusted Thomas so he was further away from the splattering grease.

Happy smiled and stepped out of the room after putting the phone away, and set the twins down in their swing in the living room. He turned on the television for background noise, then turned the swing on and stepped back to the kitchen.

He dug through the cabinets and pulled out five plates - three plastic kids plates and two glass ones, followed by the same situation for silverware and cups. While Lynne finished up cooking, he quickly set the table - in true Happy fashion, then brewed a pot of coffee for the two.

"Nothing like a house husband." Lynne teased, "Thank you," She spoke as she noticed Happy's effort to be present.

"Anything for you." He mused, pouring her a mug of coffee just the way she liked it - with her coconut creamer and three sugars. He made himself a mug of black coffee, giving her a sip of hers as she turned off the burners.

Lynne smiled, "I could get used to this." She spoke after swallowing a mouthful of coffee.

"Me too." Happy responded, lifting Lillia off the counter. He set her in her booster seat at the table, followed by Thomas. "We've got some good kids." He spoke as he watched Abel make his way to the table, dragging the chair back with him.

"Damn straight." Lynne smiled and leaned over, giving happy a peck on the lips as he walked by her towards the fridge. Lynne took the pan full of eggs and set a scoop full on each plate, then did the same with the bacon and pancakes. Once she was finished, she put the dishes in the dishwasher then sat down next to Happy at the table and watched as the kids had begun to eat.

She did herself, smiling over at her fiancé about the little life they had made for themselves.

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