26. Surprise

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"Mommy! Mommy! Wake up,"

Abel's voice woke her from her sleep.

"Santa came!"

Lynne groaned and opened her eyes, slowly sitting up. "Abel, it's too early." She said after glancing at the clock. "It's five thirty," She complained and opened her arms. "Come here, let's relax for another hour or two,"

Abel sighed and reluctantly climbed up into to bed, slowly snuggling his way into the blankets. Lynne wrapped her arms around the small child and kissed his head, closing her eyes again.

As she drifted off to sleep, her eyes shot open as she heard his little voice, "is it time yet?"

"Not yet, Abel." Lynne sighed and closed her eyes again. "Close your eyes and let's sleep,"


"Good morning, sleepy head." Lynne awoke to the voice of Jax. She rubbed her eyes and sat up, looking over at the three year old curled up next to her.

"Good morning," Lynne spoke softly and looked up at Jax. "What's cooking out there?" She asked, sliding herself out of bed without waking Abel.

"I made blueberry French toast and sausage," Jax spoke up. "Do you want to shower before I wake Abel up?"

Lynne nodded, and walked over to the closet, grabbing an oversized red sweater and a pair of black jeans, as well as underwear and a pair of socks. She kissed Jax on the cheek as she brushed by him and walked into the bathroom, setting her clothes on the counter and quickly starting the shower. Lynne stripped and hopped in once it was warm enough, quickly washing her body and face and shampooing her hair. Once she was all set, she turned off the water and stepped out, grabbing the towel and drying herself off before getting dressed.

Lynne quickly applied deodorant under her sweater, then sprayed herself with perfume before brushing her teeth and hair and applying makeup. Once she was finished, she cleaned up the bathroom and heading back into the bedroom, gently shaking Abel.

"Good morning, Abel," She said softly as he opened his eyes. Lynne smiled and pulled him into her arms, giving him a tight hug. "Merry Christmas, buddy!"

"Happy Christmas, mama." He said happily and gave her a tight hug, "Is it time to open presents?" He asked once he was completely awake.

"We're going to eat breakfast first." Lynne said softly and stood up off of the bed, carrying him out to the kitchen. She pulled out a chair and sat him down as Jax made him a plate and then set it in front of him.

Lynne grabbed herself a plate from Jax, then kissed him softly as a thank you and sat down at the table.

"Do you want coffee, darlin?" Jax asked as he poured himself a mug after making himself a plate. When Lynne answered yes, he grabbed her a mug and made it the way she liked it, setting it in front of her. Once he got his own breakfast, he sat down next to her and smiled. "Thomas is already fed."

Lynne nodded, "Thanks babe, you're the best," She said softly and cut up her French toast, finishing the last few bites. "Okay, Abel. Mama's going to load the dishwasher and then we can go open presents, okay?"

"Okay!" Abel cheered and brought his plate over to Lynne, after she got up and started the dishes. He set his plate in the dishwasher and took the cloth she gave him to wipe his hands and face.

Lynne quickly finished up the dishwasher, then followed Abel into the living room and picked Thomas up out of his swing. "Wow, look at all the presents!" She said and kissed Thomas head, watching Abel sit down on the floor. She smiled and watched Jax pass him his first present, then watched as he tore it open. Lynne leaned Thomas against her body and grabbed a present for him, smiling when he reached for it and pulled at it. She loosened up the wrapping paper and helped him pull it open, then handed him the new rattle. "Woah, what's that?" She said softly and watched as he shook it, then looked over at Abel who held up a puzzle that had his name. "That's so cool, Abel!"

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