75. Accident

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The morning started with a bang. Literally.

Lynne and Jax were awoken by a loud crash, making Jax immediately reach for his gun as he slipped out of the room.

Lynne stood up off of the bed and looked at her children - Lillia in her cot and Thomas in his. Abel's was empty. Seeing that Abel wasn't in bed, Lynne rushed to the bedroom door and shut it.

Catching up with Jax, who was walking out towards the kitchen area, she caught his arm. "Babe-!" She spoke, "I think it's Abel, he's not in bed."

On cue, Lynne heard crying from the kitchen. She watched as Jax tucked his gun in the waistband of his sweatpants then stepped into the kitchen. Lynne followed.

Abel laid on the floor, with a box of fruit snacks and other miscellaneous snacks around him.

Lynne looked at the scene in front of her - their three year old managed to pull or push a chair (that had since flipped over) to the counter. She then imagined that he gotten on the counter to open the cabinet and find a snack. She shook her head and Jax couldn't help but stifle a chuckle at the lengths that their son had gone.

As he lifted him up, Lynne checked his backside for any injuries. When she didn't find any, she rested his hand on his back while Jax worked on consoling him. "What happened, buddy?" She asked gently, watching as Abel rested his head on Jax's shoulder.

"I was hungry..." was the answer that left Abel's mouth.

Lynne nodded and stepped back, bending down to pick up the snacks that had fallen. "You could've woke me up, Abel," she said gently as she started putting away the miscellaneous snacks that had fallen. "Let's make breakfast, then." Lynne cleared her throat and watched as Jax set Abel on the counter, checking over the front of his body for injuries.

"My head hurts." Abel said softly as he wiped his eyes.

"I know baby," Lynne said softly and opened the freezer, pulling out a bag of frozen veggies she had found. She grabbed the white towel that was hanging off the oven handle and wrapped up the bag, handing it to Jax for him to put on Abel's head.

Lynne closed the freezer and quickly went through the fridge, pulling out eggs, milk and
Butter and set them on the counter. She gathered the rest of the ingredients for French toast,  as well as a package of bacon.

"Babe, do we have children's Tylenol here?" Lynne asked gently as she begun to cook the boys and the whole club some breakfast.

"I'm sure we do...somewhere." Jax spoke and rubbed Abel's back as he begun to calm down. He lifted him into his arms and left the kitchen, in search of some tylenol.

Lynne sighed and turned off the stove when breakfast was finished, covering the food to keep it warm.

Once she was alone, thoughts for Juice had begun to plague her.

She couldn't believe her best friend was dead (?).

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