80. Suspicions

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It seemed like lockdown was never going to end.

Jax sat in church, his arms crossed and furious. Within the two months that they were locked inside, there were no leads on who shot at his... now bitter ex girlfriend and his daughter.

He looked over at Clay, then back down at the table.

As the gavel slammed and they were dismissed, he stood up and left the church angrily. Walking over to the bar, immediately, drinks were served to him.

Jax had swallowed his liquid courage. After more than a few drinks, he stepped out of the clubhouse and into the fenced in parking lot.

"Where are you going?"

A voice from behind him stopped him in his tracks, as he was about to turn over his motorcycle and pay someone a visit.

Jax looked over his shoulder.


"Need a ride." He spoke quickly and dismissively.

"Is that a good idea?" He asked, concern on his face as he walked over to his higher up.

"Mind your business, okay, Tig?" Jax cleared his throat as he looked at the guy.

"Jax." Tig spoke. "I can't let you leave."

"Then why not come with me."

"I won't be your babysitter."

Jax groaned. He was getting so irritated.

"Okay, leave me alone." Jax spoke, "before I smash in your fucking face." It was clear now that he had a few more to drink, he stumbled slightly as he put his bike back on its kickstand.

Tig stared at the blonde man, taking off his sunglasses. "Do whatever you want to me, you will not go after Lynne." He spoke lowly.

"And you will not tell me what to do." Jax shot back. "You wanna lose your patch?"

"It would be worth it protecting her."

"Happy, now you." Jax scoffed, "Anyone else in love with my girlfriend? Oh sorry - my ex? Why don't you go bang her too, Tig? Or have you already."

Now was not the time to be quiet, but Tig couldn't find the words to say.

He found himself getting irate with Jax.

"Grow the fuck up man." He spoke. "This is why she left you - you're a drunk hypocrite. Don't act like you haven't been laying with someone else this entire time." He shot back, "She deserves someone that will truly love her. Someone that will take care of her. All you've done, is put her in danger."

Jax looked at Tig. His eyes reflected rage, but he was able to detect hurt.

"You leave her alone."

The last few words that Tig said before walking off, hung in the air.

Jax took in a deep breath and stepped away from his bike.

Maybe he was right.

With a shaky breath, he walked towards the car that had been parked since the shooting. Grabbing a bat, he begun to swing. The satisfying cracks almost healed his soul as he bashed up his ex girlfriends car that he had bought.

The windshield shattered into a million pieces, Jax thought of his own heart. Throwing down the bath, he slid down the side of the car and buried his head in his hands.

What did he do?

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