87. Careless Mistakes

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With a heavy sigh, Lynne looked at the packed up car. Glancing over at Juice and Happy, she tucked her hair behind her ear nervously.

Before heading home, Lynne decided to give Jax one more chance to see the kids.

Holding onto both of her son's hands, she walked towards the clubhouse. After she was identified, her, Juice and Happy, whom was holding Lillia were able to walk straight in.

Lynne looked up at the closed church doors, then over at a few prospects and finally caught eyes with Gemma, who had stood by the bar for a change.

With a deep breath, she let go of both of the boy's hands and let them run up to Gemma. She watched as Gemma scooped the two of them up and hugged them tightly. Lynne looked over at Happy, adjusting her hair.

"You're alright, girl," Happy spoke, noticing the nervousness that was cast in her eyes. He stepped forward and pressed his freehand on the small of her back.

Lynne looked over at Happy, who held her sleeping daughter. She nodded slowly and felt almost calm underneath his touch...

That was until the doors of the church slammed open.

Watching as Jax rushed out of church, her heart began to beat excessively out of anxiousness and fear. She grabbed onto Happy's arm and looked up at the man.

"So that's where you went." Jax scoffed as he walked up to Happy, "Vacation with my ex for almost two months?" He took the baby out of his arms almost immediately as he reached him. "You playing daddy too, Hap?" His eyes were cold as he stared at the man in front of him.

Happy had to physically take a deep breath to keep himself calm before responding. "You really want Lynne to do all of this alone, Jax?" He responded, "Two of the kids aren't even hers biologically. You should be thankful for everything she does." He wrapped his arms around the small girl, who quickly snuggled her head into his chest. Protectively, he kissed her head and tightened his arms.

Happy was furious... Not even about the way Jax had came at him, but the way he ripped Lillia out of his arms... it didn't sit right.

Juice looked over at Lynne and Happy, he was now holding a screaming Thomas.

"Thought you died." Jax said coldly, not raising his eyes to look at his the member of his club as he attended to his screaming daughter who had woken up upon him taking her.

"We all did." Juice spoke quietly, looking over at Abel who rushed to help with his sister. He watched as Jax pushed him away, adamant that he could soothe the baby.

"Don't touch him like that." Lynne finally spoke up, watching as the rest of the club members had crowded around the four with the children. She grabbed Abel's arm protectively, her heart breaking as she noticed the tears in his eyes.

"Don't tell me what to do, he ain't even your kid. Right, Happy? That's what you said, yeah?" He spoke, coldly, holding Lillia up. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" He shouted at the four month old baby, as she continued to kick and scream.

Gemma stepped in. "Jackson, give me the baby." She said softly. "Before you do something you'll regret."

Lynne developed tears in her eyes, she looked over at Juice and Happy. "This was a bad idea." She spoke lowly. "Jax, give me my damn baby."

"She's mine too!" Jax's words were like razor blades as he shook the screaming baby.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Happy shouted, charging at Jax. He ripped the small baby out of his arms and held her to his chest protectively. Immediately, she stopped crying.

Jax was furious.

Lynne was furious, Happy and Juice as well.

After checking over her baby, she watched as Juice grabbed Abel and Thomas and quickly walked away.

Lynne's fear had turned into cold hard anger. "You will never see these kids again." She shot at Jax, as she stepped forward to the blonde haired man. "I hope it kills you for the rest of your miserable life." With that, she smacked her ex across the face... pretty hard.

In a reflex, Jax's hands shot up and grabbed Lynne's. He held the girl, staring down at her. His eyes full of rage.

"You can't stay away from me." He growled, "and you sure as hell won't keep my kids away from me."

"You terrified them." Lynne's voice was calm, but it got the point across.

It was like her voice was dripping in poison.

"You shook your four month old daughter. You shoved Abel and you didn't even pay attention to Thomas." She spoke, pulling her hands away from Jax. "You're mad because Happy stepped up to help raise kids that aren't even his - you're mad because Juice lived, so you don't have to play savior to me anymore. You're mad, because I left you. Jokes on you, Jax, it's all your fault. You did this to yourself, you broke your family." 

Lynne turned around and started to walk off. She shrieked when her hair was pulled and she was sent tumbling back into Jax's arms. "Let me go." She pleaded, "Let me go." Her eyes begun to fill with tears.

This was starting to remind her of her ex.

This is why she had left Jax.

As he held onto Lynne tightly, too tightly for her comfort, he glared over at Happy who could only watch with the baby in her hands.

"Let her go, Jax." Happy's eyes were angry - his tone sharp.

After a few moments, Jax let go of his ex and shoved her forward, causing her to fall at her boyfriend's feet with a loud thud.

Rage bubbles in happy as he bent down and helped Lynne up. He wiped a few tears off of her cheeks and protectively wrapped his arm around her. "Get your shit, together man." He spoke, "I won't be back until you do."

With that, he took Lynne's arm and walked out of the clubhouse to the black SUV.

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