81. Happy

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A breath in and a breath out.

Lynne had finally decided to take the kids for a visit to the clubhouse. It came with much anxiety.

After parking the car, she sat for a moment trying to collect her feelings and shove them down.

It had been at least two weeks since she had heard from Tig and how Jax destroyed her car... and she couldn't say she was surprised.

Avoiding looking at the damage, Lynne slipped out of the car and immediately occupied herself with getting her children inside safely.

After walking in the door, she noticed how everyone strayed far from her.

Lynne huffed and shook her head, slipping Lillia into the baby carrier she had on her chest. Once she secured it, she wandered over to Teller Morrow, holding onto the boys' hands.

Stepping into the garage, she peeked around.

She spotted both a prospect and Happy, who had immediately looked up and dropped what they were doing. The two rushed towards her and the kids.

They both took their time hugging her and both of the boys, Happy was adamantly checking Lynne over.

"You're okay?" He asked gently, looking down at the girl with the smaller frame.

"I'm scared to be here, honestly." She spoke softly. "Might go up to my parents for a few days." She said softly to both the prospect and Happy.

"That's not a bad idea." The prospect spoke up, "The safest place for you... is probably out of Charming."

Lynne nodded slowly. "You need a vacation?" She asked softly to Happy.

The two nodded their heads.

"You want to come?" Lynne asked Happy, who had nodded.

"I'll talk to Clay - see what I can do." Happy spoke. "Jax won't be thrilled, but it might feel safer if we were with you."

"Jax is never fucking thrilled." She spoke and rolled her eyes, "He's been a miserable man the past few months."

"Only worse since you left." The prospect spoke up.

"Oh well, not my problem." She cleared her throat. "Probably banging some chick right now, yeah?"

Both men stayed quiet.

"So he is," Lynne concluded. "Awesome - I mean, good for him!" She forced a grin as she left the boys with the prospect after they stepped out of the garage.

He watched as Happy approached Clay, then she walked down the corridor to the dorms. Stopping at Jax's, she nearly threw up in her mouth as she heard moaning from the other side of the door. Knocking angrily, she spoke up. "Hey douche bag! Your kids are here to visit you." She shouted.

No response.

So she knocked again. Out of spite.

"Did you hear me, douche bag?"

The noise had stopped.

"You know, it's funny how you care more about getting your dick wet than your kids."

"Tell her to leave." She heard from the other side of the door, then there was silence.

"You can't hide in there forever, Jackson." She cleared her throat as she continued to knock. "Don't be a pussy and face me for your damn kids."

The silence was her answer.

With that, she turned around and headed back to the main room.

"I think it's brave-" a crow eater spoke as she had come up to Lynne.

"Oh shut up, you probably fucked him too." Lynne immediately shot back, heading over towards the prospect as she waited on Happy.

She watched as Happy walked to his dorm room and returned with a bag, presumably of clothes.

"Let's go before pissypants shows face." Lynne spoke, suddenly feeling sick to her stomach over the situation. He watched as Happy scooped up the kids and wrangled them to the car.

As Lynne walked out, not a word was said to her.

Lynne smiled as she walked around the car. Setting Lillia in her seat safely, she buckled her in while Happy handled the other too.

"We gotta stop home for Juice." She spoke up.

The Tacoma Killer nodded as he closed the car door. "Pop your trunk." He spoke as he took his bag off his back. "How is Juice anyway?"

"Better - he's able to move about on his own now but I'm not leaving him." Lynne spoke as she popped the trunk and watched Happy slip his bag inside. "That would be more ammo for Jax."

Happy nodded his head and closed the trunk, walking to the drivers side where Lynne now sat in the seat, her legs hanging out.

Happy partes and slipped in between her legs, pressing soft kisses all over the woman's face.

"Someone woke up happy today, huh?"

"That's my name, ain't it?"

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