42. Home

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With a heavy sigh, Lynne laid Thomas back down to sleep for the night , then left the room and headed into the kitchen. She looked over at Jax, who had smiled and opened his arm to her. Lynne walked into his arms and rested her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes. "Hi, babe." She spoke softly and leaned up against him.

"Hi, baby." Jax spoke and held her close. "How was your mini getaway?" He asked, running a hand through Lynne's hair.

"It was good, the boys were well behaved." She spoke, "My parents seem better this time around, so we'll see how this works out, I guess." Lynne cleared her throat and opened her eyes, "But I'm exhausted, I feel like I could sleep for eight years." She offered a giggle, looking up at her boyfriend.

"Then lets go to bed." Jax spoke and lifted her effortlessly, walking towards the bedroom.

Lynne smiled and rested her head on his shoulder again, as he carried her and then set her on their bed. She shimmied out of her jeans and threw them on the floor, then slid under the covers and smiled once Jax climbed in next to her.


Lynne sat up after opening her eyes and glanced over at Jax, who was still sleeping beside her. She smiled and leaned over, kissing his jaw before she slipped out of bed and walked over to the closet. She pulled out a red tank top style dress with white flowers, that stopped above her knee, a new pair of underwear and a bra, then headed to the bathroom. She quickly hopped into the shower and got herself ready before the boys woke up, then threw a load of laundry in the washer, before heading into the kitchen.

Lynne quickly worked on making a breakfast scramble and smiled as she heard Abel's door open. She heard his feet hit the floor, then she turned around and smiled at him as he walked into the kitchen. "Good morning, Abel." She said softly and leaned down, opening her arms for a hug.

"Morning, mama." He spoke softly, "I'm hungry." He said and looked up at her as he hugged her, "Is daddy awake yet?" He asked.

"Not yet, let's let him sleep for a few more minutes until breakfast is done." Lynne smiled and pulled away from Abel, checking on the Breakfast Scramble that she was making. She opened up the cabinet and grabbed a glass for her and Jax, as well as two plates. For Abel, she grabbed his plastic plate and a plastic cup to match, then set everything down on the table. Lynne also grabbed silverware for all three of them, then turned off the burner. "You can go wake daddy now," She said to Abel, then watched as he sprinted off to their bedroom.

She stifled a laugh and quickly served breakfast, then made a bottle for Thomas for when he would wake up in about thirty minutes. Lynne set the empty pan in the sink after setting the bottle on the counter, then looked up as Abel came rushing down the hallway and into the kitchen, holding Jax's hand.

"Morning, sleeping beauty." Lynne teased, earning a chuckle from Jax. She poured Jax and herself a glass of milk and then got Abel a glass of Apple Juice. Once she filled the cups, she sat down and began to eat, once both of them were settled down. "You going to the club today?" She asked, then helped Abel cut his scramble into smaller pieces. Once she was done helping him, she continued to eat her breakfast.

"Yeah, I shouldn't be long though." Jax responded after taking a sip of his drink.

"I was thinking of taking the boys to the lake today," Lynne spoke up, "We also have to start looking for houses." She took the dishes once her family finished and rinsed them off in the sink, then put them in the dishwasher and started it.

Jax nodded and looked over at Lynne, who walked back over to the table after grabbing a wet washcloth. He watched as she wiped down Abel's face and hands, then let him off to go play. "We can start when I get home," he gave her a small smile and stood up, pushing his chair in.

"Are you leaving now?" She asked, pouting her lip out as he nodded. "Okay." She said and walked over to him, wrapping her arms around him. "Have a good day, babe." Lynne spoke.

Jax just smiled in response and kissed her softly, wrapping his arms tightly around her. "I love you." He said, after he pulled away.

"I love you too." Lynne smiled and wiped up the table with the rag as she watched him leave the room, say goodbye to Abel and then head outside. She heard his motorcycle start up and then heard him take off and she sighed, then pulled out her phone and texted Megan to see what time she was coming over.

Once Lynne was done cleaning up the kitchen, she grabbed Thomas bottle and headed to his room. As he started to cry, she flicked on the lights and lifted him out of the crib. "Good morning," She said softly, bouncing him in her arms ever so slightly, "How did you sleep, Tom Tom?" She gave him his bottle and smiled as he calmed down.

Lynne watched as he finished his bottle, then she set it down and quickly burped him before picking out an outfit for him to wear to the lake, a diaper and wipes. Once she finished burping him and after she set the clothes down, her phone chimed from a text. She adjusted Thomas in her arms, then pulled her phone out of her back pocket.

On my way.

Lynne smiled at the text from Megan, then responded quickly: Perfect. We're almost ready.

Once she put her phone away, she got Thomas dressed and then quickly packed a diaper bag. She swung it over her shoulder, picked up Thomas and headed out into the living room, where Abel was dressed in his swimsuit, a pair of blue swim shorts and a long sleeve white shirt with a shark. Lynne headed into the living room and set Thomas in his swing, with the diaper bag on the floor next to him.

Lynne looked over her shoulder at Abel, who played with a few action figures on the floor, then she walked out of the living room and to the kitchen, where she pulled out deli meats and peanutbutter and the jam to make lunch.

As soon as she finished, she heard a knock on the door and she smiled. Lynne quickly put the sandwhich Ed in the lunch bag, with some assorted drinks and snacks, then lifted it and headed towards the door.

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