43. Beach

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Lynne smiled at Megan and her three kids, who stood in her doorway. "Come on in!" She grinned and held the door wider for them, setting the lunch bag down on the floor, against the wall. As they walked in, she leaned down and hugged each of her kids, Macy, Liam and Sophia.

"It feels like forever since I've seen you !" Lynne spoke and then stood up, giving Megan a quick hug. "Abel and Thomas are in the living room, I'm going to change real fast then we'll go."

"Sounds good," Megan smiled back at her friend, following her kids into the living room.

Lynne walked into her bedroom and quickly pulled out a white bikini out of the closet. She grabbed a pair of denim shorts and a black top that she could tie. She changed into the outfit, after looking at her bump which had grown over the past week, then slipped on some sandals, then walked out of the room and into the living room.

"I'm ready," she smiled and walked over to Thomas' swing, lifting him up. She adjusted him in her arms, grabbed the diaper bag and looked over at Abel and Macy as they played. "Come on, Abel, let's go get in the car."

"Okay, mama." Abel said and looked over at Macy, her siblings and then Megan. "They're coming right?" He asked as he looked over at Lynne.

Lynne nodded and smiled at Abel, watching as he rushed to pull on his water shoes and rush towards the door, Macy, Liam and Sophia on his tail. Lynne smiled and looked over at her brunette friend as they followed the kids, out of the house and to the car. Lynne opened the back door and put Thomas in, buckling him up, before she out in the diaper bag and the lunch bag. She watched as Abel got in and buckled himself, then she got into the front seat and started up the car.

She rolled down her windows after putting on the air conditioning and she turned the radio on low, then put the car into gear and pulled out in front of Megan.


Lynne lifted Thomas out of the car, then grabbed both bags and locked the car. She looked over at Abel, who was holding Macy's hand, who was also holding Liam's, as they walked down to the beach. She smiled at the three, then looked over at Megan, who was carrying Sophia. "So, how have you been?" She asked, making small conversation. Once they reached a good spot, she watched as Megan set Sophia down and set up the umbrellas, chairs and towels.

"Good!" Megan smiled, "Oh! I have something to tell you." She spoke, then lifted Sophia up and set her in the makeshift tent that she had made for her and Thomas to stay out of the sun. Lynne set Thomas in and grabbed the sunblock to apply to the other three kids.

"You do?" Lynne asked, stepping away from the area to apply the sunblock to the three kids. Once she was finished, she sprayed herself down and tossed it to Megan.

"Well, I'm engaged!" She grinned and held out her hand to Lynne, whose jaw dropped.

"When?!" Lynne asked and gave Macy, Liam and Abel sand toys to play with.

"Last week AND..." Megan trailed off, opening her wallet. She pulled out a folded up picture, then handed it over to Lynne.

Lynne opened the picture and her eyes widened, "You're pregnant?!" She asked, a smile growing on her face. "Oh my god!! How far along are you?"

"I'm three months and two weeks!" Megan grinned and took the picture back.

"No way!" Lynne smiled happily, "I just hit four months!" She spoke, looking over at her best friend, who started to grin as well. "We're so close! Our babies can be best friends!" She cheered, looking over at Thomas who kicked his legs, then over at Sophia who was giggling and glancing over at him.

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