17. Park Days

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Lynne adjusted the strap on Thomas' car seat, before setting him in the stroller and put her purse on the bottom of the stroller. She took Abel's hand as they walked down the driveway and smiled.

"Are you ready?" She asked Abel, who nodded enthusiastically. "What are you going to do first?!" Lynne asked happily and tightened her grip on his hand as cars drove by.

"The swings!" Abel cheered happily and hummed as they walked down the sidewalk towards the park.

Lynne grinned as they reached the park a few minutes later and let go of Abel's hand as they reached the entrance to the park. She opened the gate and watched as he ran through and towards the swings. "Stay where I can see you!" She called after Abel, then pushed the stroller towards the grass which was a few feet away from Abel, on the swings.

From the bottom of the stroller, Lynne pulled out the blanket she had brought and set it down on the grass before taking Thomas out of his car seat. She laid him down and grabbed a few toys, putting them in front of him to occupy him as she watched Abel playing on the swings.

Lynne sat down on the blanket, looking over at Abel once again, who had seemed to make a few friends. She looked down at Thomas, who gurgled and reached out for his toys.

Leaning down, she kissed Thomas' head before looking back up to spot Abel, who was sprinting towards her. "Can you come play?" He asked, giving her a wide smile. "Please??"

"Sure." Lynne smiled and quickly picked up Thomas, taking Abel's hand with her free hand and followed him. Abel lead her back to the swings, where he pulled himself up.

Lynne smiled and pushed Abel with her free hand, then got onto the swing next to him. She held Thomas close to her body as she got herself going slowly. "We're going to go in about a half an hour, so we can go make lunch before Daddy gets home." She smiled.

"Daddy's coming home today?!" Abel grinned excitedly as he kept swinging, Lynne then nodded.

She looked down at Thomas, who giggled and laid his head down on Lynne's chest with a small smile as he closed his eyes. "And Thomas is going to go down for a nap." She smiled, "maybe you will too,"

"I don't want to," Abel huffed and looked over at Lynne, with a pout.

"Don't you want to be well rested by the time daddy comes home?" She asked, then grinned as he nodded. "I thought so." She said softly under her breath and looked down at Thomas, who was snoozing away. "Why don't we get ready to go now?" She asked, slowly slowing herself down on the swing with her feet.

"Okay." Abel nodded and waited until he slowed down to jump off the swing.

Lynne smiled and stood up, adjusting Thomas slightly as she followed Abel back to their spot.

Lynne set Thomas in his car seat, buckled him in and smiled. She covered him with his blanket and picked up their things off of the ground, shook them out and put them in the bottom of the stroller.

"Ready to go?" Lynne asked Abel, who took her hand. They left the park and walked down the street, checked the road before they crossed the street and soon made it back to the house.

Lynne unlocked the door and watched Abel go in and take off his shoes, before she lifted the stroller and got Thomas inside. Closing the door behind her, she lifted Thomas out of his car seat. "Go try and use the bathroom, okay? I'll come right out to tuck you in, in a few minutes." She spoke to Abel, who nodded and ran off to the bathroom.

Lynne walked back to Thomas' room and slowly lowered him into the crib. She cursed under her breath as he started to whine and reach out for her. Lynne watched as he wrapped his arm around hers and smiled  as he started to drift back to sleep.

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