6. Lockdown.

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The scene of Charming was a blur for Lynne as Gemma sped out of the town and into the next town over. The prospect was quiet in the back seat, but Lynne wasn't holding back as she belted along with the radio.

Gemma has a smug grin on her face and she's give a light laugh every few minutes, then look over at Lynne.

"Kip!" Lynne grinned, he had told her his real name earlier. "Sing with me?" She bobbed her head and bounced around in the passenger seat, looking back at Half-Sack through the mirror.

"I don't know the song-" he stopped as Lynne gave him a look. He started humming quietly. Lynne narrowed her eyes and he sighed, then hummed louder until he was singing random words.

Lynne grinned and looked back at Kip, giving him a smile through the mirror.

He smiled back and then started screaming along to the song, grinning wide when she bursts out in laughter and Gemma just shakes her head and rolls up the windows.

"OOOOH YEAH... OHHHH." Half Sack screamed, "I'M NOT DONE.."

Through laughter, Lynne screamed along with him. "THE MESS OF YOUR HAIR, IT'S EVERYWHERE."

"Okay, okay! Shut up, you're going to give me a migraine." Gemma yelled over them and laughed softly, a grin appearing on her face.

"Okay." Lynne responded and cleared her throat, turning down the music. She flipped her hair out of her face and smiled, looking back at Kip. "So now that we can't scream... how's life?" She asked, casually, with a small snicker at the end.

"Fine, for you?" He responds with a small smirk, then looks over at Gemma as they pull into the parking lot of a mall.

"I mean, it's fine, too." Lynne responds and unbuckles her seatbelt as Gemma pulls into a parking spot. She smiles and then looks over at Gemma, "Okay! We're ready, I'm ready. Composed. We won't make you look stupid." She promises as they get out of the car.

Gemma just gave her a smirk and nodded quietly, "Oh, I found this earlier this morning." She speaks and digs through her purse, pulling out a phone. She hands it to Lynne, making her grin.

"Sweet!" Lynne responds, "I thought I lost it.. where was it?"

"It was in the kitchen cabinet." Gemma gives a laugh and winks, walking across the street and to the entrance of the mall after locking the car. She looked over her shoulder as Lynne and Half-Sack followed behind her, giving her a wink after she spoke, "Happy's shirt looks great on you."

Lynne blushed and smiled, her hand brushing over the white SAMCRO shirt with black lettering.

"When did that happen?" Kip asked her as they caught up to Gemma, heading into the first store they saw... Adidas.

"Party, years ago. After Jax and I split, but before everything went down." Lynne responded and started on the right side of the store, a wide grin across her face. "Holy shit, these are some beautiful ass shoes..." She spoke slowly as she picked up a pair of all white sneakers, checking the size. She put it back as she noticed it wasn't her size and quickly looked for a size six and a half. Once she found it, she quickly took the box and smiled, skipping along until she found another pair that she liked.

"Looks like a kid in a candy store." Half-Sack mutters to Gemma, as they follow her around, watching her pile box onto box.

"She's always been like this, I love it." Gemma responds and gives him a smile.

Lynne put the fourth box on top and smiled happily, then skipped to the apparel collection. She sets the shoes down on the bench looking through the boxes to make sure they were the right size. Black, white, rose gold and burgundy. She grabs a shirt, a pair of leggings and puts them on top of the shoes, picks them up and walks through the rest of the aisles, grabbing a hat and socks before heading over to the checkout stand. Lynne puts the items up, giving the cashier a grin.

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