60. Heading Home

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Lynne looked down at the car seat once again and then over at her daughter. "And she's supposed to fit in this?" She mumbled to herself.

"She looks too small." Jax spoke and watched as the few day old baby girl opened her eyes and looked around. Her eyes connected with Lynne's and he smiled, feeling completely blessed to be experiencing his girlfriend - who has always wanted to be a mother, since  her first baby passed away due to the monster that she had been with.

Lynne reached down and grabbed Lillia's hand and watched as she wrapped her tiny little hand around her finger. "Oh, you are just so precious," She breathed out and leaned down, attacking the baby girl with kisses. "I could just eat you up!"

Lillia's lips curled at the corners as her eyes met Lynne's again.

"Is that a smile?" Lynne cooed as she lifted her daughter up into her arms. "Did you just smile at me?" She grinned widely as Lillia's lips twitched once again, then she pressed a kiss to her nose. "Let's get you changed, little miss, then we'll go home," She spoke softly and reached for her diaper bag, pulling out her going home outfit - which consisted of a white onesie that said "Summer Baby" in green lettering, with a matching pair of white shorts and a headband with green vines on both.

Lynne also grabbed a diaper and wipes, laying Lillia down flat before she undressed her and changed her diaper. She passed it to Jax to throw out, then got her dressed. Once she was finished, she very gently lifted her daughter and set her in Jax's arms.

"I'm going to shower," She said softly and leaned down, pecking his lips. "Then we can go. We already signed paperwork, right?"

"You still have pregnancy brain?" Jax shot back, "You gave birth a few days ago, there's no excuse anymore," He joked.

"Thin ice, Jackson, thin ice." She giggled as she pulled a light blue off the shoulder dress out of her bag, with a new pair of underwear and a nursing bra. She walked to the bathroom and set her clothes on the sink, then walked over to the rather large shower and started the water.

As Lynne waited for the water to warm, she undressed herself.


With a deep breath, Lynne slipped out of the car and closed the door behind her. She opened the back passenger door and grabbed all of the light bags that she could carry, then watched as Jax got the baby out of the car. As they both closed the car doors, she looked up to see Abel standing on the front porch with a huge smile on his face.

Lynne watched as Jax locked the car, then she followed him up the pathway and then slowly made her way up the stairs. She wrapped her arms around Abel as he hugged her legs and explained to him that she couldn't pick him up and hug him. Once he understood, she took his hand and led him inside, closing the door behind them.

"Welcome Home!" The two words were shouted by multiple people and men and woman popped out from behind couches, tables, counters and even other rooms.

With a screech, Lynne rested her hand on her heart and frantically looked over at baby Lillia who was snoozing away. "You assholes! You scared me!" She yelped, looking over at the crowd of people - her uncle Chibs, best friends Megan, her kids and Juice, her parents and Jax's parents, SAMCRO members and even Happy had showed up.

Laughter erupted in the room and Lynne brushed a strand of hair behind her ear and let Abel's hand go, as people made their way over to hug her and ask her how she is. She stepped into the kitchen, with Jax and Abel following with their baby girl.

She smiled at all of the balloons, banners, confetti and all the other miscellaneous items that were prepared for her arrival.

Lynne glanced up at Happy, who's face was stone cold. She reached out for a hug and sighed as she rested her head on his shoulder. "Hey," She spoke softly, closing her eyes as Happy grumbled in response. "Thank you for comin'," She spoke softly.


"You didn't have to." She cleared her throat as she pulled away and looked up at her former lover.

"If you're happy, I'm happy." He grumbled and stepped away, noticing Thomas heading towards Lynne with his toy walker that he's been using to get around.

Lynne grinned at her son and kneeled down on the floor to reach his height. She kissed the almost one year old's head, then pulled him in for a gentle hug. "Hi, Tommy," She spoke softly, "I missed you and your big brother."

Thomas babbled in response, playing with Lynne's hair as he held onto her and whined to be picked up.

Lynne tried to calmly explain that she couldn't pick him up, then sighed as he started to cry. "Mommy has a boo boo, Tommy," She spoke softly, "I can't pick you up," She spoke softly, sighing as he started to wail. She tried to get him calm, by rubbing his back and validating his feelings, but also explain why she couldn't pick him up.

Lynne was getting frustrated. It was like talking to a wall, but she wished she could pick him up and hold him.

"Jax," Lynne called, noticing that now everyone was staring at the two. She turned her head and noticed Jax walking over to the two, still carrying Lillia in the car seat. She watched as he set the car seat down, then scooped Thomas up to console him.

Lynne felt guilty but she was told not to be lifting anything heavier than the baby for at least a week.

With a small, sad smile, she watched as Jax walked off into the living room with Thomas, who had since stopped crying.

Lynne slowly unbuckled Lillia after sliding over in front of the car seat, then she gently picked up the little girl into her arms. With a small sigh, she noticed as she started stirring. "Hey guys," She spoke as she noticed the crowd of people surrounding her and the baby, "I have to feed her first, but if you want to hold her, wash your hands." She slowly stood up and made her way through the crowd towards the stairs to head up to her bedroom.

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