29. Dunk Gift Swap

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Lynne knelt down next to the small, fake Christmas tree and pulled out the gifts labeled swap presents and transferred them to the table.

"Hey, Tigsy." She said as she picked up the last wrapped box, setting it on the table. She looked up at the curly haired man and smiled, "Did you enjoy Christmas dinner?"

"You made it, didn't you?" He asked, smirking as she nodded, "Of course I did."

"Oh, Tigsy." Lynne sighed and smiled up at him, "Never change." She spoke and patted his arm as she passed by him, making her way to the bar, where she turned the music down slightly, to hopefully not wake the kids. "Hey, Kip, Juice!" She smiled as she spotted Half-Sack and her best friend behind the bar. "Can you grab me a beer or something for Jax?"

"Sure, no problem." Sack spoke, reaching under the bar to grab a beer. "Do you want anything?"

"Maybe a shot of tequila?" She laughed and looked over at Juice as his eyes almost bugged out of his head. "It's party time, now that the kids are out."

"It's the stripper juice." Juice chuckled and grabbed the bottle and a shot glass, pouring her a shit. "Do you want a lime?"

"Fuck that." Lynne giggled, "I'll take it straight." She said and picked up the glass, quickly downing it and getting cheers from all around her. The drink stung as it made its way down and made her chest feel hot but she shrugged it off and set the glass down. "Thanks, hunny!" She said and walked back over to the circle that was forming. She felt an arm slip around her and she looked up, smiling at her blonde boyfriend. "Hi, babe."

"You're doing tequila shots?" Jax smirked, "I'm going to get lucky tonight,"

"Maybe you'll get a strip dance." Lynne winked, "only if you're good." She stuck her tongue out at Jax, who smirked again and leaned down, pecking her lips.

"Let's get this gift swap started," Gemma spoke as she emerged from the kitchen with a bowl full of numbers. "Who wants to start?" She asked, holding the bowl up.

"I think Clay wants to." Lynne teased, looking at Clay, who was chuckling. "Clay! Clay! Clay!"

As Tig and Juice started chanting, Lynne grinned and chanted along with them. "Clay! Clay! Clay!" She smiled when Happy joined, followed by a few others.

"Alright, Alright!" Clay chuckled and shook his head, "I'll go." He spoke and smiled as Gemma held the bowl in front of him. He reached in and pulled a paper, then Gemma walked around the circle until everyone chose a number.

"Who's number one?"

"I got one." Opie cleared his throat and held up his number, setting it aside. He pulled the smallest gift and looked around as he opened the present. "Oh, my favorite." He cheered, sarcastically, "Batman panties!" He grinned and held them up, causing the circle to laugh.

"I can't wait to see those on you tonight, babe!" Donna cheered and picked up the wrapping, putting it aside.

"Calm down— we don't want to hear about your sex life!" Tig yelped and covered his ears.

Lynne grinned and watched as Happy unenthusiastically held up his number. "Oh come on, Hap! Christmas spirit! Let's go!" She said as she glanced down at her number.

Happy chose a medium sized present and shook it, hearing the clinking of glass. He smirked and slowly opened the box, pulling out a whiskey set. "I can't be mad." He smirked.

"You know, Hap.. I think these batman panties would look real good on you." Tig spoke and snatched the underwear from Opie, dangling them in Happy's face.

"Fuck off." Happy spoke, cracking a small smile.

Opie quickly snatched the underwear back, "Hey! My balls have already been in there."

The room erupted in laughter again and Lynne spoke up, "I'm three!" She said and held up her card. She leaned forward and grabbed the largest box, pulling off the wrapping paper. She opened up the box and ripped out the tissue paper, suppressing a giggle. "I got socks." She spoke and grabbed the pair of fluffy socks. "Who was behind this?" She asked, tossing the box aside. "Ope, I think I might want those underwear."

"Sorry, too late. He shat in them." Bobby spoke up, making Lynne laugh.

"Nevermind, you can keep them." She gagged, pulling her socks close to her chest. "I'm content with my socks." Clearing her throat, "Who's next?" She asked.

Tig reached for a present and pulled a smaller sized bag, quickly opening it. "The fuck is this?" He asked and held up the blank box inside. He opened it and pulled out the item, "A fucking vibrator?" He laughed. "Anyone want it?"

"We know you've been getting lonely, man." Jax teased and chuckled.


With a heavy sigh, Lynne propelled herself off of the barstool. "I think... that's enough for me tonight." She spoke slowly, gripping into the bar to keep herself standing. "I'm going to bed now." She said and yawned, walking towards the back hallway slowly, "Goodnight."

"Night, Lynne!" Juice called out.

"Babe, I'll be in there in a few minutes." Jax called as he sipped his beer.

With a thumbs up, Lynne continued to stumble down the hallway and into Jax's dorm, collapsing on the bed. She shut her eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep, after feeling the bed dip behind her.

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