50. Stress

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"Mornin', trouble!"

Lynne adjusted herself in the uncomfortable rolling chair and looked up. "Hey!" She greeted her best friend, "Ope! I feel like I haven't seen you in forever."

Opie shrugged and beamed at his best friend, opening arms as she stood up. "Yeah, I took some time iff to think for a bit." He spoke, engulfing his friend into a hug.

"Ope, you have the best hugs." Lynne mumbled into his chest as she wrapped her arms around his waist, "You damn tree." She added with a laugh.

"It comes with being a giant." He winked and smiled down at Lynne, then took notice at her bump which seemed to grow over night. "Lynne, you look bigger than the last time I saw you!" He exclaimed as he pulled away from the hug. "When are you due?"

"August! Just under six months." She spoke, "It's February fifth, right?" Lynne asked, "Yeah, so , just under six months. I'm due the first." She smiled up at Opie, "Hopefully theses months pass by fast."

"I'm sure they will." He chuckled and stepped back, "I got to get back to working on the cars, but I'll see you around." He smiled.

"Sounds good, see you, Ope." Lynne smiled happily, then sat back down in her office chair. She occupied herself with the stack of paperwork in front of her and huffed, sitting up straight to crack her back.


"Hey, love." Lynne spoke as she watched as Jax walked in and sat on the table. "You look stressed." She said softly and stretched her back, before slowly standing up.

"I am." Jax grunted, running a hand over his face.

"What's going on?" Lynne asked and approached him, slipping in between his legs. She pressed a kiss to his cheek and wiped at the grease that was spread across his cheek.

"Too much shit." Jax spoke and sighed, looking over at his girlfriend. He pressed a small kiss to her nose and then wrapped his arms around her waist.

Lynne looked at him inquisitively.

"Mayans." Jax spoke, "Just a lot of stress."

She nodded and wrapped her arms around his neck, "Well.. you're not going anywhere." Lynne spoke, then flicked his nose, "Nor am I." With a kiss to his jaw, she spoke up again. "And we'll deal with this together like always."

Jax simply nodded and kissed the top of her head. "I love you." He said softly and held her as close to his body as he could.

"I love you," Lynne smiled and rested her head on Jax's shoulder and closed her eyes for a moment. "I wish we could stay like this forever." She breathed.

"I know."

Lynne opened her eyes and then smiled as she heard the small footfalls of Abel.

"Mommy! Daddy! Uncle Tiggy said Santa isn't real!"  He yelped as he reached the door way, with wide eyes.

"Come on, Abel, I was just joking!"

Lynne laughed as she heard Tig call after Abel. She pulled away from Jax and smirked as he stifled a chuckle.

"Well, Abel, it's time daddy has a talk with uncle Tig." Lynne spoke as she kneeled down in front of Abel and took his hands, "Because, Santa Claus is real."

"Really?" Abel questioned and then grinned. "I was right!"

"You were." Lynne concluded and smiled. She wrapped her arms around her son, who smiled happily and hugged her back as tightly as his little body would let him.

"I love you, mama." Abel spoke and then pulled away, "I'm going to go see Thomas!"

"Love you too, Abel," Lynne said and then nodded as he pulled away, "Okay. We're going to go home in about an hour or two, okay?" She spoke and then watched as he sauntered off.

"Okay, mama!"

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