49. Application

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Lynne folded up the application, sealed the envelope and took a deep breath as she set it in the mailbox and raised the flag. As she turned and walked back towards the house, she was hopeful and optimistic that they would have a shot at owning a new home soon.

She watched as Abel rushed from the garage and towards her, holding a small box.

"Mama!" He spoke, "I made this for the baby!" He said and handed her the box, looking at her ever growing tummy. As Lynne stopped and took the box, he rested his head on her bump and giggled as the baby kicked.

"The baby kicked me!"

"Thank you Abel," Lynne smiled and adjusted the box into one hand, then rubbed Abel's head. "You might get a bruise! They might be a soccer player." She teased.

"I want to play soccer too!" Abel cheered.

"Go practice and maybe we'll sign you up," Lynne beamed down at her son. She watched as he rushed off towards the back yard, then she walked into the house through the front door and glanced over at Thomas, who laid asleep in his swing.

With a happy smile, she sat down at the kitchen table after grabbing the household laptop from the kitchen counter, after setting the small box from Abel down. She typed in their password as it prompted her and logged in successfully, then opened the browser and impatiently checked her email.

A new email from the realtor popped up, from a few hours ago and Lynne clicked on it.

"Thank you for the interest in Cozy Cabin on the border of Lake Tahoe, CA and Nevada! I'm looking forward to recieving your application!

The application is attached and you can print it, then fill it out and mail it to:

Jennifer Zeniax
At Home Realtors
1789 Evergreen Ridge
Sacramento, California

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Jennifer Zeniax
At Home Realtors"

Lynne smiled giddily and started typing out a response.

"Thank you, Jen!

I have just sent in an application. Please let me know if you need anything else from me!

Thank you so much,
Lynne Telford."

"Hey, babe!" Lynne called out, "guess what?" She headed into the living-room to peek in on Thomas, then looked through the window at Abel, who was still practicing soccer.

"What?" Jax responded from the kitchen, where he had multiple documents laid out across the table.

"I applied for that house in Lake Tahoe." She grinned, as she walked towards the kitchen. She leaned up against the door way and ran a hand through her wavy blonde hair.

"Oh, did you?" Jax spoke, concentrated on the documents in front of him.

"I did, we'll hear back from the realtor in a week or so." Lynne couldn't hide her excitement. "We should list the house now."

"Don't get too far ahead of yourself, we haven't even found out if we got this one." He grumbled.

"Someone's grouchy!" Lynne huffed and crossed her arms as she looked over at her boyfriend.

"Just tired, darlin'," Jax spoke and picked up one of the documents and read through it. "Sorry,"

"I understand." Lynne nodded and walked over to the table, pulling out a chair. She sat down and rubbed Jax's arm, before lying her head on his shoulder. "Whatcha lookin' at?" She asked softly and then lifted her head, shuffling through pictures and documents that were left on the table.

"Club business shit." Jax rolled his eyes, "Gem's out for a week."

"What? Why?" Lynne asked as she set down the documents. "Is she okay?"

"Needed a break." Jax responded simply as he continued to wade through piece after piece of paperwork.

"Oh," Lynne nodded. "Well, I'm off to the store. Do you want or need anything?"

"No, babe." Jax cleared his throat, "I'm fine."

"Okay." Lynne smiled and leaned over, giving her boyfriend a kiss on the cheek. "I love you." She spoke gently, then slipped off the chair and pushed it in.

"Love you too, darlin'," Jax responded and glanced over at her, "You taking the boys?"

"I'm taking Tom." Lynne spoke, then brushed up against the counter as she slipped out of the kitchen and over to the living room. She leaned over the brown, velvet, torn couch from Abel and peeked over at Thomas, whose eyes were wide open and staring back at her.

"Hi, Tom-Tom!" Lynne cooed and walked around the couch, glancing down at him. She bent down and pulled the blanket off of Thomas, her eyebrows raising at the outfit he was wearing. "Babe? Did you change Thomas?" She called out, glancing down at the top with an etched cow, with blue footie pants, a matching cow bandana and a blue hat.

"Who else would, Lynne?" Jax shot back with a chuckle.

"Pregnancy brain, duh." Lynne rolled her eyes and picked up Thomas, then grabbed the fluffy white jacket with bear ears on the hood, that she had left on the couch from taking the boys on a walk earlier. She quickly put it on him, then wrapped him up in the blanket and grabbed her purse that she had also left on the couch, after stuffing the baby carrier in it.

"Alright, Tommy, let's go!" She cooed, as she adjusted him in her arms.

"I also changed his diaper," Her boyfriend called out from the kitchen.

"Thank you, babe." Lynne responded, "Oh! Watch out for Abel! He's still outside practicing soccer." She spoke, then grabbed her car keys out of her purse that she was holding in her opposite hand. As she started the car, she looked back at Jax. "I love you!"

"Love you," Jax called back, then watched as she walked towards the garage door. He glanced down at the small black box in his lap, then shoved it back into his pocket.

For another day. He thought.

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