59. The Arrival

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After one last push, the small newborn was put on Lynne's chest. As the baby took a loud breath and let out an ear-piercing cry, Lynne held the baby tight to her chest and spoke softly.

"Hi, baby, I'm your mama," Her eyes were half closed, as she was drugged out on pain medication, but she could still make out how beautiful her child was.

In that instant, the door was thrown open and bright blue eyes came into her field of view. Lynne squinted her eyes and craned her neck to see who it was.

Sure enough, it was Jax, dressed in a hospital gown and gloves, as well as the hat.

With a sigh of relief, he knelt down to her side after kissing her head, "Hi, darlin'..." He spoke slowly and cautiously, "I'm so sorry-"

Lynne dismissed him with a sharp look and looked down at the baby in her arms. "I'm in heaven, don't disturb me." She spoke, "We can talk about it later." As the baby began to calm down, she looked up at the staff.

"Miss Telford," Her midwife spoke up, "Your bleeding is under control now, would you like to get cleaned up with one of the nurses now?" She spoke tenderly.

"Can I hold my baby for a little bit longer?" She asks quietly, then looks down at the fragile human in her arms, before back up the staff.

"Absolutely. You already passed your placenta, so there is nothing else to worry about." The midwife spoke up, "While you're getting cleaned up, we'll have our newborn specialist clean her up,"

Lynne looked up, a grin growing on her face. "It's a girl? I didn't even notice!" In disbelief, she checked in between the baby's legs as tears grew in her eyes, "I have a daughter!"

"That you do, a beautiful and healthy little darling daughter." The newborn specialist spoke up with a smile.

Lynne looked down at the baby who had since quieted down and had occupied herself with suckling on Lynne's collar bone. With a smile, she slowly stretched her legs and then looked over at Jax. "Look at our baby girl," She had whispered, her eyes wide with adoration and love.

Holding her daughter took the cake.

The pain had been well worth it.

With a deep breath, Lynne slowly pulled her legs towards her body. She still felt numb down below, but she knew she needed to start moving. "Do you want to hold her before she gets cleaned up?" Lynne looked over at Jax.

As Jax nodded, Lynne passed the few minute old baby to her boyfriend. Then, she slowly got out of bed with the help of a nurse and made her way to the bathroom.

"Have you thought of a name yet?" The nurse asked Lynne out of curiosity, as she closed the door behind them and grabbed a basin from the shelf, filling it was warm water and a mild soap.

"I have a few in mind," Lynne spoke softly, "Both of our sons' names are biblical; Abel and Thomas..." She explained, "So I'm not sure if I want to stick with something biblical for her or if I should stray from that." With a small smile, she pulled her hair up into a bun, as well as she could. Her hair was pretty messy, as she looked in the mirror but she didn't mind. As she was assisted with removing the johnny, she glanced at her body in the mirror.

Her stomach looked fuller and she still had a decent size bump on her, even though she as pretty slender to begin with. Her hips seemed much wider and she looked like she had gained a few pounds, but she looked healthy. Overall, she was pretty satisfied with her body and wanted to keep the few extra pounds.

Lynne gazed down at her body before she looked back in the mirror, noticing all of the smudged mascara.

"You look beautiful, mama," The nurse, named Elizabeth spoke up. "I promise," She gently began washing Lynne's back, then down her legs.

"I appreciate that," Lynne smiled, "It means a lot." She whispered and took a facecloth, wiping up her face, chest and the front of her body - as far as she could reach without straining or hurting herself.

Elizabeth cleaned the spots that Lynne couldn't reach, then helped her get into a clean johnny and underwear. Once they were finished, Lynne brushed out her hair and then put it into a better and neater bun, then the two walked back to the bed where the nurse assisted her back in.

Lynne smiled at the clean sheets and adjusted herself to where she was comfortable, then her heart nearly broke as she heard her daughter cry out.

As her daughter was finished getting cleaned up, Lynne took her back and held her in her arms, smiling as she was immediately soothed.

She took in her features. She had the brightest blue eyes and little patches of brown hair, full cheeks with Jax's nose and her own lips. She was still swollen, but she was beautiful.

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