19. Precious

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Lynne was woken with a scream. She slowly opened her eyes and looked over at Thomas, who was crying and wiggling all over the bed. Lynne sighed and looked at the time, noticing it was only two in the morning.

"Shh, Tommy.." Lynne consoled, reaching out for him. "Daddy's sleeping." She said quietly and pulled him into her arms. She grimaced at the ache in her whole body as she turned over and laid him flat on her chest. "You're alright, Tommy.." She said as she rubbed his back. "It's too early to be awake, let's go back to sleep."

"Is he okay?" She heard Jax grumble from next to her.

"Yeah, go back to sleep." She whispered and looked over at Jax who sat up.

"Let me see him." He said softly and stretched.

"He'll start screaming." Lynne sighed and continued to rub Thomas' back, who slowly started to calm down. "I know, you don't feel good.. I know.. it's a tough life." Lynne slowly sat up, ignoring her back and legs protesting and looked over at Jax. "I'm going to go get him so more Tylenol." She said softly, "...If you want to try and keep him calm."

Lynne slowly passed Thomas, whom protested by starting to whine - to Jax, who patted his back. "Hey, stop crying, bud." He said softly and felt his head, deciding to take of his pajamas and leave him in only a diaper.

Lynne slowly pulled her hand away from Thomas' hand, who immediately started to cry which made her head pound. "For fucks sake." She cursed under her breath and looked around for her underwear quickly, giving up when she couldn't find them.

Lynne quickly walked to the kitchen and grabbed the Tylenol bottle and another syringe, as well as another jelly teething toy.

She walked back to the bedroom and climbed into bed, filling the syringe with the proper dose and handing it to Jax, who administered it.

Once Thomas swallowed the medicine, she handed over the teethed and sighed, laying back down. "My head fucking hurts." She cursed and closed her eyes as she massaged her temples, as Thomas' fussing slowed down.

Jax laid back down as well, looking over at Lynne as he laid Thomas in between them, then propped himself up on his side and kissed her head. "I'm sorry, darlin'." He said softly. "Do you want me to get you some ibuprofen?"

As Lynne nodded, he smiled and kissed her head again, quickly slipping out of bed and to the bathroom.

Lynne looked down at Thomas and rubbed his chest, sighing as he looked up at her with tear filled eyes. "It's okay, Thomas." She spoke quietly and looked wiped his eyes. "No more tears." She gratefully took the glass of water from Jax and the ibuprofen, sitting up to quickly take it. Once she was done, she set the glass on the bedside table and laid back down, rubbing Thomas' head as she closed her eyes. Jax climbed back into bed next to the two and laid down on his side, watching Thomas and Lynne start to doze off— his heart full, even though he was exhausted.

. . .

"Hey gorgeous, Abel and I made you breakfast." Lynne heard a voice. "It's ten thirty.. why don't you eat a little something?"

Lynne cracked open her eyes and yawned as she looked up at Jax, who was sitting next to her and Abel who was cuddled up into her left side. "Good morning, Abel." She said softly, sighing as the pounding in her head returned. She leaned down and kissed her head, then looked over at Thomas who was starting to stir.

Abel smiled up at her and cuddled further into her side. "Daddy told me your head hurt so I made you a drawing."

"You did?" Lynne asked, a smile forming on her face. "Let me see this!" She grinned over at Abel, who excitedly hopped off the bed and ran out of the room to go get it.

"How are you feeling?" Jax asked and looked down at Lynne, helping her slowly sit up.

"Like I got hit by a bus." Lynne grumbled, darling a light chuckle from Jax. "My vee hurts... I'm getting another migraine, everything just hurts, Jax."

"I'll take responsibility for the first issue." Jax laughed and kissed Lynne's head, setting the tray on her lap. "Abel and I made you waffles, eggs and bacon. Eat up."

"You didn't have to," Lynne smiled and looked down at the breakfast, a wide smile on her face. "That's so sweet, Jax."

"We wanted to pamper you." He winked, "I'll take Thomas. I'm going to see if I can get him into the doctors."

"Sounds good." Lynne nodded and looked over at Thomas, who was staring back at her. "I'll keep Abel home then." She smiled, "I should be good once I eat and this ibuprofen kicks in."

Jax nodded and kissed her softly, running a hand through her hair. "No rush. Take a hot shower too, that might help." He said gently and picked Thomas up, leaving the room.

Lynne smiled as she heard Thomas come running down the hallway and into the room, "Look!" He said and held his drawing out to her. "I drew us!"

"Wow, Abel!" Lynne grinned, "You did an amazing job! You have a future with art." She pulled him up into the bed and kissed his head, before running a hand through his blonde hair. "Who's this?" She asked, pointing to the fourth figure.

"Well.. that's my baby sister." Abel spoke up, "I want you and Daddy to have her."

"You want a sister?" Lynne asked, taming his hair and adjusting his shirt.

"Yeah!" Abel grinned and looked up at Lynne. "Me and Tommy want another friend."

"I see," Lynne smiled. "You are TOO precious." She said softly and room the drawing from him. "I'm going to keep this forever and ever, okay?"

"Okay!" He grinned and nuzzled against Lynne's side while she ate.

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