The House Is Flooded (As Is His Heart)

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Summary: “I ought to be home by dinner,” Arthur calls as he walks out the door. “Don’t burn the house down while I’m out!”

Arthur looks around the house, a wondrous confusion in his eyes. “What the hell happened?”

“Well, I didn’t burn it down.”


“Are you sure you want to stay home today?”

Yes, Arthur. I’ll be alright. You go help Darcy at the shop.”

Arthur begins to lace his boots. “Danielle,” he says.

“What?” Merlin queries distractedly as he cleans up from lunch.

“Danielle, not Darcy,” Arthur continues, standing upright and shrugging on a jacket.

“Right. Yes. Danielle.”

“Well, I ought to be home by dinner,” Arthur calls as he walks out the door. “Don’t burn the house down while I’m out!”

Arthur has done this several days a week as of late – going to the local town, Ecrin, that lies just a few miles down the road. Granted, one has to walk through pathless woods to get to that road, but it isn’t far nevertheless. Not for Arthur, at least, who’d trekked across kingdoms on horseback many years ago. It feels like mere months for him, however, as he’s only returned in as much time.

He doesn’t trek with a horse now, though, so Merlin usually takes the car into Ecrin with him. Only, on days like today, Merlin stays home to tend to things, so Arthur is left with a taxi as transport into town.

When they do go into town together, it is for Arthur’s sake, who goes to local shops and helps people of all sorts out. He isn’t even paid for his labor, whether it be moving stock at the farmers’ market or organizing books for the local library. They offer, of course, but that foolish man always declines any payment.

Merlin doesn’t like these ventures much, as he has been secluded in this little cabin in the woods for many years. He built it long ago, with his own two hands – no magic. During his counterpart’s. . . absence, Merlin found himself desperate to keep busy. He all but completely halted his use of magic as he always strayed from taking the easy path. But Arthur doesn’t need to know Merlin’s lack of enjoyment with those days in Ecrin. And he wouldn’t know because Merlin knows Arthur, and he knows how much it means to him.

Despite the many years to mourn the passing of everyone he ever knew, the sorcerer never truly moved on from them. He saw them with him in little ways; Gwen in his garden and basket weaving, and Gaius with his remedy making, and even the smallest of things, like thinking of Elyan whenever he wore something hooded. These reminders always paint him with a bittersweet smile.

But for Arthur, everyone he has ever known and loved, his entire kingdom, his land, is all gone – save Merlin, of course. His mourning is fresh, and Merlin recognizes himself in Arthur – doing everything he can to keep busy, just as Merlin had.

It’s more than that, though. It’s Arthur needing to help people, no matter how seemingly menial this help may appear. Merlin knows Arthur feels responsible for the wellbeing of those in this new land, even if he doesn’t have any actual power. He has no kingdom to lead, no meetings to attend or councils to speak with, no Gaius, and no Guinevere.

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