And I Would Know You In Any Form

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Summary: Merlin accidentally turns himself into a raven, but thankfully Arthur figures it out... eventually.


Arthur scowled as he searched through the aisles of the library for his stupid court sorcerer/betrothed. He had searched high and low for the idiot: His chambers, Arthur’s chambers, Gaius’ chambers, the great hall, the kitchens, even the jail cells! He had asked several knights, lords, and servants if they had seen him but to no avail. No one seemed to know where he was.

Arthur groaned as he finished scouring the library for him. He had checked every nook and cranny and all of Merlin’s favorite hiding spots in the library.

It did not help either that there seemed to be a bloody bird loose in the castle.

Apparently, the damn raven was flying around stealing food and bothering people and for some reason, his people felt the need to come to him to complain about it. 

Arthur sighed he did not have time for that. Surely one of the guards could take care of a stupid bird!

This is ridiculous, I’m the bloody King! I shouldn’t have to deal with this bloody bird AND be forced to play hide and seek with Merlin! Arthur thought, quietly mumbling to himself all the ways he would make the stupid love of his life pay for forcing him on this wild goose chase.

He strode towards the doors quickly asking Geoffrey if his stupid court sorcerer had come in while he was looking but Geoffrey shook his head.

Arthur walked through the halls of the castle quickly and decisively in what Merlin oh so loving called, his grumpy king walk.

He sighed angrily. He had forgotten how annoying it was when he couldn’t find Merlin, back before Merlin had told him about his magic. It had been four years since Merlin had told him when he was Prince Regent. They had kept his magic quiet until he was made King and after the long process of lifting the ban. Four years had now past and Merlin and he no longer had any secrets between them.

With each step, Arthur could feel himself getting less angry and more worried. Merlin didn’t disappear anymore, he always told him when he had to go something outside the castle.

As he walked the halls his eyes glancing at every face, he saw the only person who might know. “Gaius!”

The older man stopped walking and waiting for Arthur to come to him. “Yes, Arthur?”

“Have you seen Merlin? I can’t find him anywhere.”

The infamous eyebrow rose at the question. “Not since this morning, my lord. Last we spoke he was planning on staying in his chambers all day working on some potions.”

Arthur frowned. That had been what Merlin had told him as well.

It seemed his fears showed of his face. Gaius patting his arm, told him, “Don’t assume the worst Arthur. Maybe he stepped out of his chambers to grab some supplies or decided to take a break and get into some trouble with Gwaine.”

Arthur scoffed at that. Merlin and Gwaine were always getting into trouble together. “Right,” Arthur mumbled out loud before turning around and heading towards the training grounds. The knights were having training right now, hopefully, Merlin would be there with Gwaine.

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