Chapter 1- Trapped

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I do not own walking dead only my OC Kira. This story starts in the part of the series when ricks groups have already gotten to the prison. I'm not sure whether i Will follow the story exactly due to my character but please enjoy.

Kira p.o.v

I kept running and running I had no idea where I had come from but where ever it was I knew it wasn't good I was getting chased down by these pale rotting... people? I didn't really know what to call them but I felt that "zombies" just wasn't real enough. None of this seemed at all real, it can't be, it has to be a dream. but why won't i wake up, no matter how much a shake my head telling myself its not real i can't wake, this can't be it. The end?

 I had woken up not long ago, my hands tied to a tree, not remembering much of anything about how I got there, all I knew is that my name was Kira and I've woken up in a middle of an...  Apocalypse? I'm not too sure. 

It didn't take me long as i managed to get out of the ropes tugging and pulling as they weren't that tight, but still leaving a few cuts and bruises on my wrist. 'I wonder how long I've been there. how did I get there? who tied me up? and where are they now?' i didn't feel like i had been there all that long but i was hungry, thirsty, exhausted and i needed to run. i stood up shooting off in any direction, i feel like instinct took over and i just knew i had to get away from these things, something about melting asking and hanging, snapping jaws just didn't seem all that pleasant to me.

i turned back for a second and as i though i was getting followed by those things they aren't especially fast so I gained some distance quickly. I turn back again to see how far I've come only to fall down a ditch my leg getting stabbed by a branch on the way down. i held the bleeding wound in agony and panic hearing the groans just getting closer to me. I remember basic first aid so I tore of some of my shirt best I could and tied it around the injury. 

Sat at the bottom of a pit i look up the side i have to now struggle to climb, 'if i can just get to the other side i might be able to lure them in the pit? can those things climb? i hear those familiar groans again and try climbing up the other side of the pit in hope they would fall in. i stopped the other side and watched as some they fall in, i smile in victory when i notice they start to pile onto each other and are slowly making their way up. on the other side more are coming over, i counted maybe 7 or 8 of them, the ditch was small, they would probably get out soon.

 I walked best I could till I found a road with a broken down car, it was quite dirty and slightly rusted so i knew it had been there for a while. how long have i not known about this apocalypse? i shook the though hearing that they were starting to gain on me. I waddled over to the car and tried opening the door. The door opened only to have the alarm go off and those horrible groans appear behind me coming out of the woods I just came from. "damn it!" I moved into the car noticing then that most of the windows were smashed, there was nothing between me and those things. I stumbled out the other side of the car hearing them scratching the other side coming through the window, i managed to kick one in the head seeing it fall off in the process still chomping away making me feel like i needed to heave.I managed to crawl out stumbling to my feel and checked the boot, there was enough space for me so I climbed in shut it down and hoped to god they couldn't get in.

i didn't even think about it, not hesitating i slumped inside the boot of the car and lay there quite hearing all the scratching and biting on the top of the car trying to get at me but thankfully it holds. I'm cringing at all the scratches on the top, the though of their nails against the metal of the car making me shudder. I feel my chest begin to tighten from the tight space I'm in, I really didn't think this through but I felt there was no other choice, either sit in a tight space for a wile and hope they eventually leave, or get eaten by those thing. My breathing got heavier and heavier I heard a screech of another vehicle outside, it sounded like there were one or 2, people? Actual people? I tried screaming for help but it was barley a whisper until finally, I passed out.

so i hope you enjoyed my first chapter guys, please comment and vote let me know what you think (>'.')> <('.'<)

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