Chapter 17- Girly

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hey guys, i know i was meant to wait till the weekend but i couldn't keep it to myself much longer so here it is enjoy :)

"Goodbye". with that last word that echoed through my ears knowing no one else had heard it, i pulled the trigger...

i flinched at the movement only to hear a small click, no shot, no pain, i touched my head no blood nothin'. i pulled the gun into eye view holding out the barrel seeing there was no bullets. the tears had stopped i kept staring at the gun in amazement, then began laughing hysterically "i cant... believe it... all that time... it was empty" i stopped laughing leaning my head on the tree behind me looking up at the sky through the trees placing my hand over my waist to my bite grasping it slightly. "maybe there is some sort of god out there, maybe its not my time, maybe just maybe that was a sign" i sighed looking down at the bite seeing it oozing this unknown black substance that kinda looked like tar, i go to move my hand away seeing that it had stuck to my hand and lifted of in a liquid strand from my bite to my hand. "disgusting what the hell is this stuff" i decided not to think about it too much, standing up i looked back at the sky "guess its still morning, wonder how long till i... change".

i had to keep walking even though i felt a bit dizzy from the amount of blood the bite had caused me to loose, it wasn't that deep really but it was wide and dripping, still oozing with that black liquid "damn that's gross" i say poking at my wound pushing more of that black gunk out of it almost making me want to vomit. i sat down on a log to examine it a bit more "seriously what is this crap" i re folded the bandage and wrapped up the wound "really needa find another bandage for this, could get infected, then again looks like it already is" i looked back up at the sky "lunch? guess i better find somethin' ta eat" i sighed standing up and start to walk again this time putting my cross bow in my hand and staying low looking for any type of sign of an animal. after what felt like days even though it was probably just a few hours of walking i broke. 

i fell down to my knees crying, i could barley breath from the emotional pain i was feeling "god damn it! why am i so weak! I cant even save myself, feed myself, im obviously lost, how the hell am i gunna find my friends like this!" then it occurred to me ' do i wanna find my friends at all?' its like i had completely forgot i hadn't changed yet and it had been almost an entire day but why? i honestly didn't know how long it was meant to take to turn i had never really seen it up close before surely i shouldn't of changed now. but what if it takes a while, what if i find rick, Daryl and the others and i turn, i don't want them to see that. with that i look at the sky once more this time i close my eyes and put my hands together

"okay god, i know you gotta be listenin', now I'm gunna assume the whole gun thing was your doin' other wise i wouldn't be here right now, so i need somthin' coz im starting to give it all up again, i need something to keep me going some sort of sign so i know i gotta keep going, that you need me to keep going"

with that i slowly opened my eyes and had a hefty sigh "well it was worth a shot" just then i heard screaming and shouting coming near by, i stood up stumbling a little my eyes looked up slightly "thanks man" and charged forward still keeping low incase it was just more danger. i came to a small opening on a road just to see a guy getting torn apart by a walker 'hmm just one walker weird' the guy was obviously dead getting eaten by the walker i walked out a bit looking up and down the road not seeing anyone i felt it was same to go out. i pulled out my knife and stabbed it in the back of the walkers head its body fell lifeless ontop of the guy, his face wasn't recognizable but i doubt i knew him. i saw that he had a large bag on his bag. i lifted him up pulling the bag off and moving into the woods and hiding inbetween bushes just incase other where around. i searched through the bag and with my luck i found a few things i really needed Bandages and medical supplies, water only a few mouth fulls but i could at least use the bottle for more and Food! it was mainly stuff you could find in the woods such as fruits and berries but at the bottom i found a packet of cookies, i looked at it and giggled slightly 'if- no, When i find the others we should share these'. i grinned putting them back i cleaned the wound with some of the water and re wrapped it with clean bandages this time, felt good having something clean on it. i ate a few berries making sure i had plenty for traveling and taking a pain killer just before packing up and getting back to walking.

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