Chapter 25- Home?

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hey guys so i made up from the lack of story last chapter and hopefully this is better, i hope its not confusing i think i worded it okay, anyway enjoy :)

"i have to go back to where i came from"

"and that is?" i faced maggie and dropped my head "i have to go to new york"

"New York! are you kidding me, what the hell is so important you have to..." i interupted maggie before she said somthing stupid

"ANSWERS! i stand around here every day not knowing who i am, do you have any idea what that's like, not knowing where you've come from or what the hell is happening to you. for some weird reason i am the only person that seems to be immune to a bite, have none of you really thought why? you all just accepted it so i pushed it back, but its really starting to bug me, i need to know why i'm here. and if new york is the answer then that's where i'm going"

it was silent for a moment i noticed mags wanted to say somthing but glenn grabbed her shoulder and shook his head as if to say don't speak. i didn't know where to look i couldn't bring myself to look at daryl i glanced up at rick and he had a stern face as if he was thinking "rick i..." but he interrupted "i understand" i managed to bring my head up to face him "i-it is, your not going to argue?" he shook his head and walked in front of me "i don't know what its like to not know who you are, when you first got here you told us there wasn't a second name, i thought it was because you didn't want to get to close. but i can see that that's not the issue, but its the fact you don't actually know it. i cant understand how you feel but i know you need to find out" rick gave me a small smile.

"you know your crazy right?" i turned to Daryl who hadn't spoken or even lifted his head the entire conversation. "i know" i answered

"new yorks a busy place its gunna be crawling with walkers"

"i know" its like i didn't really know what else to say to him to make this okay but his next sentence threw me completely "well then we better get ready" i stared at him blinking with my eyes wide "huh?"

"i said we gotta go right, long way to new york, might be able to catch a truck or somthin' on the way" he went back into the barn and i followed "Daryl you don't have ta..." he interrupted by chucking my bag at me and walking up to me with all his gear. he looked down at me "what is this?" he pointed to his chest, i reached my hand up and brushed my hand over the cut i had given him the night before it was deeper then i thought, would probably take 2-3 weeks to heal completely. "im going with you, whether ya like it or not" i walked past me about to walk out the barn door "no" i didn't bother to even face him.

"what'd you say" i tensed up able to turn myself and kept a serious face "i said no, your not coming, i need you here"

"sorry peaches but i cant leave you on yer own"

"to bad your gunna have ta" i picked up all my gear and walked out the barn door but mine and Daryl's conversation was interrupted by everyone aiming their weapons at one guy in the middle of the group. "what the hells going on" the guy in the middle looked up "ah yes heres kira and Daryl, nice to meet ya" the guy got hit with the butt of a gun in the back of the head by rick "shut it"

"umm can i ask somethin'? who the fuck is this guy and why does he know us?"

"said hes names Arron, hes got a place that's 'safe' for us" i could tell the lack of trust in ricks voice "hes been tailing us or a while now it seems" carol moved closer to him.

"what? how did he? yo, what is this so called safe place" i walked over moving ricks gun of the guy slightly but still kept a good distance as he spoke "its called Alexandria..." i didn't hear much after that as a pain went through my head again i gripped my head seeing images of a small town and an older woman calling my "kira...Kira? you okay?" i came back to and daryl was holding me up right calling me "kira come on you okay?"

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