Chapter 4- Peaches

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Me and rick didn't say much when we got to tower, the silence was killing me "hey rick, can i ask you something"

"what's up?"

"well i don't mean to be rude, but isn't Lori your wife, shouldn't you have said something to back her up or something? i dunno"

he chuckled a little "Lori's a big girl, she can stand her ground when she needs to, not to mention i sorta agreed with you, well most of it. but do me a favour don't tell Lori that"

i laughed a little "your secrets safe with me"  it weird how rick is able to make me feel better I've started to look at rick as kinda a father figure even though there's only about 10 years difference between us.

"well i better go down make sure loris okay, il send someone up when i get back"

i nodded as he went back down the tower stairs. i looked back out into the horizon the sun was getting low but not quite setting. it got me thinking about how much closer I've gotten to everyone lately i hadn't been there as long as the others but i feel like I've defiantly made some strong bonds. Carl is probably like a little brother to me which makes sense seeing as rick is like a father to me, Hershel is kinda like a gram-pa or a crazy uncle then there's Beth, mags and Glenn their defiantly like my brothers and sister too, then there's Daryl...

"what are we?" thinking out loud

"what are who?" i kinda jumped at the new voice that had appeared to look at the horizon with me it was mags. "so...what are who?" she repeated

"i was just thinking about the people in the group and what they are to me is all"

she turned to me quickly and had a big grin on her face "ooo, what am i?"

i smiled at her "idiot your my sister of course" she went to hug me then stopped herself knowing that i don't like to touch. i turned to her crushing her in a hug and moving away with a smile on my face. 

"b-but you hate hugs?"

"gotta get over it at some point" i shrugged

she had a small smile which turned to an evil grin "yeah or how ya gunna touch Daryl" . i blushed at that and moved my gaze away from her, i heard her start to walk away "wait i thought you were keeping watch with me?"

she looked up to me and still had that evil grin on her face, "i just came to warn ya Daryl's comin up to help ya instead"

"what? but Daryl usually does it on his own?"

"well i kinda volunteered him, and he didn't say no" she said winking at me "have fun"

i sigh turning back to the look out hearing Daryl come up the stairs i clenched on the balcony and became tense expecting him to ask about what Lori said 'go fuck Daryl' embarrassing! i almost blurted out 'Gladly' luckily held it back. after a while i had relaxed it seemed like Daryl didn't want to talk so i left it. we didn't say anything the entire night just stood their keeping watch, but it wasn't uncomfortable it was actually kinda nice just standing with him like that.

I woke up that morning outside, i noticed i was still in the look out tower covered with a jacket that had that amazing scent, i pulled it to my face taking it in hearing that rugged voice in front of me "Do i really smell that good?" i looked up to see Daryl smiling down to me, a Major blush crept over my face, i tried to ignore it standing and handing Daryl his jacket "t-thanks"

"no problem peaches"

i looked at him confused "peaches?"

"ya hair is sort of a peachy pink dontcha think" his hand moved to the side of my face stroking down part of my long hair, that bastards teasing me. i pushed his hand away "shutit stupid redneck, ima go eat" with that i left only for him to follow "whatcha doin' aint ya meant to be lookin out" 

" all gotta eat right"

i just kept walking straight into the quarters and up to me cell only for mags to come in "how'd look out go K?" 


"yeah my new nick name for ya"

"seriously does no one know my name here" i said laughing a bit

"whats ya mean?"

"Daryl keeps comin up with nick names ta call me"

"like what?"

"when i first got e're it was grily even when i told him to call me kira now hes started callin me peaches"

"oh coz of ya hair? that's a good one, anyway com'n eat"

i went down with Mags got my food and went to take a seat only to see the only spare seat was next to Daryl i looked over towards Mags and Beth and Glenn were all giggling to themselves i weren't taking "ima eat in ma room" Daryl spoke not taking his eyes off his food "ma that bad to sit with"

i looked over my shoulder to him "yes you stink" he looked up to me this time with a smirk "a smell you seem ta like" i had a small blush "whatever" i continued walking going up to my room eating my food and lay my feet across the bed still sitting up a bit.

i started to think about how other people in the world were doing, is this something that's world wide? is it something that we can escape from? doubt full. then i had a pain through my skull i screamed images flashing through my head my chest started to hurt, i could barley breath i could feel people shouting my name and shaking me. The images stopped i had gripped the sides of my head with my hands, the person next to me trying to ply them off, when i saw it was Daryl i felt tears trickle down my face i sat forward leaning my head on Daryl shoulder. to be honest i doubt he was comfortable with that considering almost everyone was there but let me stay there. "what the hell happened K?" i sat up face red from the tears but no longer crying, "i remember everything" i said not really all there i swung my legs passed daryl and over the side of my bed standing up and pushing my way through everyone running down grabbing my weapons and darting out the door.

"kira wait where are you going?" i heard rick behind me likely with everyone else except Lori she really didn't like me.

"sorry Rick i got somewhere to go, i dunno if i can come back"

Mags and Beth looked like they were gunna cry but mags was still able to speak "What the hells that suppose ta mean?"

"Mags please don't I-"

"No, just last night you said how much we all meant to you and now ya gunna just up and leave?"

"you think i wanna go? you think i wanna leave you guys behind hell no, you guys are the closest thing to a family ive ever had."

"then dont go" i turned back to rick

"if things go the way i plan i wont have to be gone long few days tops"

"and if it goes wrong"

"then il probably end up as one of them" i pointed at some of the walkers by the fence

i went to walk over to the gate only to get grabbed by Carl he pulled my arm down and kissed my cheek i was kinda shocked as was everyone else but i gave him a smile and said to him "will it help you if a promise to come back?" he nodded looking down trying to hold back the tears. i took a few steps back still facing everyone looking at all of them leaving Daryl till last, i smiled to him " see ya round redneck" he just turned his back "whatever, just leave" Maggie went to argue with me "hey, -"

"no mags its fine leave it, but i will say this..." i took a deep breath "i-I love you, Daryl Dixon" 

he stopped didn't turn to look at me nothing, everyone was kinda shocked mainly coz i had said it seeing as they all probably knew about it. i turned and walked out the gate rick shut it back on me as i walked of i heard Daryl say "see ya... Kira". tears fell down my face as i walked into the woods out of sight from the others.

Sorry kinda a cliff hanger there hehe im so evil but i should deffo be posting the next chapter up as soon as ive finished it, dont forget to comment what you think and vote (>'.')><('.'<)

The Girl From The Woods (Daryl Dixon x OC)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum