Chapter 3- I Need To Be Strong

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I got woken up by the sound of people in my cell i opened my eyes to see a man with a white beard who i remembered to be Hershel along with Carl and Beth "oh look shes waking up" i sat up with a thumping headache that almost made me fall over "woah careful now" Hershel helped me steady myself "umm can i ask why your all in my cell, anything wrong?" i hear a sigh in the door way i look up to see Daryl "you've been out for almost 2 days" i became wide eyed and my head thumped again but i ignored it steadying my self with the top bed frame. "what do you mean? but how why?" Hershel came into my eyes sight " it was probably a bit of exhaustion mixed with hunger and thirst how long did you go without food and drink before Daryl found you?" i looked at him sat on my bed head in my hands and sighed "i honestly don't know i could have been tied there days for all i know" well then" Beth began lets get you some food and water shall she went to grab my hand i moved away "sorry i didn't mean to I'm not to good with human contact" i heard Daryl sniggered "whats so funny" he looked over his shoulder "nothin' just didn't seem that way the day i rode ya here" i blushed enough for people to notice this time they chose to ignore it and Beth continued out the door with the others and i followed. we sat down with a can of beans, i hate cold beans but nothing much else to eat.

After i ate rick was giving people jobs to do, "kira, can you help out with laundry?" i shook my head "sorry rick im no good with that sort of thing" i said with quite a depressed look on my face i walked out into the yard, i looked down to the gate and noticed carl opening the gate for Daryl he had obviously been out hunting, having rabbits and squirrels strapped to him and his bike i rest my head on my knees wrapping my arms around them and sigh slightly. i notice Daryl talking to rick giving him some of the prey he caught. "you like him don't cha" i turned to see Beth's sister i think her name was Maggie "sorry what, who?" i tried laughing it off "don't tryin fool me i can tell ever since you got here you've been staring at him not to mention when he couldn't get you of his bike, its sweet" i look at her shocked a bit and look back down to him "no its not sweet, its a pain" she looked at me confused. "I've had people I've cared about before and they left me every time they leave, i don't want that again, if i start to like Daryl i have no way of knowing if he'll leave" she looked at me and smiled "sorry hunie but we aint going no where so might as well get used to us" i felt like i could get along with her she seemed nice like Beth was to me. who knows maybe i could fit in that's it i need to help them, my-my Friends? maybe in time they will be. i stood up quickly making Maggie jump slightly "hm kira what cha doin?" i looked at her and smiled something that needs to be done, thanks for the pep talk mags" i run off towards Daryl and rick hearing Maggie behind me "anytime hun". I stop just a bit away from rick and Daryl only for them to look up at me 'okay here's my chance' "rick, Daryl i need a favour" rick turned to me "whats up kira?" i took a deep breath in "i want to be trained to fight". 

Daryl scoffed  little not looking at me "Daryl, id take a look, shes serious" he turned to me, my face full of determination and courage "well i gotta say girlys got courage" i point my stare at Daryl "I'm not girly, its kira got that redneck" Daryl moved forward so he was in my face and scoffed moving past me towards the quarters before entering he shouts back to me and rick "rick, leave her to me" rick nodded in agreement and looked to me "i hope your ready he wont go easy" i nodded and followed him inside the quarters.

i stayed I'm my cell the rest of the day until dinner. Beth comes into my room "hey kira mind helping with dinner" i sit up and walk out with her "sure i love to cook" i walked over to where they were 'preparing' the food if that's what you called it "uh what are you guys doing" i asked confused carol looked up and saying "skinning the food Daryl brought us why?" i chuckled a bit "why don't you guys go sort some vegetables or something leave the meat to me" Beth looked at me "are you sure that's a lot of people to cook for on your own" i smiled picking up a bucket that had the squirrel and rabbit in "i had a big family so its fine" there was a bit of sadness behind my thoughts but i pushed past it.

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