Chapter 18 - I'm Sorry

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So sorry for the late update have been soooo busy and my internet has been so bad but i still hope you enjoy :)

i hadn't moved from the front bench i was just kind of staring into the space, i just couldn't get it out of my head...

'Me a cure? could i seriously be able to save all of these people, am i seriously immune to this "virus" or what ever it is,rick said to us that we were all infected does that mean im not, does that mean if i die, im never coming back, i don't know whether that's a good thing or not in this world'

Everyone seemed to keep their distance from me, whether it was scared i was gunna turn, confused on why i was acting like this or just generally considering the fact that i could save their lives. i wasn't really sure but even mags and Glenn are keeping their distance from me although it didn't help the fact that i totally blanked them when they tried to comfort me.

"why am i being like this"

"coz you almost died" i saw rick sit beside me girly went up and licked his hand burying her face on his legs as if apologizing for growling at him earlier. 

"i almost killed myself rick" he didn't look up it was kinda obvious that i would have tried to after being bite

"i woulda done the same"

it was silent for a moment, it was nice knowing that rick was next to me i missed everyone so much, i hated being alone then i found girly and it made me a bit better having her there.

"i know youve gone through alot, but you know that we are all worried about you, your not the same anymore, something has changed"

"yeah, i got lost in the woods by myself, dozens of walkers chasing me, i got bite various time, tried to kill myself, got shot at by humans and i... killed my sister all in 2 days"

i noticed rick seemed lost for words, "i understand that you don't know what to say, i mean what do you say to that, the answer ... you don't, just sit with me for a while rick... please"

i could feel my voice breaking nearing the end of my sentence a lump was forming in my throat "i-im sorry" those word i kept repeating and i began to cry being hugged by rick as he kissed the top of my forehead "im sorry... im sorry" 

"its gunna be alright" i felt rick squeeze me slightly and begin to move and become replaced with someone else i didn't have to look up to know it was Daryl, i hadn't spoken to him since that morning of the sun rise i leaned back into him crying some more as Daryl helped me close to his chest. i felt him move his arm picking me up bridle style and carrying me to one of the rooms at the front of the church shutting the door with his foot and laying me on the bed. he kisses my forehead and goes to move out the room but i sit up grabbing hold of his wrist, "Daryl... i...i missed you... so much... please don't leave me alone again, i know its alot to ask but i cant be alone anymore not after that please just..." i was cut off by Daryl gently moving his thumb over my cheek to brush away the tears, i looked into his eyes noticing that he had heavy bags under them, they were slightly red as if he had been crying, i slowly lent into him him leaning in as well and grazing our lips over eachother's, our breaths mingled with one anothers. 

one last tear fell from my eye as i felt my eyes dropping Daryl's hand had moved to the back of my head lowering my down "i aint going nowhere darlin'" i started to drift of when  i suddenly thought "where's Girly?" i asked not wanting to leave her on her own with strangers "who? the dog? il bring her in, ina sec"  he leaned down next to my ear kissing it slightly "wonder where you got a name like that" it made me giggle "taught from the best" i turned my head to face his as he chuckled "no i mean it, i learned how to hunt coz of you, your the one that trained me, fought with me, made me feel wanted, made me feel like it was worth living just for this" i wrapped my arms around his neck "the last thing i thought of before i pulled the trigger on my gun, was you and even though you wernt there to hear it i did say goodbye" he kinda widened his eyes for just a second then went back to being relaxed. he probably wanted to argue with me almost killing myself but then realized that i didn't have much of a choice.

"wait, ho come you aint dead?"

"wow thanks Daryl"

"you know what i mean"

i sighed knowing he would laugh "well i pulled the trigger and...turns out... there wernt any bullets"

he chuckled slightly making me punch his arm in embarrassment but he continued "anyway you don't need to say goodbye darlin' your right here, and like i said i aint going nowhere" Daryl stood up walking to the door "hey thought you were stayin'"

"i am but what about Girly?"

"bring her in"

"sorry peaches i just got you back i aint sharing you with a dog tonight"

i giggled with a blush over my face Daryl opened the door, i stood up and walked in front of him pushing him back in the room "why don't you stay here while i go and ask Maggie to look after girly for me, kinda need her to forgive me"

"alright darlin' il be watin" i shut the door walking out taking a deep breath and releasing it "okay kira, Maggie cant be that mad just go up to her, talk hug and it will all be okay" i looked around the church spotting rick, Glenn, Maggie, Carl and Judith all sat together 'perfect' figured might aswell speak to all of them at once. i walked over lowering my head slightly "hey...guys" Glenn and Carl both looked at me Carl stood giving me a hug "dad told us everything, i'm sorry" was all he whispered to me as he sat back down, i nodded to rick as a type of thanks for telling them so i didn't have to go through that again i looked towards Glenn and he smiled at me taking that as a were cool then to mags. "Mags?" she wasn't looking at me just staring at the floor "look mags i'm sorry about before, i know you were just trying to help but i..."

"You don't get it do you!?"


"i tried to talk to you because i cared about you, for all i knew you were dead you almost were coming back and finding out my best friend my sister went back into the house just to try and find me and could have died in doing so, i cant look at you because i cant forgive myself... i... i left you!"

i was kinda surprised i thought she was made coz of the way i acted when i got back but shes just mad at herself "mags look at me" she didn't move "LOOK AT ME" i noticed she had tears in her eyes as did i "You think i hate you for leaving me? your kidding right? this world is about survival and in case you haven't noticed we're both still here" i smiled down to her she stood up launching at me into a hug "im sorry kira"

"me too mags, me too" we brushed our tears away and laughed "so mags can i ask you a favor? can you look after girly tonight me and Daryl kinda wanna be ... alone" i blushed a bit looking down but could see her smirk "fine but in return you tell me every detail of what happened in that tailor" i blushed even more but looked up smiling "Deal" we both giggled and i introduced Maggie to girly, they seemed to get along fine so i knew it was okay to leave girly in her hands, and i went back to the man that was waiting for me.

i knocked on the door "Daryl?" i go to open the door feeling it get pulled open "get your ass in er'e" Daryl grabbed my waist pulling me in pushing the door closed and pushing me onto the door. we stared at eachother making me smile i ran my figures through his hair "i missed this" i whispered he moved his head forwards hovering above my lips "I missed you" he was so quiet i could barley hear him but it made me smile into the soft kiss he pulled me into. i completely fall in love with this man all over again when he treats me like this, every small gesture just make him that much more incredible. we released eachother's lips breathing heavily for air "Daryl?"

"sup peaches?"

"i love you, so much, i think your gunna be the end of me"

he chuckled "peaches, i never really knew what all that mushy crap was about, but your the one that makes me that way, i don' mind being like this coz... i love you too My peaches"

just that little pause in his sentence showed me he defiantly wasn't used to saying that to me, or anyone in fact so i knew he meant every little word. we leaned back in to kissing Daryl slowly pulling me off the wall and moving on to the little bed. it was honestly to small for us to lay side by side so after a bit of fidgeting i was practically laying on top of Daryl, but he was super comfy, not to mention laying with him makes me, like all that danger I've faced without him was nothing just because i made my way back to him.

"peaches, you okay?" i felt his chest vibrate as he spoke sending chills down my spine i answered one simple word with a small smile on my face before drifting to sleep "perfect".

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