Chapter 7- Can i Really Do It?

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Been so busy so sorry for the wait hope you enjoy ^.^

i started packing up my things to leave for the prison, we still had a few hours or so left until night fall so we would make it back easily and maybe do some hunting on the way.

"ready to go peaches?"

"yeah i guess so, hey what happened to Kira"

he just gave me a small smirk and opened the door to leave. i got to the door following him but before closing it i turned back smiling at the little hut id been living in on my own even though it was only about a week i had gotten used to it. i feel Daryl come right next to my ear and whisper "don't worry peaches, this can be our little spot when we want ..." i interrupted covering his mouth blushing furiously "i- no- i mean" i hear him stat to chuckle pulling my hand away "i was gunna say time to ourselves but if ya want that i ain't saying no" i slammed to hut door moving passed Daryl still blushing, something i cant hide especially around him.

"we going or what?" i say turning back to Daryl as he stands their arms crossed smirking. i look back ahead sighing "com'on lets do some huntin' for a bit before we go back"

we were walking for a while only ran into 2 walkers and one was stuck in the river bank anyway so we didn't break a sweat we had caught a few rabbit but mainly squirrels and were just coming into sight of the prison when i stop in my tracks, Daryl noticing this stops as well turning to face me "whats up? suns comin' down we gotta get goin'"

"Daryl, is it okay if i do come back? i mean aren't they all mad at me fa leavin' ya like that, no explanation nothin' i just left"

i looked up seeing daryl was right in front of me "well peaches, they all want you back and I'm bringin' ya force or not you're comin'. what i don't understand is how ya can leave after sayin' somthin' like that to me"

i jolt at those words "ah sorry, wasn't like i planned it, its like i knew i had confessed but it was spur of the moment kinda thing, i thought i was going to my grave"

"you saying you were going to become one of those damn walkers sayin' that to me then leaving sure got a weird way of lettin' out ya feelings peaches"

there was a small silence as i went to speak Daryl did "i was worried, k, i didn't want to be out huttin' then see a you that ain't you no more"

i smiled lightly moving forward and hugging Daryl "I'm sorry, i wont leave again"

"damn right" he said putting one of his muscular arms around me holding me tightly.

"hey peaches, i was meant to ask"

"hmm... what?" i nuzzled myself further into his chest

"how old are you?" my eyes open wide and i move back a bit

"umm why'dya need to know that"

"dunno, i kinda wanna know the age difference or somthin'" he said scratching the back of his head.

"why does it matter?"

"look i just wanna make sure you legal right!"

i try and hold back my laughter but fail completely "what you laughing bout peaches!" he said ramming me into a tree holding my arms above my head.

"I'm sorry its cute you think I'm that young"

"ain't nothin' cute about it, so what is it?"


"your age dammit!"

"fine, im 29 almost 30"

he looked kinda stunned letting go of my hands then a glare formed on his face "how'd i know you aint lying" i sighed rifling around in my ruck sack pulling out a little money bag, holding up her drivers licence. Daryl took it nodding that it was the correct age. he stopped and admired the card

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