Chapter 23- Matching Scars

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Well hello everyone, i do hope you like this chapter, it is a bit wishy washy but it helped to fill in a few blanks i think, enjoy :)

 i woke up that morning my face sore and warm from so much crying, i went to lift my hand to touch my face only to notice i couldn't lift it, i looked to see Daryl's arms were still around me, so tight i could barley move, it made me feel safe, just to have him wrapped around me, hell just being near him makes me feel safer then without him. i shift slightly to face him able to awkwardly get one arm out of his grip. he was still sleeping head tilted slightly and leaning against the wall behind us, i noticed he had bags under his eyes. i probably didn't look much better i mean the past few days have been so crazy that we barley got any sleep not to mention this is the most we've seen each other for a while. i moved my hand up to the side of his face stroking his cheek feeling his hard spiky stubble that made him look so sexy.

 i couldn't help but i think i just wanted him to wake up and kiss me, we haven't touched kissed or even spoken all that much in so long, even just him now holding his arms around me while he slept wasn't enough, i needed to feel him a bit more. i tried leaning in to meet his lips, but Daryl's grip was way to tight and i couldn't reach, i tried desperately to get closer to him but trying not to wake him at the same time, when i felt Daryl's grip tighten i looked to see a smirk on his 'sleeping' face.

 "damn it Daryl your awake?!" 

he just lowly chuckled at me while i pouted at him. "cant believe you made me struggle like that, stupid redneck" 

Daryl released on of his hands and placed in on my chin pulling my to face him but i pulled out of his grip and faced away. i would have walked of but his grip was still pretty tight around me. 

 "aww com'on peaches, i was only teasin'" 

he tried to pull my face towards him again, this was it, as he pulled my head around and tried to lean in i head butted him, making his grip loosen and me to be free. i stood up and Daryl chased me picking my up from behind and swinging me around "that was cheatin' darlin" his husky voice sent shivers down my spine as he whispered in my ear. but like every happy moment something has to ruin it some how. i looked down to the floor to see the dark blue blanket we had used to cover up girly's body still on the floor. 

Daryl must of noticed what i was looking at as he tugged on my arm hugging me tightly "what ya wanna do?"i went down onto my knees and put my hand over the blanket "she needs a proper burial" i looked up to Daryl as he nodded.

 "alrigh' ill start diggin'" 

while Daryl and Carl were out back digging a grave for girly, mags and Glenn helped me carry her outside and wrap her up. mags went out and got a ton of flowers. i had never had a chance to say sorry to mags for not bringing Beth back. i didn't really know how to bring it up with her.

 "hey K, about what you said before to rick"

 "huh? whats that?"

 "your promise to me... about Beth"

 'well that's a way to do it'"look mags i..." 

"Thank You K" 


 "your were the only one that wanted to go out and actually find her, and you did it, you found her, at least now i know whats happened to her and i'm not just sitting here wondering if she is alive or not, now i genuinely know, so thank you"

 my eyes started tearing up but i turned away and rubbed them off, no crying today even if its happy tears. "com'on mags i didn't do much, quit getting so sappy on me will ya"

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