Chapter 12- Terminus is Terminal

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So i honestly couldnt rember much of the episodes near this part but im pretty sure ive got the basics of it, it would change slightly anyway because of kira being a character, but anyways let me know what Ya'll think... hehe i said Ya'll.


i look up at amazement, its an actual place with fences all around, it looks strong and seems as though you could live there for a while with no trouble. i thought back to the prison my eyes looked down in sorrow.

"peaches? you okay?" i nod towards him smiling 

"yeah, s'just reminds me of tha prison s'all"

"yeah, gives of the same vibe as when we first go there too"

"whad'ya mean"

"when we first got to the prison, we hada go in not knowing what was there, could'a still been some criminals in there, walkers, guards, go knows what, it just like..."

i finished his sentence "the fear of the unknown" we look at each other for a moment and nod "best we do a round, i ain't trusting it" Daryl said i nodded again as we start to walk around the perimeter of terminus keeping low in case there's any guards or walkers about.

we had walked for a while not really seeing much but we started to hear low hushed voices up ahead, i hid behind a bush and Daryl the opposite side of me behind a large tree, just listening to the voices move closer to us. with every step i hear them take i start to feel as if i knew them

"we'll bury a few of e'm here in case something goes down"

i knew that voice i looked over the bush to see, Daryl the opposite side if me trying to tell me to get down but i ignored him i recognized those people.

"Rick?" i spoke standing up making Daryl come round from his hiding spot. rick turned quickly aiming his gun up but soon lowering it when he realized it was us. i run up to him jumping into his arms and giving him a big hug. this wasn't really what id usually do but i thought they were gone, i got off of rick only to be pulled into another hug a tall figure i wasn't used to but as i pulled away i realized it was carl "CARL?! what the hell happened to you?" he looked at me confused "whad'ya mean?"

"y-your so tall, and kinda... handsome now!" this made Carl blush pulling his hat down slightly to hide it as we all laughed, i took his hat off ruffling his hair, "i missed ya little bro" i said smiling up at him seeing as he was a bit taller then me now. i looked over Carl's shoulder to see michonne. we weren't much for hugging, so we did one of those hand shake things were you grab the inside of their elbow "good ta see ya michonne" she nodded "glad ya made it" we smile and i walk back to Daryl, taking his hand in mine intertwining our figures and leaning my head on his shoulder noticing he seemed a bit grumpy. 

"hey whats up, we've just been reunited with out friends you cant say hi?" i look up to daryl and his eyes are giving evil glares towards rick and Carl. "what the hell was that you jus' did" i took me a while to get it but i figured it was because i hugged rick and called Carl handsome. i sigh "what you jealous or somthin'?"

"nah, i ain't jealous" he turns his head huffing

"com'on ya know ricks like a dad to me and that makes Carl my younger bro"

"yeah whatever"

i move forward from Daryl's side to face him putting my hands up and pinching his cheeks "hey stop being grumpy, ya know i love you already!"

that made me freeze, and pull away with wide eyes, seeing Daryl smirk 'wait have i said that to him at all, i must have done, i know i said it when i left and maybe once when we got back, did i i dunno anymore'. Daryl lifted his hand making me flinch but i felt it placed on to of my head. 

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