Chapter 6- Am I Strong Enough Now

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Chapter 6 Bra, gotta say i did love writing this one and you shall see why very soon muhahaha, anyways dont forget to comment and vote thaaaanks!! (^ '.' ^)

I woke up to the sound of rustling, i could feel that someone was holding me carrying me on their back but my eyes were too sore to open that was until a tree branch swung back hitting me in the face and making me fall of the persons back. "ow" i looked up to see that it was Glenn that was carrying me "oh crap sorry you okay" i see Mags behind him with a worried look on her face. that's when i knew what they were doing "thanks for the lift Glenn but i can walk from here, thanks for the rescue" i take my things from Maggie and go to walk in the opposite direction to them "K, wait, aren't you coming back with us, haven't you done what you needed to?"

i stop in my tracks to look back at her "Ya right i have done what i needed to but I'm not ready to go back yet,  cant face everyone as a failure"

"but you didn't fail" Glenn stepped forward "your the one that gave me the knife to get us out of there if you weren't there we wouldn't have gotten out"

i smiled lightly "you don't get it, what that guy did to me made me feel weak and helpless, i need to become stronger otherwise i wont be able to face any of them i can barley face you guys now"

Mags went to walk over to me she looked like she was gunna hug me "don't Mags I'm sorry but i wont be coming back not for another couple of days not yet, i need some time to think for myself about what I'm doing"

Maggie stepped back towards Glenn him putting his arm around her waist "we understand, just please come back" Glenn said i nodded and walked of towards a small hut that i knew was near by as i passed it on the way to woodbury.

when i got to the hut i set down my things, laid a few traps in and around the hut grabbed my weapons and set out again to hunt but not really for food although that would be good, for walkers. i remember Daryl saying to me before the only way I'm gunna learn is if i go out and do it and that's what I'm gunna do until I'm ready to fight for the people i care for.

-few days later-

i had really settled into that little hut and really got the hang of hunting from what Daryl taught me and killing walkers from what i taught myself. in the hut i had found a broken down car, fixed it up enough to make it work so i was able to drive to different towns and collect any goods. i had gotten a few extra weapons while i was roaming around things like grenades, hand gun some extra arrows and even a katana which i had gotten pretty used to using. there was a small lake couple miles away that i had gone to few times just to wash down in. today i went back up there to wash down i knelled by the side of the lake washing my face and arms as i went to take of my top to wash that i heard a struggle not to far from where i was. i ran through the forest to where i could here those familiar grunts and groans, "walkers" i walked over silently making sure they didn't here me when i noticed there was a group of them maybe about 10-15 a little more then i usually go for but i thought what the hell. i climbed up the side of the tree taking out 5 or 6 with my arrows once i got their attention i got out my katana i defiantly prefer the quieter weapons slicing a few of their heads of going round cutting each of them until there was one left holding someone down i run over and stab the katana through its head making it fall to the side and i see who the person is.



i go to walk away knowing he would only try and drag me back to be honest i wouldn't mind going back now i mean its only been a few days but i kinda miss the crazy lot.

"Kira, what ya doin' out here?"

"i could ask you the same question"

"well i came here to find you"

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