Chapter 37- Am I Still Me?

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Woah look at that next chapter in the same week its like i promised more updates or something >.< enjoy...

"Kana? B-But how?" i went to run up and hug her but her eyes moved away from mine as if she was angry at me.

"i found her" elizabeth stood and walked towards me ushering me inside to sit with everyone. "when you were at the cdc we checked you records and i noticed you lived with an older girl for a while. i was concerned as to what happened to her so i did my research and found her. she said you were close almost sisters a long time ago so a brought her here to live with us"

"Wait! Really!? you here that Kana you get to stay!"

"Yeah, that's...that's great" kana seemed hesitant and really pissed "kana whats wrong aren't you happy"her eye's finally darted to mine and i could finally see her anger.

"Ecstatic... now if you don't mind id like to see my room" kana walked away from me and my 'Dad', Henry showed Kana to her room. for a second it was silent between me and 'Mum', elizabeth until i noticed a stern look she was giving me "Kira what did you do to her?"

"What i aint done nothin'"

"Of for god sake kira you've been hanging around those rowdy boys too much your starting to sound like them"

"There aint nothin' wrong with that"

"Never mind that now, what happened between you two?"

i told her everything that happened when we were kids, i didn't spare any detail.

"i see and you didn't think to take her with you?"

"What? i couldn't she was hurt and its not like i could look after her i was just a kid i didn't really know what i was doing"

"you left her with a bunch of strangers although it may have seemed like the right thing i bet she would of liked to wake up with you next to her instead of some random doctor"

"But i...I guess you kinda right, i panicked i didn't understand what was happening"

"i know but its not me you should be explaining this too"

i knew she was right i stood with a hefty sigh and began walking toward the spare room. i saw henry walking out "Sup henry"

"I think your friend may be a be confused right now maybe you better talk to her"

"Already on orders form the boss"

"well then soldier at ease" he pretended to salute to me making me give him a petty laugh. he left and i stood for a second outside kana's door, i took a deep breath and knocked on the door "uhh Kana, can i uhhh talk to you for a sec?"

"laeve me alone Kira"

"But Kana I..."

"I said leave i don't want to talk to you okay" i walked away ignoring it for now. a couple of days passed and kana still wouldn't talk to me she only ever came downstairs for food and then she was gone not a word towards me.

one day i had enough, dinner came and i could hear Kana coming down stairs, she walked into the kitchen and straight passed me, i snapped.

"That's it I've had it! Look I'm sorry i left you I'm sorry you took all that shit just to keep me safe, but i was only 14 I didn't know what to do i was a kid chucked into an adult world with adult circumstance. you took way too much on at once and i had no way of helping you, not one. so if you really think that after all we've been through I'm going to accept the silent treatment your dead wrong" it was silent i think i even heard Henrys food fall off his fork from shock.

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