Chapter 22- Goodbye, Loyal Friend

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Hello there people so i hope you enjoy this one, got kinda teary myself haha jk anyways enjoy :)

I didn't know what was going on at all with me, its like in my head i felt like i should be crying, completely broken down trying to help Maggie by comforting her but i just couldn't. its like my heart has given up. i looked up to the others as i watched Daryl carrying Beth towards Maggie and the others that had joined us. but i ignored it, i went straight towards the walkers that were making their way through the fence behind them. i moved out of ricks grip not taking notice of any cry's and sad faces i pushed passed, i unsheathed my katana and began hacking at the walkers, i had taken down about 5 or so when i started hearing rick and Daryl calling my, but its like i couldn't hear them, like they weren't there i just kept going, i ran through cutting some head and legs on the way passed, till it was me standing in a corner with walkers surrounding me.

i counted in my head eyein up each walker, 10? it was kinda hard to tell when they were coming at me but its like i stopped caring at that point. i go to charge into them taking out 4...5...6 it got to the last 3 and i see 2 go down i turn to see rick holding up his gun with a silencer, i grit my teeth and had a low growl to it, i run towards the last walker holding my katana in the air i launch at it only to watch it almost in slow motion go down in front of my, i look at its now lifeless corpse on the floor and arrow in its head. i frown, growling slightly i turn towards Daryl just as hes putting down his bow i huff and walk away ignoring everyone's calls.

i kept walking hearing the others following slowly behind me, i stayed silent the entire way back to the church not listening to any of them.

that night i heard something about bob going out and that he hadn't comeback yet, i honestly couldn't be bothered going out trying to find him, hes probably dead anyway, so to me what was the point.

Carl seemed the most disappointed in me that i said i didn't want to go. i was quite surprised that he actually came back, but of course i knew it, he was bite, he was done for. yep bob died and yet another thing i predicted happened. bob had warned us, terminus is back, i really didn't want to deal with them either. screw this i'm out of here.

"going on a hunt see ya"

i don't know if anyone tried to argue at the fact that i had gone, i wasn't sure i had left so quickly that they didn't even get a chance. once i was out the door i figured Daryl would try and find me so i bolted, i ran as fast as i could slicing parts of the tree so i knew my way back so even id=f someone did try and follow it would take them a while. i don't think i realized how far i had run but i stopped on a road when i was out of breath and made my way down it till eventually i branched of back inside of the woods near by.

i saw moment next to me i swung round still staying quite and holding up my crossbow, but dropped it almost instantly, i tear slid down the side of my face and i crashed to my knees. in front of me stood a little girl only about 5 or 6 years old, a walker. A teddy bear still in her hand probably molded to her torn skin. in a way she wasn't threatening i mean she was trapped trying to come towards me, i wondered that if she were free whether id be able to just kill her or whether she would have got to me because i froze. i don't know what it was the fact that this little girl was, pure blonde and had her innocence taken away from her by becoming one of those thing or the fact that she used to look after the children but this little girl reminded me of Beth.

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