Chapter 2- My Hero?

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I opened my eyes slightly still in a bit of a daze, realizing I'm in a car, I instantly feel nauseous darting my eyes back and forth even if my eyes are still blurry. Once my eyes started to adjust i see two people in the front seats I can't see their faces as their looking away from from me then I hear a voice next to me "Oh your awake!" I roll my head over noticing I'm using this persons legs as a cushion I jump up pushing my self onto the side of the car as far away as I could get from the people, walking my head on the window in the process. "woah woah, its okay don't worry, we aren't gunna hurt you" I noticed it was a boy around 14, maybe 15 at most. He goes to reach for me but I flinch and try and move back even though I can't.

I hear the man up front driving shout back "Carl you okay back there?" i jolt at his sudden rough voice crashing through my ears as if I hadn't heard a real voice in so long. "I'm fine dad, she's awake" I look at the people in the front and the other passenger looks back to me a lady with dark black hair with a band across her head and a sword across her lap that she was cleaning blood off of. My eyes widened at the sight of it. my head was spinning so many questions that i already had and these people are just making me question all the more. I start to feel myself become dizzy and I knew what was coming the boy I knew to be Carl now looked at me "Hey, you okay?" I avert my gaze from his "I think I'm gunna be sick" with that the man driving stopped the car and I ran out to the bank on the other side of the road and threw up. bending over, i looked up a little and though to myself i could run right now, but I'm so tired, sick, hungry, thirsty theres no way id make it away from them, not even enough strength to fight my way out.

I feel a tap on my shoulder making me jump, i turned hesitantly seeing it was the lady from before handing my a small cloth "here"i looked at her questioningly, taking a small sniff at the cloth as if i was some sort of animal being given a foreign object, but it seemed fine to me. I accepted and thanked her, standing i turned on the spot to face the three people. i eyed them up and down properly this time. i was uncomfortable around them, they all had some sort of weapon with them, even the kid? i was defiantly in some kind of apocalypse. The driver spoke sternly "How many walkers you killed?!" i looked at him confused and assuming he meant those, things. "I-I don't know". He arched a brow at me "You don't know?" i shook my head "N-none i guess, I-I only woke up a few hours ago".

"Woke up?" the younger one asked me and I nodded avoiding his gaze not really wanting to explain my situation to random strangers. "Guess you haven't killed any humans either then, or even have a group?" I shook my head to him shaking it slightly again hearing him sigh at that. "My names Rick, this er'es my son Carl and Michonne" he went to take a step forward making me move back. I herd the sound of an engine stop next to us a man with toned muscles, longish hair and ruggedly handsome face stepped of the bike and walked towards the group "Rick what're doin' we needa get back". He turned to look at me and obvious realisation on his face. I then noticed I was staring at him and moved my gaze back to the floor. 

"This here's Daryl hes the one that pulled you out of the trunk and thought we better bring ya back to the camp take care of ya if we can. We thought you were dead when we found ya, your lucky we got there in time." I looked up again to the man now known as Daryl, a small luckily unnoticeable blush crept over my face "T-thank you" he scoffed "ah, t'wernt nothin' " I frowned a bit at that, man this guy seemed like kinda an ass. i heard a stone hit and turned seeing that Rick had moved a lot closer to me making me go to step back again, I felt my foot his the edge of a small rock I slipped slightly seeing the look on Ricks face as he went to grab my arm, he missed and I almost fell into the ditch but was luckily caught by strong arms. Shining blue eyes looking down to me "ya alrite?" I don't know why but with this guy I defiantly feel safe, even if he was a stupid ass red neck.

I stood up straight still staring into his eyes someone coughed, assuming it was rick, making me come back to the horrible real world. "Anyway we should go, sundowns soon don't wanna be outside the gate then". The others nodded and went to walk back to their vehicles I put my head down and spoke silently but enough for them to hear "Um sorry I cant, umm". Carl turned to look at me "You cant what? You have to come with us! you'll die out here on you own" I looked down twiddling my thumbs "no that's not I mean, - I cant get in the car- I -I'm not good with a lot of people in small spaces" Rick looked over to Daryl and nodded to him, hearing a angry grunt from Daryl. 

"That's fine, you can ride with Daryl" I looked over and got a little teary eyed, why are these people trying to help me exactly I have no use really. "well girly, ya comin or what" i slowly walked over to the bike and got a little excited, i haven't ride on a bike before, or maybe i have i don't know. I contained myself, I'm ridding on back with Daryl. I pushed the thought back remembering that they are strangers i cant get too close.I sat on back not knowing really what to do "Hold on" I grabbed the back of his jacket a little probably not enough to keep me on the bike but i was nervous i hear Daryl sigh and grab my hands moving them to wrap around his waist "Don't be shy and hold on tight girly" with that Daryl revved up his bike and lead the way with rick following. 

We didnt ride for very long and i had tightened my grip not wanting to fall of my head buried in Daryl's back inhaling the smell of dirt, smoke and just Daryl which smelt amazing which i found kinda weird since i doubt anyone has showered in a while but it was Daryl. i became so entranced with him that i didn't realize that we had stopped and Daryl was trying to talk to me "girly...girly... you gunna let go or what?" i frowned without meaning to really and looked up to see him smirking at me that smirk though wow, he didn't seem the type to smile but when he does its a rare and amazing sight. i reluctantly let go off him and jumped of the bike to take in the surroundings. we were in a big green area fenced all the way around a gate open at the top leading to what looked like where they were staying i looked up to see a watch tower scanning the fence again i notice a ton of those things pushing at the fences people going along and killing them through the fence. i turned away and followed rick up the hill to the quarters he took me inside and there were a few more people inside. Carl took me round and introduced me to everyone honestly i wasn't really paying attention as i could see Daryl leaning against the wall staring at me i tap Carl on the shoulder and as "he doesn't trust me does he" he looked to where i was staring "oh Daryl, hes not really one for new people but don't worry hell come around we all do" i didn't really get what he meant but looking round i noticed almost everyone in the room was staring at me. rick came into the room and stood with me "alright everyone stop starin' we found her a few miles away passed out in the back of a car i don't think she'll do any harm" i felt someone tug at my vest top it was Carl "uhh excuse me, but what is your name"

"oh right i guess i haven't really said much have i" my voice seemed more normal now o stuttering or looking down i faced everyone head on "my name is Kira, sorry but no last name, honestly i don't remember much of what happened to me out there all i know is i woke up tied to a tree with those things around me" rick interrupted passing me a can of fruit "walkers" i looked at him confused taking the food "walkers?" he nodded "that's what we've been calling them, get bite or die and you become one, kill it by shootin' it in the head, that pretty much all we know about them" i looked down at my fruit can "you kill these 'walkers'?" i asked knowing the answer already i looked up everyone looking around at one another then Daryl spoke "sorry girly, its survival don't like it leave" i interrupted "No! i understand" after i had mingled a bit and ate my food rick showed me a free cell i could use to sleep being so tired from the day i had so much information to take in its like my brain had shut down completely and feel straight to sleep.

hoped you liked it comment, vote just let me know what you think (^'.'^) woo

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