Chapter 31 - Mum?

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Ooooh, what gunna happen guy, well the moment you've been waiting for is right here. hope you enjoy.


"Hey mags..."

"Yeah" I could see the excitement and anticipation in her eyes.

"Sorry looks like... we wont be Baby buddies after all"

"So...your not"

"Nope...guess not" i could feel tears in my eyes and before i knew it mags was hugging me. Why did i feel so disappointed in a way, i mean I'm totally relieved not having to raise a baby at this moment in time, i have enough trouble protecting myself and my friends let alone a baby. But then why am i crying right now, why did i kinda want it to be positive... Wait...

"If I'm not pregnant then what the hell is wrong with me?" i pushed mags back a bit and heard carl coming up the stairs.

"So your not then...Thanks god" i gave carl a glare and he retreated a little bit but tried to cover his tracks.

"I didn't mean it like that... but its hard ya know, looking after judith like this...its harder to do in this kinda situation. but i bet if this was normal it be a lot easier"

"Carl if this was normal then your dad would be looking after judith a lot more then he does. if today was normal id still be leading god knows what kinda life, daryl would have never found me, i would never have met you and i would still be a vir..." i stopped myself and covered it with a cough realising who i was around.

"Anyway, maybe il..." i was cut off with the sound of my door knocking. we all looked at each other strangely, everyone we knew was helping rick in his plan with the walkers, so who the hell wants to talk to me. i walked past carl and down the stairs the others slowly following my, i opened the door and there stood someone i wasn't expecting...Deana. my brows furrowed as i looked down at her,

"What d'ya want?" i was still a bit pissed at her, she obviously knew something about my past and just want letting it go.

"I want to speak with you, may i come in" i didn't say anything just nodded my head toward the living room and followed her in after, i saw mags and carl move into the kitchen, probably trying to ease drop without being to obvious.

Diana stood in the middle of the room, holding a folder in her hands as she fidgeted with it. it was silent, it was getting on my nerves just standing there not saying anything.

"Look if you've got nothin' to say then maybe you should just..."

"I want to show you something." she held the folder out and handed it to me, i walked over and sat on the sofa placing the folder in my lap. i opened it up and found a lot of documents and random pieces of paper.

"What is this?"

"That... is you mothers research"

"Her what?"

"You see i haven't been completely honest with you... your mother and i we were good friends i would say we were close but we exchanged plesentrys and sorts. Your mother was a scientist, when she left this was all the papers that were left behind. i didn't understand what your mother was doing but after finding what was in the basement and reading through the research it was all pacing together. She knew about the roamers before they really came about, i don't know how or why but it seemed like she was investigating something with them." i stayed quite i knew what she was trying to find but theres no way I'm sharing it with her.

"thanks, you can go now" i didn't look at her i kept my eyes on the papers passion each one through my hand.

"Oh um but I..."

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