Chapter 20- My Fault?!

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Hey guys, so with this chapter i couldn't remember a whole lot of this part of the series but i could remember main parts, im not sure if its in their right order but i figure things would change a bit with kira in it anyway so i hope you enjoy :)

"...i'm getting Beth back"

those were the last word i said to Mags and everyone before i left.

"why the hell did i say that" i said hanging my head while me, Daryl and for some reason carol had been walking up this damned path for what seemed like days even though it was probably just a few hours.

"Because your determined to find her" carol said not even bothering to look back at me.

"coz i'm the one that let her get caught, i'm putting everyone through shit"

"this world is the one that has changed us not you" this time she had stopped to look at me i didn't look up until i heard Daryl join in "shes right, you aint done nothin' wrong darlin'" i gave Daryl this look as if to say don't agree with carol or il kill you, make him walk off and continue trying to track. i heaved a heavy sigh hearing those all to familiar moans and groans next to me, i pulled out my katana and sliced at the lone walker without even looking, i took a clothe michonne had given me out of my pocket and cleaned my sword.

"its getting to that point now huh? its like we have all give up caring about the walkers around us and are just living"

"its the life we lead now kira, we have to live with it, finding people like us to help us survive"

"that the part i'm the most terrified of"

"whats that?" i had walked up to the side of carol at this point, at gave her a side glance "the humans left in this world have gone through the same as us, maybe worse, that affects people, they can become crazy like at terminus. people want to survive even if it means killing us to reach the top." i walked ahead of carol "don't trust so easily, anyone of us can turn one day." i looked back at carol seeing Daryl had walked to her side "and i don't mean turn into a walker".

it seemed carol had given up trying to argue with me and we all slowly walked up the road in silence. we found a car at the side of the road and raided it best we could. 

"hey the keys are still here, and there's some gas still init" i shouted to the other two Daryl walked over to the drivers seat where i had perched myself "well lets see if this baby runs huh peahes" i nodded to him in agreement but just as i was about to turn the ignition i hear a car coming up the road. we all ducked down watching as it passed us. when i heard that it had gotten some distance i looked up through the windscreen and saw it. The white cross on the back of the car "Daryl..."

"i know peaches, carol in, peaches move over " i scooted to the passenger seat letting Daryl in and carol got into the back and we followed the car, keeping as much distance as we could without being seen.


we had arrived into a city, it seemed abandoned but it obviously was where these people were keeping beth. we parked the car away from the city so as not to be seen and snuck in. we went through, building to building when we heard walkers, they had trapped us on a bridge leading into the city "crap" i mumbled i watched as Daryl ran for a van that was near by, me and carol followed, daryl and carol sat in the front while i took down walkers trying to get in the back, but what we didn't notice is that the van was hanging slightly of the edge of the bridge. 


"com'on whats the plan ya'll"

i heard Daryl chuckle "well ya not gunna like it peaches"

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