Chapter 24- Not Again

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I am soooo sorry for leaving it so long but i was struggling so much with finding the time to do this and had major writers block but i'm back for now and hopefully will get back into it. thank you so much for those who voted which part of the story they wanted to see it helped a lot.

i heard slamming in the middle of the night, and obviously Daryl heard it too as he bolted up and looked over the side down at our little group i couldn't believe what i was seeing. rick, Glenn, michonne, mags almost everyone was trying their best to keep the stable doors up as 10s or 20s of walkers tried pushing their way in. no we cant leave, not yet we just go here.

my head started thumping, i knew this feeling, it happened before, back in the prision. i collapsed from helping the other not able to hold myself up when the images started entering my head.

i saw a small girl looked no more then 10 years old, she spoke shakily "what is this, whats happening... where's kana? daddy where's kana?" the girl walks down the stairs and i follow slowly behind her. why is this so familiar to me. the girls face is dark, i cant see who she is, do i know her? and why do i know kana?

"D-daddy!" i here her shout from a near by room i run into the room seeing its a kitchen her, im assuming, father standing with his back to us shaking. i hear that all to familiar groan and notice hes one of them. i see the girl move forward and i go to pull her back only for my hand to go straight through her "what the hell? Hey don't go near him, are you listening to me"

the girl obviously ignored me but i saw a tall woman in a long white coat and light blonde hair grab her and drag her down into the basement. the girls father followed them chasing them groaning, they make it down the basement stairs almost getting trampled by the falling fathers body as he tripped. the woman runs to the back corner of the basement pulling a sheet of the wall revealing a door. i noticed the walker was getting up i switched between looking at the girl and the woman back to the walkers as the woman fiddled with her keys trying to unlock the door.

"mommy whats wrong with daddy"

"don't worry sweetie, it'll be okay"

the walker was only inches from them as she manged to open the door but it was too late. the girl was bitten but her mother punched the walker injuring her hand but pulling them both into the room and slamming the door shut. a relived sigh escaped me. when all of a sudden i wasn't with the walker anymore but in the room with the mother and daughter.

i looked around at the room i was in, it was pure white, cupboards full of bottle kinda looked like medication or chemicals. seeing on each of the sides burners and different types of scientific equipment. "shes a scientist?"

"honey i'm so sorry i didn't get to you in time"

"m-mommy, why are you crying?where's Kana?" the mother ignored the little girl taking her attention to the cupboards she came straight for me i flinched but she walked straight through. "kay now i know im dreamin'"

i looked up to the girl still not seeing her face clearly it was bothering me, why would i dream about a random family like this, somethings not right its too familiar who the hell are these people. i was cut from my thoughts hearing slamming on the door.

"mommy you left daddy out"

"hes fine sweetie now lets look at that bite"

i watched as the mother examined the girls bite, it seemed pretty bad. she reached over and got a syringe she had gotten from the draws earlier. she injected it into the girls arm and watched intently. i cocked my head confused on what she had done when i felt a small pain within my arm "oww" i looked down at the hand i had used to grab my arm and saw blood i panicked looking at my arm i see a bite similar to the one the girl had but it was very slowly healing.

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