Chapter 32- Kira?

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Hey guys, i know its been a while but you know. Life haha anyways its a bit shorter then the others but i hope you enjoy it all the same :)

"You got bit" i turned and rick was aiming his gun... directly at me? I chuckled lightly and walked to him lowering his shaky gun.

"Rick, immune remember. i know you don't wanna kill me anyway"

"Your right i don't, but if i had to..."

"I know" i smiled to him and he ruffled my hair taking me further into the house.

"who else is here?" i asked him leaning against the hallway wall.

"Carl, Micchone, Judith and Gabriel. we were just heading out to go and get Jessie and her boys. that is till i saw you get taken down like that. That wasn't like you at all"

"Well you know me...always the reckless one huh?"

"No, you have always been careful. you would have seen that walker a mile off, what changed" i looked at rick he had a stern but sympathetic look about him.

"I don't know. i guess i just been a bit...distracted with stuff today. anyway we can talk about this when we are all safe, right now we need to get somewhere safe."

"right, il go get the other's, you should come with us. Find the other's" I shook my head going through some of the cupboards trying to find any type of supplies to chuck in my bag just incase i get held up somewhere. "Nah, I'm good. you guys find somewhere safe. I'm gunna try find some of the other's. there are people here still defenceless. someones gotta help them. eve if its someone like me"

"Kira, you better come back. Alive!"

"its the only way i can come back rick. if i die then I'm gone for good as far as i know. anyways il meet you back at the med unit alright."

"What are you gunna do?" i turned back over my shoulder smirking to rick placing the katana over my shoulder.

"Im going huntin'" i pushed open the back door and began running staying out of sight of the walkers and killing of strays that wouldn't be noticed. i managed to get to an edge of the town by the fences, "MAGGIE!" i turned towards the yell that was a little in front of me and saw it was glenn getting surrounded by walkers. i run over as quick as i can, tripping and twisting my ankle in the process but adrenalin just pushing me back up and standing with him.

i looked up glenn next to me and slowly being incase by way too many walkers for us to take out, especially with glenn without any weapons. I stood up front of the herd of walkers, swinging and thrusting my sword trying to take out as many as i could, i looked to the side to see how glenn was doing and noticed that he was just about to get bit. I ran over standing in the way of the bite as it missed slightly dragging its teeth down my back but not fully connecting.

"Woah Kira you okay?"

"Fine, we need too..." before i could finish my sentence i heard the shots of a machine gun i closed my eyes tightly still slightly leaning over glenn. I only opened my eyes after the gun shots and a sigh of relief from glenn. i turned back and noticed all of the walkers close to me on the ground finally not moving. Glenn ran over to what looked like Maggie having from the watch platform and pulled her down to safety, i felt relief and went to join them only to stop at a pain in my chest. my hand automatically gripped it falling back and sliding down the metal fence panel feeling the cold steel on the bottom of my back.

I looked up just enough to see Abraham shooting from the top of a van, Daryl climbing up the side with a Rocket launcher?! where did he?! i smirked thinking one daryl doing something incredibly stupid just to get a rocket launcher, although he did look bad ass with it. i watched at he shot the rocket straight into the river lighting it up in flames. i was confused at first as to why the water lit up so quickly but just assumed they had tainted it with something more flammable.

Thats right daryl was a genius all the walkers started to ignore everything else around them and stated heading to the raging fire in the middle of town. My hand gripped tighter as another shooting pain came through in my chest 'the hell?' i looked down and saw a large amount of blood seeping through my top, it seemed like abraham may have gotten me along with those walkers. i looked at the wound moving my top out of the way and felt bile in my throat from the look of black fluid mixed with blood and a bullet wound. "Damn it!" i shouted instantly regretting it as i coughed up black and red goo from my throat.

"Kira?...KIRA!?" i could hear a voice seeing blurs of figure coming towards me, my breathing was becoming difficult, i could barley hear myself wheezing let alone the voices coming towards me, some of which felt so familiar but my head was just not putting them to a face. why am i not understanding the people around me, this one holding me is that...D...D...what was his name again... i can't...

Bright lighting, Pain, Screaming. these are the thing i woke up to on my first day on earth as does every child. surely in a way it is also how i should be reborn. today was that day, i felt reborn, i felt the pain of the bright lights hitting my eyes as i hazily opened them staring at a white ceiling hearing people around me screaming... "Kira...Kira...are you awake? hey..."

'Kira...Is that me? is that my name?' my eyes were finally fully open as i saw a chubby alone girl in glasses looking down on my with a torch in my eye. "Woah hey there watch were you putting that thing. almost too my eye out!" the awake me...was pissed.

"Woah kira calm down i was just checking your..."

"You aint checkin' nothin'." i stared sternly at the woman as she back away from me putting her hands up in a defensive movement. i felt a strong hand holding on to my first instantly turning around i saw and attractive dirt looking man with long hair covering some of his face, he looked like he hadn't showered in weeks maybe months. i pulled my hand away from him yelling "Watch who your touching there buddy. i aint no baby doll!" i went to stand and find and exit to the room I'm in only to be pushed back onto the bed, not harshly but just as if i was being guided.

"Kira, Calm down. their just trying to help you" i looked up at the southern like droll smirked towards him, he was defiantly attractive swell but more of the obvious type of attractive and less like the guy holding my wrist earlier who was more of a subtle attractiveness. "Wanna to take your hand of my chest there old man!" i pushed his hand off me and looked around the room realising that they are all staring at me.

"Look i don't know what shit ya'll are into, but i aint one for the hobo look so il be goin'" i went to stand again only to be pushed down by the same man. "You got a fetish on pushin' younger girls or somthin'! seriously" i grabbed his wrist and pinned it behind his back, he seemed shocked as did everyone around me when i pulled up and scalpel and held it to his neck.

"One move, i dare you" my eye's scowled across the room, i didn't recognise anyone, the man held in my arms? No. The man who held my wrist? No the couple in the corner staring at me with those worried eye's? Nope, nothing. My eye's wandered to a room that was off in the corner, i saw the bottom half of a bed and a lump under the covers looking like a person. I started to move backwards into the room, not seeing any other exit near me, i kept staring them down making sure not to take my eye's off of them i reached the door and went to pull back on the guy when he spoke. "Kira, what are you doin'?"

"Kira!Kira!Kira! why do you keep calling me that! what the hell! my name name is..."

i became wide eye'd when i realised i didn't know the answer to that myself, maybe i was Kira. "I-It doesn't matter, just... Back off!" i shouted pushing the guy in my arms off of me and shutting the door locking it behind him. I slammed my back on the door instantly feeling a shooting pain in my shoulder and across my chest. i looked down under my top and saw that my shoulder was bandaged, why? what happened to me? who are these people? and how the hell did i managed to twist that guys arm so easily without even hesitating? instinct? No, its seem like I've done this before, but when, where?

Why cant i find any answer's...who the hell am i?


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thanks for reading, see you in the next chapter.

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