Chapter 14- Shorty!

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Okay so this is a kinda short one but I've split it up because the next chapter will have Lemon in it, i separated it so people who didn't want to read that part can just skip it so enjoy!!

"its so hoooooottttt!!!" i moaned to the rest of the group, "you said it girl" Glenn snapped his fingers at me making me laugh and a pain shot through my chest "fuck!" i lent down in pain Daryl shot to my side "what wrong?" i looked up at the panicked look in his face "s'alrite probably just too dehydrated or somthin'" Daryl nodded helping me up i moved a bit further ahead to catch up with Carl, haven't really spoken to him in a while. "carrrrlllll!!! wait up" i whined trudgin behind his large, fast strides but he slowed to allow me to walk by his side "seriously cant believe how big you've gotten id think you were 18 or somthin'" he chuckled lighlty blushing "I'm not big your just tiny" he laughed properly this time at my angry face glaring at him "what was that! i ain't short! I'm about 5.5" or so" i felt an arm come down and lean on my head "sup shorty!" it was rick "i ain't short!" they both started laughing picking on me about how im shorter then them "Carl your not that much taller then kira, gotta be 5.6" at least" rick suggested "yeah but at least I've still got growing time kiras stuck like that"

"true i mean I'm taller then her and I'm about 5.10""

"so Daryl must be about that too right? you guys aren't far off the same height" i turned walking backwards to look at Daryl and rick walking beside each other, rick had slowed to walk with Daryl and i actually saw both of them smile! i mean an actual full blown smile it made me get a warm feeling I'm my chest looking at the entire group we were all back together mingling as if everything was okay again. "we've lost a lot" i turned my head a bit to see Carl walking back wards with me i nodded smiling "yeah but look at us, its like all of that has just made us stronger" we turned facing forwards again and i froze. "omg" a huge smile came over my face, finally we had found a small village. we kept walking, our pace quickening a bit to get and find a place to rest faster.

"this is beautiful" i look at my surroundings "you know what this means right guys" they all looked over at me a bit confused, "a place to rest?" Maggie suggested

"well duh, but i mean coz its only a small village their probably wont be that many walkers about, its one of those places were everyone knows everyone ya know"

again i get that look as if im talking gibberish i sigh "Daryl you get it right" i turn to Daryl noticing he was looking at somethin' not really payin' attention, he looked like he was thinkin' but what for. "Daryl?" i moved closer to him he just turn slowly smirking "day 5 still ain't it peaches?"

my whole face just turned beat red as i nod then hearing Carl behind me "day 5 of what?" i jolt, a shiver down my spine "damn it Carl don't sneak up like that!" i move to face him. he snickers to himself then repeats " 5 of what?" he looked kinda concerned and interested at the same time but i wasn't about to tell him what it meant but Daryl didn't seem to care "today i get ta..." i slam my hand over his mouth lookin' down blushing again i give Daryl a 'shut up or ill kill you' look and he jus laughed and kept moving. i turned back to Carl noticing he was still waiting for an answer "oh umm... it just day 5 of..." i noticed some of the others were looking at me "umm... just means we... cant eat this any more" i pulled a squirrel from my belt "yep fraid it's gone off bye" i chucked it away laughing nervously. i hear Maggie mumble "nice save Sherlock" i stop and look at every ones faces they didn't really look convinced but left it at that.

we had split up into 2 groups, Glenn went with mags, carol and Tyrees to get supplies while Me, rick, Daryl, Carl and obviously Judith went to find a place we could hold up for the night. we found a cute little cabin near the end of the village, it was 'cute' i guess at least that's what Maggie said when they all got back with supplies. it was a log cabin quite large and sturdy, the door was made out of logs with a big lock on it so we knew it could hold the night up stairs there were 3 bed rooms and a bath room, obviously no water so apart from getting supplies from it, it was kinda useless. first watch was tyrees and carol again , we basically kept to the same sort of routine except me and Daryl weren't up tonight thanks to Carl and mags volunteering instead. it was pretty basic the people who weren't on what had the downstairs rooms and the others rest in the beds up stairs but me and Daryl... we had other plans or at least he did.

"yo peaches" Daryl came over to me as we all sat down eating our dinner "yo Daryl" i said mimicking him and laughing. but my laughing soon stopped when i felt Daryl lean in and whisper to me "after dinner, out back, in  the trailers" that was it he had scarfed down his food and left leaving me speechless in front of everyone.

"hey kira you okay?" rick looked at me with concern in his voice guess he didn't see Daryl speak to me just now but looking at Glenn and Maggie's face they had heard. i nodded quickly "yeah I'm not that hungry, you guys help yourself to my share"

"you sure? we haven't eaten in almost a day" rick watched me as i stood up moving out the back door waving bye "yeah its fine, by the way me and Daryl found a trailer out back so were umm... gunna stay there, k bye" before any of them could comment i ran out the back door and straight to the trailer. i put my hand on the handle and gulped loudly, my stomach was doing turns, my face was heated up, well my whole body was heated just thinking about what was gunna happen when i got through the doors. 

'okay i need to calm down, i mean yeah its my first time and its probably gunna hurt, alot. oh man what am i gunna do I've been wanting this for so long but im just so scared, i mean I'm a 30 year old virgin! how the hell does that even happen i should be settled down with a few kids by now with a house and a job and a husband even a dog or somthin'. wait husband?... Daryl' instantly my nerves started to lower 'of course I'm gunna be with Daryl' i took a deep breath of fresh air, it actually smelt nice in this area not like rotting corpses, and pulled the handle down walking in.

"was wondering how long you were gunna stand there" i looked up to see Daryl holding a bottle of wine and i smiled, 'wait wine?'

"where the held you get that?"

"remember when we went on that run with the white van and got a ton of pillows and blankets for everyone" i nodded i remember seeing Daryl putting somethin' in his bag but not seeing what it was 

"i knew you kept somthin' ta yarself"

"nuh ah peaches i kept it for this, ya know, romance and all that" he handed me an empty glass, just a normal glass nothing fancy like a champagne glass or anything and began filling my cup. 

"where's yours?"

"only had one, just drink from the bottle"

"Daryl Dixon you are just so romantic"

"ain't i just" i smiled pecking his lips and looking around the cabin, i down the glass of wine quickly, not really enjoying the taste, never was much of a wine person but i savoured the taste knowing i weren't getting that again for a while.

"easy girl, don't want you drunk now" he chuckled but soon stopped hearing me sob. Daryl put his bottle down on the table and wrapped his arms around me. "darlin' ya know we don't have to"

"it...its not that, its just kinda stupid don't you think, 30 years old and still a virgin"

"that ain't stupid, like you said we've been in an Apocalypse for 5 of those"

"but that still mean 25 years old and a virgin, honestly i went on a ton of dates from the ages of 18-23, only a few of them even got close but after everything that happened with my dad id get scared and push them away"

"i ain't going any where peaches"



hey guys,

so i thought id warm you again that the next chapter will be very graphic as it is a lemon but you can skip that chapter and still follow the story line if you dont want to read it

hope your enjoying this, i really like writing it so let me know what you think please

coment and vote aswell please!! <(^.^)>

The Girl From The Woods (Daryl Dixon x OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora