Chapter 34- Who is He?

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So it has been such a long time i know but i actually managed to get a job which now takes up most of my time not to mention family, friends and now a boyfriend have been taking up the rest of it but I've decided that i want to continue this and am working my way back into it. so sorry to those who have been waiting for this but here it is, enjoy :P x

i had seen all the movies read all the comic so does this mean...i'm turning? i pulled my arm out of daryl grip as we finally entered the house, i notice him turn back to me urgently trying to grab my arm to get us out of their quickly but i could only look down at me arms seeing the blood trickling down, seeing it suddenly start to become black.

"Your Fine" i heard his rough voice say to me for down the hall, i looked up to him obviously confused on how he could say that "But i..." i got to argue only for him to shake his head and head towards the front of the house "I said your fine". for some reason even not knowing this guy i felt like what ever he said to me was some how true. i followed him reluctantly to the front of the house watching as he searched through draws and cupboards probably trying to find anything that can help us. he managed to chuck a few bottles of water and a bit of food into his bag. he stood at the front door and opened it slowly, i set my eye's straight on the motor bike in front of us, there's walkers ahead but I'm small enough to dodge through them and daryl big enough to stab his way through. i mean i could probably take a few out but i don't really want to risk myself for this crap.

Daryl made a movement out of the door ducking down slightly, i groaned a little as he made a gesture for me to follow. i looked next to the door and noticed an umbrella in a stand, smiling down at it i lifted it up. i walked out infant of the house onto the porch, pulling open the umbrella running and jumping over the porch side and charging through the walkers them hitting and bouncing off the umbrella. i kinda knew a clearing toward the bike in my head so i just charged without really thinking. behind me i heard a grumble from daryl obviously annoyed at my sudden movement but hearing his footsteps behind me i continued. running through hitting as many walkers out of my way as possible. i could see i was much closer to the bike now i could feel my heart pounding, adrenalin running through me and i pushed that last walker in my path out of my way.

i had finally made it to the bike grabbing the handle i go to swing my leg over it only to feel myself being pulled back off the seat. "The hell you think your doing?!" daryl growled at me as i continued to try and hop onto the bike, "Get off! i need outta here!"

"You aint going anywhere with a closed gate peaches" i stopped struggle in his grip and saw that he was right the gate was in fact shut most of the damaged fences was taken up by walkers so there was no way through them either. "Well open it then so we can get out of here already!". Daryl looked like he was going to argue with me but after hearing those groan coming closer he tsk's and pulls me with him to open the gate. clearly not trusting me on the bike by myself, not that i blame him. daryl struggled but managed to pull the gate just enough to get the bike through we ran back and hopped on, this time daryl taking the seat before me forcing me to sit behind him.

"Hold on tight" i heard him shout, i gently reach forward holding the back of his jacket slightly. i blush at the though of having to wrap my arms around hi so thought this would be enough. "Peaches..." i felt daryl pull both my arms around his waist while whispering a "don't be shy". my eyes widened at the thought that it sounded so familiar like a dejavu or something. wait wasn't that...

' My names rick, this er'es my son carl and micchone"

rick? that guy from before?i knew him and the kid? i jolt at the sound of a bike pulling up, my eyes widened at the sight of daryl jumping off it and walking towards me "We need get back" his voice is changing? who is that voice?

"K? K, wait, aren't you coming back with us" wait isn't that one of the girls as well, what was her name again? Meg? Mag? why do i feel like I've disappointed her some how? "i'm not ready to go back, Cant face everyone as a failure".

what did i mean by that? i mean look at me i can kick some serious walker ass, I'm pretty bad ass. I see myself running around what looked like an old person taking out walkers pushing against a fence. "what am i doing this for?" i see myself take out the last walker, pulling out arrows from the others and walking over to the fence and on the other side, Daryl? "Thanks but i had it"

"Not from where i was standing peaches...Peaches...Peaches" what is this its like i can see so many thing I've been through... Peaches? why does that name hit me so hard, me and daryl, what are we exactly?


my eyes opened all of a sudden and i felt my self still on the bike, still holding around daryl waist. i jumped slightly moving away from him only to fall straight of the bike and onto the floor. "Ow, damn it"

"Come on" i saw daryl hold out a hand to me and help me up. he started walking into this small wooden hut. it didn't seem like anyone had been using it, which seemed strange to me, it was a nice hut, familiar in a way. i walked in behind daryl and shut the door behind me. "What is this place?"

"This was your home for a while" i stared at him blankly, confused but soon remembered some of the things I had thought about on the way here.

"Thank You" i blurted out without really thinking. "What're talkin' about?"

"Uhh well...before, your the one that saved me before right, before i had even really met any of you. i was a stranger to you and it seemed like you saved me but...why?"

I noticed daryl didn't turn to look at me for a moment but i could tell he was thinking, "So you got your memories back?"

"Not exactly, just remembered being on a bike like that with you before, kinda like dejavu except i remembered a little"

"Right" Daryl chucked some of his things on the floor and laid back on the bed. i felt my face scrunch up a bit ticked of at him, i walked over kicking his shin slightly "Hey, you didn't answer my question, why. did. you. save. me?"

daryl sat back up rubbing the spot of his leg i had kicked even though i know it couldn't of hurt him at all. "I know a hunter when i see one" i looked at daryl confused 'Hunter?' what did he mean by that?

"I got a question, why did you make me train you when its obvious you knew what you were doin'?"

"What are you talking about, i don't know how ta..."

"Bull shit peaches, i saw the moves you had back at the doc's room. you managed to move you way around and get around everyone way too easy to be anything i taught ya. so why didn't you tell us?"

my brows furrowed i kinda had an idea of what daryl meant, it was true I've been able to move about like crazy since day 1 but why was that? and why would the old me be so reluctant to share it with them? just who or what the hell am i?

"I-I dont know..."

science fell to the cabin and my arm slung down dropping everything i had with me, i felt like i wanted to give up just there, I've never really known who i was, which of these me's is the real one? is it me now? why is there so many un answered questions in my life?

"Enough talkin' lets get some sleep alrite?" Daryl motioned for me to join him on the bed, i felt like pulling away from him at first but then thought whats the point really and decided to lay next to him. i laid with my back facing him that night, every movement he made or breath he took i could just feel my body tense up. i kept telling my self he wont do anything i need to sleep but i just couldn't do it. i suddenly felt a large arm come over my side and hang over my waist pulling me a little closer to him. "Peaches, stop being so tense and sleep already" i felt his gravely voice whisper in to my ear sending a small shiver down my spine but somehow actually making me relax, the feel of his hand slowly stroking my hip, the feel of his breath on my neck, his body pressed against mine and that weirdly attractive dirty smell all those things managed to put me at ease enough for me to eventually relax and drift to sleep.

hopefully thats enough for now and il work on some more as soon as i make the time for it. don't forget to vote and comment what you think or any idea you may have for the future id be happy to hear about too, see you in the next chapter ;)

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